
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


Source at commit 1322 created 12 years 8 months ago.
By meklort, Add doxygen to utils folder
2 *
3 * $Id: $
4 *
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 by Dimitri van Heesch.
7 *
8 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
9 * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
10 * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
11 * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
12 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
15 * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
16 *
17 */
22#include "docvisitor.h"
24/*! Concrete visitor implementation for pretty printing */
25class PrintDocVisitor : public DocVisitor
27 public:
28 PrintDocVisitor() : DocVisitor(DocVisitor_Other), m_indent(0),
29 m_needsEnter(FALSE), m_insidePre(FALSE) {}
31 //--------------------------------------
33 void visit(DocWord *w)
34 {
35 indent_leaf();
36 printf("%s",w->word().data());
37 }
38 void visit(DocLinkedWord *w)
39 {
40 indent_leaf();
41 printf("%s",w->word().data());
42 }
43 void visit(DocWhiteSpace *w)
44 {
45 indent_leaf();
46 if (m_insidePre)
47 {
48 printf("%s",w->chars().data());
49 }
50 else
51 {
52 printf(" ");
53 }
54 }
55 void visit(DocSymbol *s)
56 {
57 indent_leaf();
58 switch(s->symbol())
59 {
60case DocSymbol::BSlash: printf("\\"); break;
61case DocSymbol::At: printf("@"); break;
62case DocSymbol::Less: printf("<"); break;
63case DocSymbol::Greater: printf(">"); break;
64case DocSymbol::Amp: printf("&"); break;
65case DocSymbol::Dollar: printf("$"); break;
66case DocSymbol::Hash: printf("#"); break;
67case DocSymbol::Percent: printf("%%"); break;
68case DocSymbol::Copy: printf("&copy;"); break;
69case DocSymbol::Apos: printf("'"); break;
70case DocSymbol::Quot: printf("\""); break;
71 case DocSymbol::Lsquo: printf("&lsquo;"); break;
72 case DocSymbol::Rsquo: printf("&rsquo;"); break;
73 case DocSymbol::Ldquo: printf("&ldquo;"); break;
74 case DocSymbol::Rdquo: printf("&rdquo;"); break;
75 case DocSymbol::Ndash: printf("&ndash;"); break;
76 case DocSymbol::Mdash: printf("&mdash;"); break;
77case DocSymbol::Uml: printf("&%cuml;",s->letter()); break;
78case DocSymbol::Acute: printf("&%cacute;",s->letter()); break;
79case DocSymbol::Grave: printf("&%cgrave;",s->letter()); break;
80case DocSymbol::Circ: printf("&%ccirc;",s->letter()); break;
81case DocSymbol::Tilde: printf("&%ctilde;",s->letter()); break;
82case DocSymbol::Szlig: printf("&szlig;"); break;
83case DocSymbol::Cedil: printf("&%ccedul;",s->letter()); break;
84case DocSymbol::Ring: printf("&%cring;",s->letter()); break;
85case DocSymbol::Nbsp: printf("&nbsp;"); break;
86case DocSymbol::Aelig: printf("&aelig;"); break;
87case DocSymbol::AElig: printf("&AElig;"); break;
89 printf("Error: unknown symbol found\n");
90 }
91 }
92 void visit(DocURL *u)
93 {
94 indent_leaf();
95 printf("%s",u->url().data());
96 }
97 void visit(DocLineBreak *)
98 {
99 indent_leaf();
100 printf("<br/>");
101 }
102 void visit(DocHorRuler *)
103 {
104 indent_leaf();
105 printf("<hr>");
106 }
107 void visit(DocStyleChange *s)
108 {
109 indent_leaf();
110 switch (s->style())
111 {
112 case DocStyleChange::Bold:
113 if (s->enable()) printf("<bold>"); else printf("</bold>");
114 break;
115 case DocStyleChange::Italic:
116 if (s->enable()) printf("<italic>"); else printf("</italic>");
117 break;
118 case DocStyleChange::Code:
119 if (s->enable()) printf("<code>"); else printf("</code>");
120 break;
121 case DocStyleChange::Subscript:
122 if (s->enable()) printf("<sub>"); else printf("</sub>");
123 break;
124 case DocStyleChange::Superscript:
125 if (s->enable()) printf("<sup>"); else printf("</sup>");
126 break;
127 case DocStyleChange::Center:
128 if (s->enable()) printf("<center>"); else printf("</center>");
129 break;
130 case DocStyleChange::Small:
131 if (s->enable()) printf("<small>"); else printf("</small>");
132 break;
133 case DocStyleChange::Preformatted:
134 if (s->enable()) printf("<pre>"); else printf("</pre>");
135 break;
136 case DocStyleChange::Div:
137 if (s->enable()) printf("<div>"); else printf("</div>");
138 break;
139 case DocStyleChange::Span:
140 if (s->enable()) printf("<span>"); else printf("</span>");
141 break;
142 }
143 }
144 void visit(DocVerbatim *s)
145 {
146 indent_leaf();
147 switch(s->type())
148 {
149 case DocVerbatim::Code: printf("<code>"); break;
150 case DocVerbatim::Verbatim: printf("<verbatim>"); break;
151 case DocVerbatim::HtmlOnly: printf("<htmlonly>"); break;
152 case DocVerbatim::ManOnly: printf("<manonly>"); break;
153 case DocVerbatim::LatexOnly: printf("<latexonly>"); break;
154 case DocVerbatim::XmlOnly: printf("<xmlonly>"); break;
155 case DocVerbatim::Dot: printf("<dot>"); break;
156 case DocVerbatim::Msc: printf("<msc>"); break;
157 }
158 printf("%s",s->text().data());
159 switch(s->type())
160 {
161 case DocVerbatim::Code: printf("</code>"); break;
162 case DocVerbatim::Verbatim: printf("</verbatim>"); break;
163 case DocVerbatim::HtmlOnly: printf("</htmlonly>"); break;
164 case DocVerbatim::ManOnly: printf("</manonly>"); break;
165 case DocVerbatim::LatexOnly: printf("</latexonly>"); break;
166 case DocVerbatim::XmlOnly: printf("</xmlonly>"); break;
167 case DocVerbatim::Dot: printf("</dot>"); break;
168 case DocVerbatim::Msc: printf("</msc>"); break;
169 }
170 }
171 void visit(DocAnchor *a)
172 {
173 indent_leaf();
174 printf("<anchor name=\"%s\"/>",a->anchor().data());
175 }
176 void visit(DocInclude *inc)
177 {
178 indent_leaf();
179 printf("<include file=\"%s\" type=\"",inc->file().data());
180 switch(inc->type())
181 {
182 case DocInclude::Include: printf("include"); break;
183 case DocInclude::IncWithLines: printf("incwithlines"); break;
184 case DocInclude::DontInclude: printf("dontinclude"); break;
185 case DocInclude::HtmlInclude: printf("htmlinclude"); break;
186 case DocInclude::VerbInclude: printf("verbinclude"); break;
187 }
188 printf("\"/>");
189 }
190 void visit(DocIncOperator *op)
191 {
192 indent_leaf();
193 printf("<incoperator pattern=\"%s\" type=\"",op->pattern().data());
194 switch(op->type())
195 {
196 case DocIncOperator::Line: printf("line"); break;
197 case DocIncOperator::Skip: printf("skip"); break;
198 case DocIncOperator::SkipLine: printf("skipline"); break;
199 case DocIncOperator::Until: printf("until"); break;
200 }
201 printf("\"/>");
202 }
203 void visit(DocFormula *f)
204 {
205 indent_leaf();
206 printf("<formula name=%s test=%s/>",f->name().data(),f->text().data());
207 }
208 void visit(DocIndexEntry *i)
209 {
210 indent_leaf();
211 printf("<indexentry>%s</indexentry\n",i->entry().data());
212 }
213 void visit(DocSimpleSectSep *)
214 {
215 indent_leaf();
216 printf("<simplesectsep/>");
217 }
219 //--------------------------------------
221 void visitPre(DocAutoList *l)
222 {
223 indent_pre();
224 if (l->isEnumList())
225 {
226 printf("<ol>\n");
227 }
228 else
229 {
230 printf("<ul>\n");
231 }
232 }
233 void visitPost(DocAutoList *l)
234 {
235 indent_post();
236 if (l->isEnumList())
237 {
238 printf("</ol>\n");
239 }
240 else
241 {
242 printf("</ul>\n");
243 }
244 }
245 void visitPre(DocAutoListItem *)
246 {
247 indent_pre();
248 printf("<li>\n");
249 }
250 void visitPost(DocAutoListItem *)
251 {
252 indent_post();
253 printf("</li>\n");
254 }
255 void visitPre(DocPara *)
256 {
257 indent_pre();
258 printf("<para>\n");
259 }
260 void visitPost(DocPara *)
261 {
262 indent_post();
263 printf("</para>\n");
264 }
265 void visitPre(DocRoot *)
266 {
267 indent_pre();
268 printf("<root>\n");
269 }
270 void visitPost(DocRoot *)
271 {
272 indent_post();
273 printf("</root>\n");
274 }
275 void visitPre(DocSimpleSect *s)
276 {
277 indent_pre();
278 printf("<simplesect type=");
279 switch(s->type())
280 {
281case DocSimpleSect::See: printf("see"); break;
282case DocSimpleSect::Return: printf("return"); break;
283case DocSimpleSect::Author: printf("author"); break;
284case DocSimpleSect::Authors: printf("authors"); break;
285case DocSimpleSect::Version: printf("version"); break;
286case DocSimpleSect::Since: printf("since"); break;
287case DocSimpleSect::Date: printf("date"); break;
288case DocSimpleSect::Note: printf("note"); break;
289case DocSimpleSect::Warning: printf("warning"); break;
290case DocSimpleSect::Pre: printf("pre"); break;
291case DocSimpleSect::Post: printf("post"); break;
292case DocSimpleSect::Invar: printf("invar"); break;
293case DocSimpleSect::Remark: printf("remark"); break;
294case DocSimpleSect::Attention: printf("attention"); break;
295case DocSimpleSect::User: printf("user"); break;
296case DocSimpleSect::Rcs: printf("rcs"); break;
297case DocSimpleSect::Unknown: printf("unknown"); break;
298 }
299 printf(">\n");
300 }
301 void visitPost(DocSimpleSect *)
302 {
303 indent_post();
304 printf("</simplesect>\n");
305 }
306 void visitPre(DocTitle *)
307 {
308 indent_pre();
309 printf("<title>\n");
310 }
311 void visitPost(DocTitle *)
312 {
313 indent_post();
314 printf("</title>\n");
315 }
316 void visitPre(DocSimpleList *)
317 {
318 indent_pre();
319 printf("<ul>\n");
320 }
321 void visitPost(DocSimpleList *)
322 {
323 indent_post();
324 printf("</ul>\n");
325 }
326 void visitPre(DocSimpleListItem *)
327 {
328 indent_pre();
329 printf("<li>\n");
330 }
331 void visitPost(DocSimpleListItem *)
332 {
333 indent_post();
334 printf("</li>\n");
335 }
336 void visitPre(DocSection *s)
337 {
338 indent_pre();
339 printf("<sect%d>\n",s->level());
340 }
341 void visitPost(DocSection *s)
342 {
343 indent_post();
344 printf("</sect%d>\n",s->level());
345 }
346 void visitPre(DocHtmlList *s)
347 {
348 indent_pre();
349 if (s->type()==DocHtmlList::Ordered) printf("<ol>\n"); else printf("<ul>\n");
350 }
351 void visitPost(DocHtmlList *s)
352 {
353 indent_post();
354 if (s->type()==DocHtmlList::Ordered) printf("</ol>\n"); else printf("</ul>\n");
355 }
356 void visitPre(DocHtmlListItem *)
357 {
358 indent_pre();
359 printf("<li>\n");
360 }
361 void visitPost(DocHtmlListItem *)
362 {
363 indent_post();
364 printf("</li>\n");
365 }
366 //void visitPre(DocHtmlPre *)
367 //{
368 // indent_pre();
369 // printf("<pre>\n");
370 // m_insidePre=TRUE;
371 //}
372 //void visitPost(DocHtmlPre *)
373 //{
374 // m_insidePre=FALSE;
375 // indent_post();
376 // printf("</pre>\n");
377 //}
378 void visitPre(DocHtmlDescList *)
379 {
380 indent_pre();
381 printf("<dl>\n");
382 }
383 void visitPost(DocHtmlDescList *)
384 {
385 indent_post();
386 printf("</dl>\n");
387 }
388 void visitPre(DocHtmlDescTitle *)
389 {
390 indent_pre();
391 printf("<dt>\n");
392 }
393 void visitPost(DocHtmlDescTitle *)
394 {
395 indent_post();
396 printf("</dt>\n");
397 }
398 void visitPre(DocHtmlDescData *)
399 {
400 indent_pre();
401 printf("<dd>\n");
402 }
403 void visitPost(DocHtmlDescData *)
404 {
405 indent_post();
406 printf("</dd>\n");
407 }
408 void visitPre(DocHtmlTable *t)
409 {
410 indent_pre();
411 printf("<table rows=\"%d\" cols=\"%d\">\n",
412 t->numRows(),t->numCols());
413 }
414 void visitPost(DocHtmlTable *)
415 {
416 indent_post();
417 printf("</table>\n");
418 }
419 void visitPre(DocHtmlRow *)
420 {
421 indent_pre();
422 printf("<tr>\n");
423 }
424 void visitPost(DocHtmlRow *)
425 {
426 indent_post();
427 printf("</tr>\n");
428 }
429 void visitPre(DocHtmlCell *c)
430 {
431 indent_pre();
432 printf("<t%c>\n",c->isHeading()?'h':'d');
433 }
434 void visitPost(DocHtmlCell *c)
435 {
436 indent_post();
437 printf("</t%c>\n",c->isHeading()?'h':'d');
438 }
439 void visitPre(DocHtmlCaption *)
440 {
441 indent_pre();
442 printf("<caption>\n");
443 }
444 void visitPost(DocHtmlCaption *)
445 {
446 indent_post();
447 printf("</caption>\n");
448 }
449 void visitPre(DocInternal *)
450 {
451 indent_pre();
452 printf("<internal>\n");
453 }
454 void visitPost(DocInternal *)
455 {
456 indent_post();
457 printf("</internal>\n");
458 }
459 void visitPre(DocHRef *href)
460 {
461 indent_pre();
462 printf("<a url=\"%s\">\n",href->url().data());
463 }
464 void visitPost(DocHRef *)
465 {
466 indent_post();
467 printf("</a>\n");
468 }
469 void visitPre(DocHtmlHeader *header)
470 {
471 indent_pre();
472 printf("<h%d>\n",header->level());
473 }
474 void visitPost(DocHtmlHeader *header)
475 {
476 indent_post();
477 printf("</h%d>\n",header->level());
478 }
479 void visitPre(DocImage *img)
480 {
481 indent_pre();
482 printf("<image src=\"%s\" type=\"",img->name().data());
483 switch(img->type())
484 {
485 case DocImage::Html: printf("html"); break;
486 case DocImage::Latex: printf("latex"); break;
487 case DocImage::Rtf: printf("rtf"); break;
488 }
489 printf("\" width=%s height=%s>\n",img->width().data(),img->height().data());
490 }
491 void visitPost(DocImage *)
492 {
493 indent_post();
494 printf("</image>\n");
495 }
496 void visitPre(DocDotFile *df)
497 {
498 indent_pre();
499 printf("<dotfile src=\"%s\">\n",df->name().data());
500 }
501 void visitPost(DocDotFile *)
502 {
503 indent_post();
504 printf("</dotfile>\n");
505 }
506 void visitPre(DocMscFile *df)
507 {
508 indent_pre();
509 printf("<mscfile src=\"%s\">\n",df->name().data());
510 }
511 void visitPost(DocMscFile *)
512 {
513 indent_post();
514 printf("</mscfile>\n");
515 }
516 void visitPre(DocLink *lnk)
517 {
518 indent_pre();
519 printf("<link ref=\"%s\" file=\"%s\" anchor=\"%s\">\n",
520 lnk->ref().data(),lnk->file().data(),lnk->anchor().data());
521 }
522 void visitPost(DocLink *)
523 {
524 indent_post();
525 printf("</link>\n");
526 }
527 void visitPre(DocRef *ref)
528 {
529 indent_pre();
530 printf("<ref ref=\"%s\" file=\"%s\" "
531 "anchor=\"%s\" targetTitle=\"%s\""
532 " hasLinkText=\"%s\" refToAnchor=\"%s\" refToSection=\"%s\">\n",
533 ref->ref().data(),ref->file().data(),ref->anchor().data(),
534 ref->targetTitle().data(),ref->hasLinkText()?"yes":"no",
535 ref->refToAnchor()?"yes":"no", ref->refToSection()?"yes":"no");
536 }
537 void visitPost(DocRef *)
538 {
539 indent_post();
540 printf("</ref>\n");
541 }
542 void visitPre(DocSecRefItem *ref)
543 {
544 indent_pre();
545 printf("<secrefitem target=\"%s\">\n",ref->target().data());
546 }
547 void visitPost(DocSecRefItem *)
548 {
549 indent_post();
550 printf("</secrefitem>\n");
551 }
552 void visitPre(DocSecRefList *)
553 {
554 indent_pre();
555 printf("<secreflist>\n");
556 }
557 void visitPost(DocSecRefList *)
558 {
559 indent_post();
560 printf("</secreflist>\n");
561 }
562 //void visitPre(DocLanguage *l)
563 //{
564 // indent_pre();
565 // printf("<language id=%s>\n",l->id().data());
566 //}
567 //void visitPost(DocLanguage *)
568 //{
569 // indent_post();
570 // printf("</language>\n");
571 //}
572 void visitPre(DocParamList *pl)
573 {
574 indent_pre();
575 //QStrListIterator sli(pl->parameters());
576 QListIterator<DocNode> sli(pl->parameters());
577 //const char *s;
578 DocNode *param;
579 printf("<parameters>");
580 for (sli.toFirst();(param=sli.current());++sli)
581 {
582 printf("<param>");
583 if (param->kind()==DocNode::Kind_Word)
584 {
585 visit((DocWord*)param);
586 }
587 else if (param->kind()==DocNode::Kind_LinkedWord)
588 {
589 visit((DocLinkedWord*)param);
590 }
591 printf("</param>");
592 }
593 printf("\n");
594 }
595 void visitPost(DocParamList *)
596 {
597 indent_post();
598 printf("</parameters>\n");
599 }
600 void visitPre(DocParamSect *ps)
601 {
602 indent_pre();
603 printf("<paramsect type=");
604 switch (ps->type())
605 {
606case DocParamSect::Param: printf("param"); break;
607case DocParamSect::RetVal: printf("retval"); break;
608case DocParamSect::Exception: printf("exception"); break;
609case DocParamSect::TemplateParam: printf("templateparam"); break;
610case DocParamSect::Unknown: printf("unknown"); break;
611 }
612 printf(">\n");
613 }
614 void visitPost(DocParamSect *)
615 {
616 indent_post();
617 printf("</paramsect>\n");
618 }
619 void visitPre(DocXRefItem *x)
620 {
621 indent_pre();
622 printf("<xrefitem file=\"%s\" anchor=\"%s\" title=\"%s\"/>\n",
623 x->file().data(),x->anchor().data(),x->title().data());
624 }
625 void visitPost(DocXRefItem *)
626 {
627 indent_post();
628 printf("<xrefitem/>\n");
629 }
630 void visitPre(DocInternalRef *r)
631 {
632 indent_pre();
633 printf("<internalref file=%s anchor=%s>\n",r->file().data(),r->anchor().data());
634 }
635 void visitPost(DocInternalRef *)
636 {
637 indent_post();
638 printf("</internalref>\n");
639 }
640 void visitPre(DocCopy *c)
641 {
642 indent_pre();
643 printf("<copy link=\"%s\">\n",c->link().data());
644 }
645 void visitPost(DocCopy *)
646 {
647 indent_post();
648 printf("</copy>\n");
649 }
650 void visitPre(DocText *)
651 {
652 indent_pre();
653 printf("<text>\n");
654 }
655 void visitPost(DocText *)
656 {
657 indent_post();
658 printf("</text>\n");
659 }
661 private:
662 // helper functions
663 void indent()
664 {
665 if (m_needsEnter) printf("\n");
666 for (int i=0;i<m_indent;i++) printf(".");
667 m_needsEnter=FALSE;
668 }
669 void indent_leaf()
670 {
671 if (!m_needsEnter) indent();
672 m_needsEnter=TRUE;
673 }
674 void indent_pre()
675 {
676 indent();
677 m_indent++;
678 }
679 void indent_post()
680 {
681 m_indent--;
682 indent();
683 }
685 // member variables
686 int m_indent;
687 bool m_needsEnter;
688 bool m_insidePre;

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Revision: 1322