
Issue 67: re-enable HDMI audio on SL 10.6.5 or higher

Reported by yehia Amer, Apr 9, 2011

Adding 2 additional lines to the nvidia.c file to re-enable HDMI 
audio on SL 10.6.5 or higher

uint8_t connector_type_1[]= {0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00};
devprop_add_value(device, "@1,connector-type", 
connector_type_1, 4);


Comment 2 by Cosmosis Jones, Jun 2, 2011

Can yo uplease provide a diff file against the current TRUNK.

Then we can apply it.
Status: Accepted
Owner: cosmo1t

Comment 3 by Cosmosis Jones, Jun 9, 2011

Status: Fixed

Comment 4 by Cosmosis Jones, Jun 10, 2011

Status: Accepted

Comment 5 by Cosmosis Jones, Jul 18, 2011

Labels: Type:Enhancement Target:2.1 Type:Defect
Status: Postponed

Comment 6 by Cosmosis Jones, May 8, 2012

will add flag to plist to enable hdmi audio
Status: Accepted

Comment 7 by Cosmosis Jones, May 8, 2012

EnableHDMIAudio/Yes in boot.plist
Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 3 months ago by yehia Amer

Updated: 12 years 2 months ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: Cosmosis Jones
