---------------// Modules Info //--------------- Installation: - get the source, compile; find modules at /sym/i386, with .dylib file extension. - create an /Extra/modules folder on the volume from were the booter is going to load from, copy Symbols.dylib (mandatory) to modules folder, plus any other module you wish to load. - update boot file or reinstall the booter completely, as needed. Note: GraphicsEnabler, MemDetect & ForceHPET patches are now converted to modules. How to use? - Just check if a key is needed to activate the functionality you pretend to use. Otherwise all modules are loaded at startup from the default location, before the boot prompt. ---------------//---------------//--------------- What are modules? - Modules can be refered as "plugins", adding and/or replacing booter functionality, without touching the "core" of the booter. If you are familiar with e.g. browser plugins (like Firefox's Addons), you know what i'm talking about; they either add completely new functionality or replace/modify existing one; same thing with modules and Chameleon. More info can be found on Meklort's blog and links at the bottom of the page: http://www.meklort.com/ ---------------//---------------//--------------- Featured modules: - Symbols.dylib: first one to load, contains all the symbols found on the booter. All other modules depend on it to load. ---------------//--------------- - KernelPatcher.dylib: - needs key to enable patching: PatchKernel=y at boot prompt or, PatchKernel on Boot.plist. Yes - featured patches: cpuid_set - 32/64 bit ?? commpage_stuff - 32/64 bit lapic_init - 32 bit only. Note on functionality: as it is, Kpatcher allows my Pentium D 925 to load vanilla(*) kernel, with the help of -legacy flag; to enter x86_64 world i still need to patch the kernel sources, as the 925 has no Supplemental SSE3 instructions and there's no patch to fix this on Kpatcher atm. I assume that, the great majority of the legacy/unsupported processors with at least SSE3 instructions, will benefit of the same treatment! Let's just say that the only patch needed by the 925 on Legacy Mode(**) is cpuid_set! Note: Kernel Patcher can stop working due to changes on the kernel code. ---------------//--------------- - GraphicsEnabler.dylib: GraphicsEnabler converted to module. ---------------//--------------- - Memory.dylib: MemDetection converted to module. ---------------//--------------- - HPET.dylib: ForceHPET converted to module. ---------------//--------------- - HelloWorld.dylib: just a notifier (not mandatory). ---------------//---------------//--------------- (*) In this context, "vanilla" means the use of a non pre-patched kernel; what we do here is patch the kernel on the fly, in memory. (**) For those who "missed" the lesson, Legacy Mode is the one 32 bit only cpu's run on OS X. ---------------//---------------//--------------- Issues: - compiling modules under Leo (Dev tools 3.1 (9M2809)) is not possible at the moment. ---------------//---------------//--------------- Some talk here: http://forum.voodooprojects.org/index.php/topic,1556.0.html here: http://forum.voodooprojects.org/index.php/topic,1153.0.html and here: http://forum.voodooprojects.org/index.php/topic,1565.0.html ---------------//---------------//--------------- Thanks fly out to Meklort for this precious and huge work! Azimutz