
Issue 320: Find My Mac - fileNVRAM.dylib

Reported by Adam B, Jan 29, 2013

I found that the last character for the FMM token gets changed in 
the nvram.uuid.plist file after a reboot. 

I'm thinking there's something in the fileNVRAM.dylib that is 
changing this.

Because of this, FMM gets disabled after a reboot.

Any idea what could be causing the issue?


Comment 1 by Cosmosis Jones, Jan 30, 2013

Meklort and i have been looking at this for the last few days. We 
are testing changes and hope to have it fixed within a couple days.
Status: Accepted
Owner: cosmo1t

Comment 2 by Adam B, Jan 30, 2013

Awesome! Thank you so much for all your hard work. It is very much 


Comment 3 by Evan Lojewski, Jan 31, 2013

Status: Fixed

Comment 4 by ErmaC , Jan 31, 2013

I can confirm FMM still active also
with FusionDrive(+Recovery HD) and the FileNVRAM module.


Created: 11 years 5 months ago by Adam B

Updated: 11 years 5 months ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: Cosmosis Jones

Followed by: 2 persons
