
Issue 238: pls add support for ATI HD 5450 1GB 68E1, subsys 174b3000

Reported by Bugs B, Mar 23, 2012

Hi awesome Voodoo Team! I've already done all the diagnosis accdg. 
to your perfect instructions, so just this one line would need to 
get added to ati.c
86/libsaio/ati.c , and all will be fine :)

{ 0x68E1,␉0x174b3000, CHIP_FAMILY_PARK,␉␉"ATI Radeon HD 

QE/CI, full res. changes, dual monitor DVI/ VGA (span and mirror) 
are already working, just DVD Player is crashing due to generic FB. 
I still attached all info incl. ROM, in case you want to peek ;)

Thank you so much for all your effortless work,

PS: it's this card:

Comment 1 by Cosmosis Jones, Mar 29, 2012

there is no CHIP_FAMILY_PARK defined in ati.c

Comment 2 by Bugs B, Mar 29, 2012

The Park chip (used by Apple themselves) is part of the Manhattan 
chip family, see
lineup-autumn, and also

Thanks for looking into this, Cosmosis Jones, very much appreciated 
:) !!

Comment 3 by Bugs B, Apr 2, 2012

OMG - the entire 'MANHATTAN' chips family (mobile GPUs Park, 
Broadway, Madison) is currently NOT AT ALL LISTED in ati.c and 
therefore NOT supported in Chameleon .. :((

However, my HD 5450 is NOT a mobile but a desktop grfx card. 
Therefore the Park GPU on it can technically be grouped into the 
CEDAR family, as is the 5430M with the same DID 68e1 (but different 
SubSys), and as are two other 5450's (but w. different DIDs).

So, may I for the time being (until 'MANHATTAN' has officially been 
integrated as Family), kindly request the following addition to 

{ 0x68E1,␉0x174b3000, CHIP_FAMILY_CEDAR,␉␉"ATI Radeon HD 

Feel free to let me know if more information (different ioreg than 
the one in the zip, etc.) is needed.

Comment 4 by Bugs B, Apr 6, 2012

Question: does the GPU have a different DID than the grfx card? Or 
is there only ONE DID (GPU DID = gfrx card DID)?

Comment 5 by Bugs B, Apr 7, 2012

Jesus, the two blocks in the Subsystem ID need to be reversed, why 
ever .... -->

{ 0x68e1,␉0x3000174b, CHIP_FAMILY_CEDAR,␉␉"ATI Radeon HD 

(thanks to Vlad for pointing this out)

Comment 6 by machinist, Apr 9, 2012

The "Baboon" FB works better with this "Park" 
chipped card then "Eulemur." "Baboon" tests 
significantly better with openglviewer, cinebench, novabench, and 
other assessment tools. I find it "feels" faster and more 
stable in real world applications, such as writing this.  And ioreg 
seems to report "Baboon" has the same output config as 
"Eulemur."  Have not finished reediting the 
"monkey" fb personalities so each can be tried with this 
5450 "Park," but I can say "Eulemur" performs 
the worst of all so far.  I suspect it's a framebuffer designed for 
mobile platforms, so that's to be expected? 
AMD's software ID's the Park chip as a Mobility series card (in Win7 
and XP), so whether it's in a desktop or not is irrelevant; it's a 
5450M "Park," not "Cedar." 
So, my two cents as an owner of an identical card, please don't 
encode the "wrong" default fb.  (Not that it really 
matters to me, I'll use whatever works best thanks to the override 
"AtiConfig" option.)

Comment 7 by Bugs B, Apr 12, 2012

so yes convinced, all three of us now agree w. machinist (after a 
long try-and-error testing phase):

{ 0x68e1,␉0x3000174b, CHIP_FAMILY_CEDAR,␉␉"ATI Saphire Radeon 
HD 5450",␉␉␉␉kBaboon␉},␊

If you want to look at the result of the testing phase:

The trick (thanks to machinist) is to find the correct PCIRootUID 
value via

ioreg -l | grep -15 "AppleACPIPCI" | grep "_UID"

which will output a # (known values betw. 0 and 4, but higher values 
might appear)

then enter that value into the org.chameleon plist as follows:


remove any EFI strings from device properties

delete extension (if present) AND kernel caches in (Lion) 


Comment 8 by Bugs B, Apr 15, 2012

N O T Baboon!! THIS CARD's FB is EULEMUR - Period !!

reason: Baboon might deliver a couple of fps more on the DVI port, 
BUT disables HDMI on this card!!


{ 0x68e1,␉0x3000174b, CHIP_FAMILY_CEDAR,␉␉"ATI Saphire Radeon 
HD 5450",␉␉␉␉kEulemur␉},␊

this is the very final result!!

Comment 9 by Bugs B, May 4, 2012

Who is able to include

{ 0x68e1,␉0x3000174b, CHIP_FAMILY_CEDAR,␉␉"ATI Saphire Radeon 
HD 5450",␉␉␉␉kEulemur␉},␊

into the the trunk ati.c


Comment 10 by Cosmosis Jones, May 4, 2012

Status: Fixed
Owner: cosmo1t

Created: 12 years 3 months ago by Bugs B

Updated: 12 years 2 months ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: Cosmosis Jones

Followed by: 2 persons
