
Issue 70: ATI Sapphire 4670 compiled with Flicker

Reported by Mike Rutherford, May 13, 2011

since my Sapphire 4670 510MB GDDR4 always went blank (with the 
original boot-File in Chameleon) when booting into Snow Leopard, I 
recompiled ati.c with Flicker.
That always worked until the recent ATI database update.

Either my card is not in the database properly or I made a mistake.

Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x9490

Details in attachment.

It would be nice to add my card.

Comment 1 by Cosmosis Jones, May 14, 2011

In your boot.plist..

What framebuffer are u supplying. For the current ati stuff, you 
have to use 


Where i have Vervet, you need to replace your framebuffer

Comment 2 by Cosmosis Jones, May 14, 2011

hmm we have

	{ 0x9498,	0x29331682,	CHIP_FAMILY_RV730,		"ATI Radeon HD 
4670",				kNull		},
	{ 0x9498,	0x29341682,	CHIP_FAMILY_RV730,		"ATI Radeon HD 
4670",				kNull		},

in ati.c

Comment 3 by Cosmosis Jones, Jun 2, 2011

{ 0x9490,       0x00000000,     CHIP_FAMILY_RV730,              
"ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series",            kFlicker        },

This exists in ati.c on the trunk. Please test and let us know
Status: Verified
Owner: cosmo1t

Created: 13 years 2 months ago by Mike Rutherford

Updated: 13 years 1 month ago

Status: Verified

Owner: Cosmosis Jones

Followed by: 1 person
