
Issue 30: /Extra handle

Reported by THe KiNG, Aug 14, 2010


Installed latest trunk rev and I got some issue to report:
Case 1:
* boot installed on USB stick with no /Extra on it:
- booting internal hdd disk0s2 with /Extra/Extensions.mkext, 
DSDT.aml, and smbios.plist:
  GUI=no has no effect(GUI still loaded)
  Extensions.mkext loads fine
  smbios.plist does the job

- booting internal hdd disk0s3 with /Extra/DSDT.aml, and smbios.plist:
  GUI=no has no effect(GUI still loaded)
  Extensions.mkext loads from disk0s2!
  smbios.plist loads from disk0s2!

* boot installed on disk0s2:
- booting internal hdd disk0s2 with /Extra/Extensions.mkext, 
DSDT.aml, and smbios.plist:
  GUI=no has effect(GUI dosen't load)
  Extensions.mkext loads fine
  smbios.plist does the job

- booting internal hdd disk0s3 with /Extra/DSDT.aml, and smbios.plist:
  GUI=no has effect(GUI dosen't load)
  Extensions.mkext loads from disk0s2!
  smbios.plist does the job!

Hope it helps.

Comment 1 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 9, 2011

The plist loading algorithm has been updated. let me know if this is 
still an issue.

Comment 2 by Cosmosis Jones, Jul 18, 2011

Labels: Target:2.0
Status: Accepted
Owner: meklort

Comment 3 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 25, 2011

If this is still an issue, please reply and we'll reopen the issue.
Status: WontFix

Created: 13 years 11 months ago by THe KiNG

Updated: 12 years 11 months ago

Status: WontFix

Owner: Evan Lojewski

Followed by: 3 persons
