The possible info at the moment: Installation: - get the source, compile; find modules at /sym/i386, with .dylib file extension. - create a /Extra/modules folder, copy Symbols.dylib (mandatory) to modules folder, plus any other module you wish to load. - update boot file or reinstall the booter completely, as needed. How to use? - Just check if a key is needed to activate the module you pretend to use. Otherwise modules are loaded at startup by the booter from default location. (check Issues below). ---------------//---------------//--------------- What are modules? - good question! Well, can't add much on the "geek" side... need to study the stuff so i don't start dumping bs. The easy answer is they are like plugins, adding/replacing booter functionality. For instance: the Kernel Patcher (Kptchr) is around for some time, integrated on boot file like any other Chameleon function; with Modules support Kptchr can now live as a module, freeing the space it occupied on boot file (one of module's advantages). Featured modules: - Symbols.dylib: always needed to load other modules! It's the first one to load and no other module will work if this one fails to load. The booter will still perform as usual, if it fails to load. - KernelPatcher.dylib: - "will" need PatchKernel=y to be enabled. Note:*** this is still under consideration/testing so, for now the patcher is enabled by default*** - features cpuid_set, commpage_stuff and lapic_init patches (atm). - as it is, Kptchr allows my Pentium D 925 to boot vanilla kernel, with the help of -legacy flag; to enter x86_64 world i still need to patch the kernel, as the 925 has no Supplemental SSE3 instructions. I assume that, the great majority of the legacy/unsupported processors with at least SSE3 instructions, will benefit of the same treatment! Let's just say that the only patch needed by the 925 on Legacy Mode(*) is cpuid_set! - HelloWorld.dylib: just a notifier (not needed). (*) For those who "missed" the lesson, Legacy Mode is the mode 32 bit only cpu's run on OS X. ---------------//---------------//--------------- Issues: - modules may fail to load, if you have the booter on a separate device/partition and try to load modules from selected volume. Confirmed on MBR/boot0hfs install only. - the Kernel Patcher can stop working due to changes on the kernel code, though that can be "previewed" to some extent. Just so you know what to expect. - this is work in progress; i will add updates as Meklort commits and only if they are in functional state. ---------------//---------------//--------------- Smith@@'s news :D « Sent to: Azimutz on: Fri 03/09/2010 at 05:55:08 » "Hi azi, i've try last chazi with modules, it works like a charm ;)" -------/-/------- Grazie Amico - Azi ---------------//---------------//--------------- Huge thanks fly out to Meklort for this precious work! ---------------//---------------//--------------- Azimutz