
Issue 66: Distorted Video in Help File

Reported by Ryan McKee, Apr 9, 2011

I seem to have found a bug or video glitch in your branch of 
Chameleon 2 RC5 r750; here is a photo of the issue, taken from my 
iPhone . 
I seem to experience it at the last of the "Help" option 
(scrolled all the way down). The text is all gibberish with lines 
through it in just a band of a section of the help. Also, I noticed 
the Chameleon version and Kernel version no longer show on the 
screen, how can I re-enable them or get them back? I am running a 
triple boot setup with; Mac OS X (Snow Leopard 10.6.7), Microsoft 
Windows 7 (Ultimate Edition), and Linux Mint 9 (Isadora). This is 
all taking place on a MSI Wind U100-420US; 1.6GHz Intel Atom 
Processor N270, Intel GMA950 GPU, 945GSE+ ICH7-M Chipset, upgraded 
RAM to 2GB, upgraded hard disk drive 500GB, Realtek RTL8187SE 
Wireless LAN Adapter (stock), and Sentellic Trackpad (also stock) - 
(my only computer). You can get more system specifics at
Note: I changed the default theme back to the RC4 default theme.

Comment 1 by Evan Lojewski, Apr 15, 2011

Owner: meklort

Comment 2 by Ryan McKee, Apr 16, 2011

I upgraded Xcode and downloaded the Chameleon 2 RC5 r752 and 
recompiled and installed; hopping this would fix the issue. 
Rebooted, and still experienced the same issue! What is causing 
this? Is it just some rouge code found in the help file?

Comment 3 by blackosx, Apr 21, 2011

It's because the line length of one or more of the lines in 
BootHelp.txt is longer than the defined width for the particular 
theme's infobox_width.

So either the BootHelp.txt file has been changed, or the theme 
you're using needs the value in the theme.plist changing.

I fixed it for the Chameleon default theme when I spotted it 
previously. For reference, see

Comment 4 by Evan Lojewski, Apr 21, 2011

Thanks for the info blackosx. I'll fix it in chameleon correctly 
(that is, so that lines that overflow don't cause this issue) when I 
get some time.

Comment 5 by Cosmosis Jones, Jun 2, 2011

Status: Accepted

Comment 6 by Cosmosis Jones, Jul 18, 2011

Labels: Target:2.1

Comment 7 by Evan Lojewski, Aug 16, 2011

Fixed in 1401.
Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 3 months ago by Ryan McKee

Updated: 12 years 11 months ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: Evan Lojewski

Followed by: 2 persons
