
Issue 287: Ati Mobility Radeon 5650 not recognized

Reported by Domino, Sep 2, 2012

My Ati's subsys id is 1449103C, which currently isn't incoporated 
into any chameleon branches. I haven't been able to get hardware 
acceleration working because of this. I guess it can be fixed by 
adding the following code to ati.c. I'm still having trouble 
compiling chameleon with Xcode 4.4.1 so I couldn't do this myself. 

{ 0x68C1, 0x1449103C, CHIP_FAMILY_REDWOOD, "ATI Mobility Radeon 
HD 5650", kEulemur },

Comment 1 by Bean Cox, Sep 2, 2012

I don't know what's the matter with u
but I suggest u using the ATY kext for enabling 5650M
because the ATY can make your internal display in 32bit
while graphics enabler with chameleon sticks to 24 or 16 bit

Comment 2 by Cosmosis Jones, Sep 10, 2012

Status: Fixed

Created: 11 years 10 months ago by Domino

Updated: 11 years 10 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 2 persons
