
Issue 216: Quadro 570m sub-device id

Reported by Jack Poznak, Jan 30, 2012


The 570m in my laptop get recognized perfectly by the system (10.7) 
with Graphics enabler but no ce.

I've seen that my videocard has got also a Subsystem ID (20D9) and 
Vendor (17AA) and I was wondering if this may cause some troubles.

"Slice", a very kind person of made me 
notice that GraphicsEnabler looks for Subvendor to switch on 

I've also seen in Nvidia.c that some cards have comments like these:

{ 0x10DE06D1, "Tesla C2050" },// TODO: sub-device id: 

{ 0x10DE06D1, "Tesla C2070" },// TODO: sub-device id: 

I wanted to know how to add the subdevice id in the nvidia.c file to 
see if that can solve my problem.

Thank You!

Many thanks!

Comment 1 by Cosmosis Jones, May 8, 2012

i don't see any code that actually tries to process sub-dev ids.

Your id is in there..
Status: Accepted
Owner: mingy

Comment 2 by ErmaC , May 8, 2012

I'm testing this in my next revision...

For now looks like works well!

Fabio (ErmaC)

Comment 3 by Cosmosis Jones, Jul 7, 2012

Owner: ifabio

Comment 4 by ErmaC , Jul 8, 2012

I add this in my branch:
{ 0x10DE040C, 0x17AA20D9, "Lenovo Quadro FX 570M" },

Actually the "new" feature into the nvidia.c code process 
the SubId, but for now just match the the ID from the Generic to 

More work are needed in this way for enable/disable the 
Anyway the "quarts" feature are not related with the 
GraphicsEnabler injector...
Maybe you need to add you DevId into the Kext (Info.plist)

Status: Fixed

Created: 12 years 5 months ago by Jack Poznak

Updated: 12 years 8 days ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: ErmaC

Followed by: 2 persons
