# --------------------------------------------- # Chameleon Optional Settings List. # Add boot options or kernel flags in to these files. #ÊUse one file or many files - it's flexible. # The filename is used as the sub menu heading. # --------------------------------------------- # To add boot option: Structure is name:key=value # example1: InstantMenu:Instant Menu=Yes # example2: DropSSDT:DropSSDT=Yes # --------------------------------------------- # To add kernel flag: Structure is name:KFflag=kernelflag # example1: Npci:KFflag=npci=0x2000 # example2: Verbose:KFflag=-v # --------------------------------------------- # Note: There must be a carriage return at end of last line # --------------------------------------------- Exclusive=False # --------------------------------------------- CSTUsingSystemIO:CSTUsingSystemIO=Yes DropSSDT:DropSSDT=Yes EnableC2State:EnableC2State=Yes EnableC3State:EnableC3State=Yes EnableC4State:EnableC4State=Yes GenerateCStates:GenerateCStates=Yes GeneratePStates:GeneratePStates=Yes