TODO List for Chameleon Boot Loader ==================================== - Update cpu_intel_amd.c - Implement the bundles - Implement a pool allocator, so each module will run and allocate memory in there own pool, de-alloc all allocated memory by the module, will be done simply by destroying the pool - (re-)Implement a watchdog library set (clear the watchdog , can avoid infinite loop made for unknow reasons by the compiler or cpu reset) - Implement a Host like in bits to avoid some return issues - Implement snprintf to avoid buffer overflow in some case - It seems that nvram variables must be set thru efiRuntimeServices->SetVariable(...), then, the /options node is filled by kernel depending on the Runtime Services. If true, this requires a more complete EFI implementation (perhaps in a module, or a kext). - Make an OS X server icon for LoginToLion