
Issue 100: Since Commit 1101 it hangs

Reported by Marcos Mejia, Jul 5, 2011

since commit 1101 it hangs prior to show the GUI. 
you can see the attachment for picture. or here

Comment 1 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 5, 2011

In IRC you mentioned that it was 1097.

Please double check and include a copy of your boot plist as well as 
os version / hardware info.

Comment 2 by Marcos Mejia, Jul 5, 2011

ok i double checked and rechecked. since 1099 it hangs. (last 
working one is 1098. tried 1115 too with org.chameleon.boot.plist)

my hardware:

GA-EP45-UD3P F10
Intel 2 Quad Q6600
4Gb RAM Corsair Dominator DDR2

Retail installed 10.6.3 with nawcom modusb updated 10.6.8

i attached my

Comment 3 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 6, 2011

Let me know if r1116 hangs.
Owner: meklort

Comment 4 by Marcos Mejia, Jul 6, 2011

yes the 1116 still hangs and 1117 too :S

Comment 5 by Marcos Mejia, Jul 6, 2011

hey !! i tried r1128 and its booting flawlessly again. FIXED.

Comment 6 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 6, 2011

Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 11 days ago by Marcos Mejia

Updated: 13 years 9 days ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: Evan Lojewski

Followed by: 1 person
