
Issue 375: OS X 10.10

Reported by Alex J, Jun 2, 2014

Here is a diff with support for OS X 10.10

Comment 1 by viv xix, Jun 10, 2014

a new patch, kernel can load, but after kext load, auto reboot.

Comment 2 by Henry Wu, Oct 18, 2014

Kernel boots normally without KernelPatcher. (svn 2401)

Comment 3 by zenith432, Oct 20, 2014

Attached is an updated patch to make revision 2402 work with OS 

Comment 4 by ErmaC , Oct 24, 2014

Labels: Priority:Low Type:Enhancement Priority:Medium Type:Defect
Status: Fixed

Created: 10 years 1 month ago by Alex J

Updated: 9 years 8 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 4 persons
