
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


Source at commit 303 created 13 years 11 months ago.
By meklort, Support module (Symbols) and a HelloWorld example, Makefile needs a lot of work
1typedef struct {
3unsigned intaddr;
4} symbol_t;
6static char _AllocateKernelMemory_string[] = "_AllocateKernelMemory";
7static char _AllocateMemoryRange_string[] = "_AllocateMemoryRange";
8static char _BinaryUnicodeCompare_string[] = "_BinaryUnicodeCompare";
9static char _BootHelp_txt_string[] = "_BootHelp_txt";
10static char _BootHelp_txt_len_string[] = "_BootHelp_txt_len";
11static char _CLCL_string[] = "_CLCL";
12static char _CacheInit_string[] = "_CacheInit";
13static char _CacheRead_string[] = "_CacheRead";
14static char _CacheReset_string[] = "_CacheReset";
15static char _CreateUUIDString_string[] = "_CreateUUIDString";
16static char _DISTBASE_string[] = "_DISTBASE";
17static char _DISTEXTRA_string[] = "_DISTEXTRA";
18static char _DT__AddChild_string[] = "_DT__AddChild";
19static char _DT__AddProperty_string[] = "_DT__AddProperty";
20static char _DT__Finalize_string[] = "_DT__Finalize";
21static char _DT__FindNode_string[] = "_DT__FindNode";
22static char _DT__FlattenDeviceTree_string[] = "_DT__FlattenDeviceTree";
23static char _DT__FreeNode_string[] = "_DT__FreeNode";
24static char _DT__FreeProperty_string[] = "_DT__FreeProperty";
25static char _DT__GetName_string[] = "_DT__GetName";
26static char _DT__Initialize_string[] = "_DT__Initialize";
27static char _DecodeKernel_string[] = "_DecodeKernel";
28static char _DecodeMachO_string[] = "_DecodeMachO";
29static char _DecompressData_string[] = "_DecompressData";
30static char _EX2GetDescription_string[] = "_EX2GetDescription";
31static char _EX2Probe_string[] = "_EX2Probe";
32static char _FastRelString_string[] = "_FastRelString";
33static char _FastUnicodeCompare_string[] = "_FastUnicodeCompare";
34static char _FindFirstDmiTableOfType_string[] = "_FindFirstDmiTableOfType";
35static char _FindNextDmiTableOfType_string[] = "_FindNextDmiTableOfType";
36static char _GPT_BASICDATA2_GUID_string[] = "_GPT_BASICDATA2_GUID";
37static char _GPT_BASICDATA_GUID_string[] = "_GPT_BASICDATA_GUID";
38static char _GPT_BOOT_GUID_string[] = "_GPT_BOOT_GUID";
39static char _GPT_EFISYS_GUID_string[] = "_GPT_EFISYS_GUID";
40static char _GPT_HFS_GUID_string[] = "_GPT_HFS_GUID";
41static char _Gdt_string[] = "_Gdt";
42static char _Gdtr_string[] = "_Gdtr";
43static char _GetDirEntry_string[] = "_GetDirEntry";
44static char _GetFileBlock_string[] = "_GetFileBlock";
45static char _GetFileInfo_string[] = "_GetFileInfo";
46static char _HFSFree_string[] = "_HFSFree";
47static char _HFSGetDescription_string[] = "_HFSGetDescription";
48static char _HFSGetDirEntry_string[] = "_HFSGetDirEntry";
49static char _HFSGetFileBlock_string[] = "_HFSGetFileBlock";
50static char _HFSGetUUID_string[] = "_HFSGetUUID";
51static char _HFSInitPartition_string[] = "_HFSInitPartition";
52static char _HFSLoadFile_string[] = "_HFSLoadFile";
53static char _HFSProbe_string[] = "_HFSProbe";
54static char _HFSReadFile_string[] = "_HFSReadFile";
55static char _HibernateBoot_string[] = "_HibernateBoot";
56static char _HuffmanTree_decode_string[] = "_HuffmanTree_decode";
57static char _HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths_string[] = "_HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths";
58static char _HuffmanTree_new_string[] = "_HuffmanTree_new";
59static char _Idtr_prot_string[] = "_Idtr_prot";
60static char _Idtr_real_string[] = "_Idtr_real";
61static char _Inflator_error_string[] = "_Inflator_error";
62static char _Inflator_generateFixedTrees_string[] = "_Inflator_generateFixedTrees";
63static char _Inflator_getTreeInflateDynamic_string[] = "_Inflator_getTreeInflateDynamic";
64static char _Inflator_huffmanDecodeSymbol_string[] = "_Inflator_huffmanDecodeSymbol";
65static char _Inflator_inflate_string[] = "_Inflator_inflate";
66static char _Inflator_inflateHuffmanBlock_string[] = "_Inflator_inflateHuffmanBlock";
67static char _Inflator_inflateNoCompression_string[] = "_Inflator_inflateNoCompression";
68static char _LENBASE_string[] = "_LENBASE";
69static char _LENEXTRA_string[] = "_LENEXTRA";
70static char _LoadDrivers_string[] = "_LoadDrivers";
71static char _LoadExtraDrivers_p_string[] = "_LoadExtraDrivers_p";
72static char _LoadFile_string[] = "_LoadFile";
73static char _LoadThinFatFile_string[] = "_LoadThinFatFile";
74static char _LoadVolumeFile_string[] = "_LoadVolumeFile";
75static char _MD5Final_string[] = "_MD5Final";
76static char _MD5Init_string[] = "_MD5Init";
77static char _MD5Pad_string[] = "_MD5Pad";
78static char _MD5Update_string[] = "_MD5Update";
79static char _MSDOSFree_string[] = "_MSDOSFree";
80static char _MSDOSGetDescription_string[] = "_MSDOSGetDescription";
81static char _MSDOSGetDirEntry_string[] = "_MSDOSGetDirEntry";
82static char _MSDOSGetFileBlock_string[] = "_MSDOSGetFileBlock";
83static char _MSDOSGetUUID_string[] = "_MSDOSGetUUID";
84static char _MSDOSInitPartition_string[] = "_MSDOSInitPartition";
85static char _MSDOSLoadFile_string[] = "_MSDOSLoadFile";
86static char _MSDOSProbe_string[] = "_MSDOSProbe";
87static char _MSDOSReadFile_string[] = "_MSDOSReadFile";
88static char _NTFSGetDescription_string[] = "_NTFSGetDescription";
89static char _NTFSProbe_string[] = "_NTFSProbe";
90static char _PNG_adam7Pass_string[] = "_PNG_adam7Pass";
91static char _PNG_checkColorValidity_string[] = "_PNG_checkColorValidity";
92static char _PNG_convert_string[] = "_PNG_convert";
93static char _PNG_decode_string[] = "_PNG_decode";
94static char _PNG_error_string[] = "_PNG_error";
95static char _PNG_getBpp_string[] = "_PNG_getBpp";
96static char _PNG_info_new_string[] = "_PNG_info_new";
97static char _PNG_paethPredictor_string[] = "_PNG_paethPredictor";
98static char _PNG_read32bitInt_string[] = "_PNG_read32bitInt";
99static char _PNG_readBitFromReversedStream_string[] = "_PNG_readBitFromReversedStream";
100static char _PNG_readBitsFromReversedStream_string[] = "_PNG_readBitsFromReversedStream";
101static char _PNG_readPngHeader_string[] = "_PNG_readPngHeader";
102static char _PNG_setBitOfReversedStream_string[] = "_PNG_setBitOfReversedStream";
103static char _PNG_unFilterScanline_string[] = "_PNG_unFilterScanline";
104static char _ParseXMLFile_string[] = "_ParseXMLFile";
105static char _Platform_string[] = "_Platform";
106static char _ReadFileAtOffset_string[] = "_ReadFileAtOffset";
107static char _ReadPCIBusInfo_string[] = "_ReadPCIBusInfo";
108static char _Round_string[] = "_Round";
109static char _Sqrt_string[] = "_Sqrt";
110static char _ThinFatFile_string[] = "_ThinFatFile";
111static char _XMLFreeTag_string[] = "_XMLFreeTag";
112static char _XMLGetProperty_string[] = "_XMLGetProperty";
113static char _XMLParseNextTag_string[] = "_XMLParseNextTag";
114static char _Zlib_decompress_string[] = "_Zlib_decompress";
115static char _Zlib_readBitFromStream_string[] = "_Zlib_readBitFromStream";
116static char _Zlib_readBitsFromStream_string[] = "_Zlib_readBitsFromStream";
117static char __DATA__bss__begin_string[] = "__DATA__bss__begin";
118static char __DATA__bss__end_string[] = "__DATA__bss__end";
119static char __DATA__common__begin_string[] = "__DATA__common__begin";
120static char __DATA__common__end_string[] = "__DATA__common__end";
121static char __bp_string[] = "__bp";
122static char __hi_malloc_string[] = "__hi_malloc";
123static char __hi_strdup_string[] = "__hi_strdup";
124static char __prot_to_real_string[] = "__prot_to_real";
125static char __real_to_prot_string[] = "__real_to_prot";
126static char __sp_string[] = "__sp";
127static char __switch_stack_string[] = "__switch_stack";
128static char _acpi10_p_string[] = "_acpi10_p";
129static char _acpi20_p_string[] = "_acpi20_p";
130static char _addConfigurationTable_string[] = "_addConfigurationTable";
131static char _animateProgressBar_string[] = "_animateProgressBar";
132static char _archCpuType_string[] = "_archCpuType";
133static char _ascii_hex_to_int_string[] = "_ascii_hex_to_int";
134static char _ati_aapl01_coher_string[] = "_ati_aapl01_coher";
135static char _ati_aapl_blackscr_prefs_0_n4_string[] = "_ati_aapl_blackscr_prefs_0_n4";
136static char _ati_aapl_blackscr_prefs_1_n4_string[] = "_ati_aapl_blackscr_prefs_1_n4";
137static char _ati_aapl_emc_disp_list_n4_string[] = "_ati_aapl_emc_disp_list_n4";
138static char _ati_aux_power_conn_string[] = "_ati_aux_power_conn";
139static char _ati_backlight_ctrl_string[] = "_ati_backlight_ctrl";
140static char _ati_card_no_string[] = "_ati_card_no";
141static char _ati_compatible_0_string[] = "_ati_compatible_0";
142static char _ati_compatible_1_string[] = "_ati_compatible_1";
143static char _ati_connector_type_0_string[] = "_ati_connector_type_0";
144static char _ati_connector_type_0_n4_string[] = "_ati_connector_type_0_n4";
145static char _ati_connector_type_1_string[] = "_ati_connector_type_1";
146static char _ati_connector_type_1_n4_string[] = "_ati_connector_type_1_n4";
147static char _ati_copyright_string[] = "_ati_copyright";
148static char _ati_device_type_string[] = "_ati_device_type";
149static char _ati_device_type_0_string[] = "_ati_device_type_0";
150static char _ati_device_type_1_string[] = "_ati_device_type_1";
151static char _ati_display_con_fl_type_0_string[] = "_ati_display_con_fl_type_0";
152static char _ati_display_type_0_string[] = "_ati_display_type_0";
153static char _ati_display_type_1_string[] = "_ati_display_type_1";
154static char _ati_efi_compile_d_string[] = "_ati_efi_compile_d";
155static char _ati_efi_disp_conf_string[] = "_ati_efi_disp_conf";
156static char _ati_efi_drv_type_string[] = "_ati_efi_drv_type";
157static char _ati_efi_enbl_mode_string[] = "_ati_efi_enbl_mode";
158static char _ati_efi_init_stat_string[] = "_ati_efi_init_stat";
159static char _ati_efi_orientation_string[] = "_ati_efi_orientation";
160static char _ati_efi_orientation_n4_string[] = "_ati_efi_orientation_n4";
161static char _ati_efi_version_string[] = "_ati_efi_version";
162static char _ati_efi_versionB_string[] = "_ati_efi_versionB";
163static char _ati_efi_versionE_string[] = "_ati_efi_versionE";
164static char _ati_efidisplay_0_string[] = "_ati_efidisplay_0";
165static char _ati_efidisplay_0_n4_string[] = "_ati_efidisplay_0_n4";
166static char _ati_fb_offset_n4_string[] = "_ati_fb_offset_n4";
167static char _ati_hwgpio_n4_string[] = "_ati_hwgpio_n4";
168static char _ati_iospace_offset_n4_string[] = "_ati_iospace_offset_n4";
169static char _ati_mclk_string[] = "_ati_mclk";
170static char _ati_mclk_n4_string[] = "_ati_mclk_n4";
171static char _ati_mem_rev_id_string[] = "_ati_mem_rev_id";
172static char _ati_mem_vend_id_string[] = "_ati_mem_vend_id";
173static char _ati_mrt_string[] = "_ati_mrt";
174static char _ati_mvad_string[] = "_ati_mvad";
175static char _ati_mvad_n4_string[] = "_ati_mvad_n4";
176static char _ati_name_string[] = "_ati_name";
177static char _ati_name_0_string[] = "_ati_name_0";
178static char _ati_name_1_string[] = "_ati_name_1";
179static char _ati_platform_info_string[] = "_ati_platform_info";
180static char _ati_refclk_n4_string[] = "_ati_refclk_n4";
181static char _ati_regspace_offset_n4_string[] = "_ati_regspace_offset_n4";
182static char _ati_romno_string[] = "_ati_romno";
183static char _ati_saved_config_string[] = "_ati_saved_config";
184static char _ati_saved_config_n4_string[] = "_ati_saved_config_n4";
185static char _ati_sclk_string[] = "_ati_sclk";
186static char _ati_sclk_n4_string[] = "_ati_sclk_n4";
187static char _ati_swgpio_info_n4_string[] = "_ati_swgpio_info_n4";
188static char _ati_vendor_id_string[] = "_ati_vendor_id";
189static char _ati_vram_memsize_0_string[] = "_ati_vram_memsize_0";
190static char _ati_vram_memsize_1_string[] = "_ati_vram_memsize_1";
191static char _atoi_string[] = "_atoi";
192static char _b_lseek_string[] = "_b_lseek";
193static char _bcopy_string[] = "_bcopy";
194static char _bgetc_string[] = "_bgetc";
195static char _bios_string[] = "_bios";
196static char _biosDevIsCDROM_string[] = "_biosDevIsCDROM";
197static char _biosread_string[] = "_biosread";
198static char _blend_string[] = "_blend";
199static char _blendImage_string[] = "_blendImage";
200static char _boot_string[] = "_boot";
201static char _bootArgs_string[] = "_bootArgs";
202static char _bootBanner_string[] = "_bootBanner";
203static char _bootImageData_string[] = "_bootImageData";
204static char _bootImageHeight_string[] = "_bootImageHeight";
205static char _bootImageWidth_string[] = "_bootImageWidth";
206static char _bootInfo_string[] = "_bootInfo";
207static char _bootPrompt_string[] = "_bootPrompt";
208static char _bootRescanPrompt_string[] = "_bootRescanPrompt";
209static char _build_pci_dt_string[] = "_build_pci_dt";
210static char _builtin_set_string[] = "_builtin_set";
211static char _bvChain_string[] = "_bvChain";
212static char _bvCount_string[] = "_bvCount";
213static char _bvr_string[] = "_bvr";
214static char _bzero_string[] = "_bzero";
215static char _centeredAt_string[] = "_centeredAt";
216static char _centeredIn_string[] = "_centeredIn";
217static char _chainLoad_string[] = "_chainLoad";
218static char _chainbootdev_string[] = "_chainbootdev";
219static char _chainbootflag_string[] = "_chainbootflag";
220static char _checksum8_string[] = "_checksum8";
221static char _clearActivityIndicator_string[] = "_clearActivityIndicator";
222static char _clearGraphicBootPrompt_string[] = "_clearGraphicBootPrompt";
223static char _clearScreenRows_string[] = "_clearScreenRows";
224static char _close_string[] = "_close";
225static char _close_vbios_string[] = "_close_vbios";
226static char _closedir_string[] = "_closedir";
227static char _colorFont_string[] = "_colorFont";
228static char _common_boot_string[] = "_common_boot";
229static char _continue_at_low_address_string[] = "_continue_at_low_address";
230static char _convertHexStr2Binary_string[] = "_convertHexStr2Binary";
231static char _convertImage_string[] = "_convertImage";
232static char _copyArgument_string[] = "_copyArgument";
233static char _copyMultibootInfo_string[] = "_copyMultibootInfo";
234static char _crc32_string[] = "_crc32";
235static char _createBackBuffer_string[] = "_createBackBuffer";
236static char _createWindowBuffer_string[] = "_createWindowBuffer";
237static char _decodeRLE_string[] = "_decodeRLE";
238static char _decompress_lzss_string[] = "_decompress_lzss";
239static char _delay_string[] = "_delay";
240static char _detect_ati_bios_type_string[] = "_detect_ati_bios_type";
241static char _detect_bios_type_string[] = "_detect_bios_type";
242static char _determine_safe_hi_addr_string[] = "_determine_safe_hi_addr";
243static char _devices_number_string[] = "_devices_number";
244static char _devprop_add_device_string[] = "_devprop_add_device";
245static char _devprop_add_network_template_string[] = "_devprop_add_network_template";
246static char _devprop_add_value_string[] = "_devprop_add_value";
247static char _devprop_create_string_string[] = "_devprop_create_string";
248static char _devprop_free_string_string[] = "_devprop_free_string";
249static char _devprop_generate_string_string[] = "_devprop_generate_string";
250static char _diskFreeMap_string[] = "_diskFreeMap";
251static char _diskIsCDROM_string[] = "_diskIsCDROM";
252static char _diskRead_string[] = "_diskRead";
253static char _diskResetBootVolumes_string[] = "_diskResetBootVolumes";
254static char _diskScanBootVolumes_string[] = "_diskScanBootVolumes";
255static char _diskSeek_string[] = "_diskSeek";
256static char _dprintf_string[] = "_dprintf";
257static char _drawBackground_string[] = "_drawBackground";
258static char _drawBootGraphics_string[] = "_drawBootGraphics";
259static char _drawCheckerBoard_string[] = "_drawCheckerBoard";
260static char _drawColorRectangle_string[] = "_drawColorRectangle";
261static char _drawDataRectangle_string[] = "_drawDataRectangle";
262static char _drawDeviceIcon_string[] = "_drawDeviceIcon";
263static char _drawDeviceList_string[] = "_drawDeviceList";
264static char _drawInfoMenu_string[] = "_drawInfoMenu";
265static char _drawInfoMenuItems_string[] = "_drawInfoMenuItems";
266static char _drawPreview_string[] = "_drawPreview";
267static char _drawProgressBar_string[] = "_drawProgressBar";
268static char _drawStr_string[] = "_drawStr";
269static char _drawStrCenteredAt_string[] = "_drawStrCenteredAt";
270static char _dumpAllTablesOfType_string[] = "_dumpAllTablesOfType";
271static char _dumpPhysAddr_string[] = "_dumpPhysAddr";
272static char _dump_pci_dt_string[] = "_dump_pci_dt";
273static char _ebiosEjectMedia_string[] = "_ebiosEjectMedia";
274static char _ebiosread_string[] = "_ebiosread";
275static char _ebioswrite_string[] = "_ebioswrite";
276static char _efi_guid_compare_string[] = "_efi_guid_compare";
277static char _efi_guid_is_null_string[] = "_efi_guid_is_null";
278static char _efi_guid_unparse_upper_string[] = "_efi_guid_unparse_upper";
279static char _efi_inject_get_devprop_string_string[] = "_efi_inject_get_devprop_string";
280static char _ehci_acquire_string[] = "_ehci_acquire";
281static char _enableA20_string[] = "_enableA20";
282static char _enable_pci_devs_string[] = "_enable_pci_devs";
283static char _error_string[] = "_error";
284static char _file_size_string[] = "_file_size";
285static char _fillPixmapWithColor_string[] = "_fillPixmapWithColor";
286static char _finalizeBootStruct_string[] = "_finalizeBootStruct";
287static char _find_and_read_smbus_controller_string[] = "_find_and_read_smbus_controller";
288static char _flipRB_string[] = "_flipRB";
289static char _font_console_string[] = "_font_console";
290static char _font_small_string[] = "_font_small";
291static char _force_enable_hpet_string[] = "_force_enable_hpet";
292static char _free_string[] = "_free";
293static char _freeFilteredBVChain_string[] = "_freeFilteredBVChain";
294static char _freqs_string[] = "_freqs";
295static char _gAppleBootPictRLE_string[] = "_gAppleBootPictRLE";
296static char _gBIOSBootVolume_string[] = "_gBIOSBootVolume";
297static char _gBIOSDev_string[] = "_gBIOSDev";
298static char _gBinaryAddress_string[] = "_gBinaryAddress";
299static char _gBootFileType_string[] = "_gBootFileType";
300static char _gBootFileType_t_string[] = "_gBootFileType_t";
301static char _gBootMode_string[] = "_gBootMode";
302static char _gBootVolume_string[] = "_gBootVolume";
303static char _gCompareTable_string[] = "_gCompareTable";
304static char _gCompareTableCompressed_string[] = "_gCompareTableCompressed";
305static char _gDeviceCount_string[] = "_gDeviceCount";
306static char _gEfiAcpi20TableGuid_string[] = "_gEfiAcpi20TableGuid";
307static char _gEfiAcpiTableGuid_string[] = "_gEfiAcpiTableGuid";
308static char _gEfiConfigurationTableNode_string[] = "_gEfiConfigurationTableNode";
309static char _gEfiSmbiosTableGuid_string[] = "_gEfiSmbiosTableGuid";
310static char _gEnableCDROMRescan_string[] = "_gEnableCDROMRescan";
311static char _gErrors_string[] = "_gErrors";
312static char _gFSLoadAddress_string[] = "_gFSLoadAddress";
313static char _gHaveKernelCache_string[] = "_gHaveKernelCache";
314static char _gLowerCaseTable_string[] = "_gLowerCaseTable";
315static char _gLowerCaseTableCompressed_string[] = "_gLowerCaseTableCompressed";
316static char _gMI_string[] = "_gMI";
317static char _gMKextName_string[] = "_gMKextName";
318static char _gMacOSVersion_string[] = "_gMacOSVersion";
319static char _gMemoryMapNode_string[] = "_gMemoryMapNode";
320static char _gOverrideKernel_string[] = "_gOverrideKernel";
321static char _gPlatformName_string[] = "_gPlatformName";
322static char _gRAMDiskBTAliased_string[] = "_gRAMDiskBTAliased";
323static char _gRAMDiskFile_string[] = "_gRAMDiskFile";
324static char _gRAMDiskMI_string[] = "_gRAMDiskMI";
325static char _gRAMDiskVolume_string[] = "_gRAMDiskVolume";
326static char _gRootDevice_string[] = "_gRootDevice";
327static char _gST_string[] = "_gST";
328static char _gScanSingleDrive_string[] = "_gScanSingleDrive";
329static char _gVerboseMode_string[] = "_gVerboseMode";
330static char _generateCRTCTiming_string[] = "_generateCRTCTiming";
331static char _getBVChainForBIOSDev_string[] = "_getBVChainForBIOSDev";
332static char _getBoolForKey_string[] = "_getBoolForKey";
333static char _getBootOptions_string[] = "_getBootOptions";
334static char _getBootVolumeDescription_string[] = "_getBootVolumeDescription";
335static char _getBootVolumeRef_string[] = "_getBootVolumeRef";
336static char _getColorForKey_string[] = "_getColorForKey";
337static char _getConventionalMemorySize_string[] = "_getConventionalMemorySize";
338static char _getCroppedPixmapAtPosition_string[] = "_getCroppedPixmapAtPosition";
339static char _getCursorPositionAndType_string[] = "_getCursorPositionAndType";
340static char _getDDRPartNum_string[] = "_getDDRPartNum";
341static char _getDDRSerial_string[] = "_getDDRSerial";
342static char _getDDRspeedMhz_string[] = "_getDDRspeedMhz";
343static char _getDMIString_string[] = "_getDMIString";
344static char _getDimensionForKey_string[] = "_getDimensionForKey";
345static char _getEDID_string[] = "_getEDID";
346static char _getExtendedMemorySize_string[] = "_getExtendedMemorySize";
347static char _getGraphicModeParams_string[] = "_getGraphicModeParams";
348static char _getIntForKey_string[] = "_getIntForKey";
349static char _getMemoryInfoString_string[] = "_getMemoryInfoString";
350static char _getMemoryMap_string[] = "_getMemoryMap";
351static char _getMode_string[] = "_getMode";
352static char _getNextArg_string[] = "_getNextArg";
353static char _getPciRootUID_string[] = "_getPciRootUID";
354static char _getPlatformName_string[] = "_getPlatformName";
355static char _getResolution_string[] = "_getResolution";
356static char _getSmbios_string[] = "_getSmbios";
357static char _getStringForKey_string[] = "_getStringForKey";
358static char _getStringFromUUID_string[] = "_getStringFromUUID";
359static char _getUUIDFromString_string[] = "_getUUIDFromString";
360static char _getVBECurrentMode_string[] = "_getVBECurrentMode";
361static char _getVBEDACFormat_string[] = "_getVBEDACFormat";
362static char _getVBEInfo_string[] = "_getVBEInfo";
363static char _getVBEInfoString_string[] = "_getVBEInfoString";
364static char _getVBEModeInfo_string[] = "_getVBEModeInfo";
365static char _getVBEModeInfoString_string[] = "_getVBEModeInfoString";
366static char _getVBEPalette_string[] = "_getVBEPalette";
367static char _getVBEPixelClock_string[] = "_getVBEPixelClock";
368static char _getValueForBootKey_string[] = "_getValueForBootKey";
369static char _getValueForConfigTableKey_string[] = "_getValueForConfigTableKey";
370static char _getValueForKey_string[] = "_getValueForKey";
371static char _getVendorName_string[] = "_getVendorName";
372static char _getVideoMode_string[] = "_getVideoMode";
373static char _get_chipset_string[] = "_get_chipset";
374static char _get_chipset_id_string[] = "_get_chipset_id";
375static char _get_drive_info_string[] = "_get_drive_info";
376static char _get_pci_dev_path_string[] = "_get_pci_dev_path";
377static char _getc_string[] = "_getc";
378static char _getchar_string[] = "_getchar";
379static char _getvramsizekb_string[] = "_getvramsizekb";
380static char _gprintf_string[] = "_gprintf";
381static char _gui_string[] = "_gui";
382static char _halt_string[] = "_halt";
383static char _hex2bin_string[] = "_hex2bin";
384static char _hi_multiboot_string[] = "_hi_multiboot";
385static char _imageCnt_string[] = "_imageCnt";
386static char _images_string[] = "_images";
387static char _infoMenuItems_string[] = "_infoMenuItems";
388static char _initFont_string[] = "_initFont";
389static char _initGUI_string[] = "_initGUI";
390static char _initGraphicsMode_string[] = "_initGraphicsMode";
391static char _initKernBootStruct_string[] = "_initKernBootStruct";
392static char _initialize_runtime_string[] = "_initialize_runtime";
393static char _is_no_emulation_string[] = "_is_no_emulation";
394static char _jump_to_chainbooter_string[] = "_jump_to_chainbooter";
395static char _kernelSymbolAddresses_string[] = "_kernelSymbolAddresses";
396static char _kernelSymbols_string[] = "_kernelSymbols";
397static char _lasttime_string[] = "_lasttime";
398static char _legacy_off_string[] = "_legacy_off";
399static char _loadACPITable_string[] = "_loadACPITable";
400static char _loadConfigFile_string[] = "_loadConfigFile";
401static char _loadEmbeddedPngImage_string[] = "_loadEmbeddedPngImage";
402static char _loadHelperConfig_string[] = "_loadHelperConfig";
403static char _loadImageScale_string[] = "_loadImageScale";
404static char _loadOverrideConfig_string[] = "_loadOverrideConfig";
405static char _loadPngImage_string[] = "_loadPngImage";
406static char _loadPrebootRAMDisk_string[] = "_loadPrebootRAMDisk";
407static char _loadSystemConfig_string[] = "_loadSystemConfig";
408static char _loadThemeValues_string[] = "_loadThemeValues";
409static char _loader_string[] = "_loader";
410static char _locate_symbols_string[] = "_locate_symbols";
411static char _lookUpCLUTIndex_string[] = "_lookUpCLUTIndex";
412static char _lspci_string[] = "_lspci";
413static char _makeRoundedCorners_string[] = "_makeRoundedCorners";
414static char _malloc_init_string[] = "_malloc_init";
415static char _map_type1_resolution_string[] = "_map_type1_resolution";
416static char _map_type2_resolution_string[] = "_map_type2_resolution";
417static char _map_type3_resolution_string[] = "_map_type3_resolution";
418static char _mapping_string[] = "_mapping";
419static char _md0Ramdisk_string[] = "_md0Ramdisk";
420static char _memcmp_string[] = "_memcmp";
421static char _memcpy_string[] = "_memcpy";
422static char _memset_string[] = "_memset";
423static char _menuBVR_string[] = "_menuBVR";
424static char _menuItems_string[] = "_menuItems";
425static char _mountRAMDisk_string[] = "_mountRAMDisk";
426static char _multibootRamdiskReadBytes_string[] = "_multibootRamdiskReadBytes";
427static char _multiboot_get_ramdisk_info_string[] = "_multiboot_get_ramdisk_info";
428static char _multiboot_partition_string[] = "_multiboot_partition";
429static char _multiboot_partition_set_string[] = "_multiboot_partition_set";
430static char _multiboot_timeout_string[] = "_multiboot_timeout";
431static char _multiboot_timeout_set_string[] = "_multiboot_timeout_set";
432static char _multiboot_to_boot_string[] = "_multiboot_to_boot";
433static char _nbpScanBootVolumes_string[] = "_nbpScanBootVolumes";
434static char _nbpUnloadBaseCode_string[] = "_nbpUnloadBaseCode";
435static char _newAPMBVRef_string[] = "_newAPMBVRef";
436static char _newFilteredBVChain_string[] = "_newFilteredBVChain";
437static char _newGPTBVRef_string[] = "_newGPTBVRef";
438static char _newString_string[] = "_newString";
439static char _newStringForKey_string[] = "_newStringForKey";
440static char _notify_usb_dev_string[] = "_notify_usb_dev";
441static char _nvidia_compatible_0_string[] = "_nvidia_compatible_0";
442static char _nvidia_compatible_1_string[] = "_nvidia_compatible_1";
443static char _nvidia_device_type_string[] = "_nvidia_device_type";
444static char _nvidia_device_type_0_string[] = "_nvidia_device_type_0";
445static char _nvidia_device_type_1_string[] = "_nvidia_device_type_1";
446static char _nvidia_name_0_string[] = "_nvidia_name_0";
447static char _nvidia_name_1_string[] = "_nvidia_name_1";
448static char _nvidia_slot_name_string[] = "_nvidia_slot_name";
449static char _open_string[] = "_open";
450static char _open_bvdev_string[] = "_open_bvdev";
451static char _open_vbios_string[] = "_open_vbios";
452static char _opendir_string[] = "_opendir";
453static char _p_get_ramdisk_info_string[] = "_p_get_ramdisk_info";
454static char _p_ramdiskReadBytes_string[] = "_p_ramdiskReadBytes";
455static char _patchVideoBios_string[] = "_patchVideoBios";
456static char _patch_commpage_stuff_routine_string[] = "_patch_commpage_stuff_routine";
457static char _patch_cpuid_set_info_string[] = "_patch_cpuid_set_info";
458static char _patch_fadt_string[] = "_patch_fadt";
459static char _patch_kernel_string[] = "_patch_kernel";
460static char _patch_kernel_32_string[] = "_patch_kernel_32";
461static char _patch_kernel_64_string[] = "_patch_kernel_64";
462static char _patch_lapic_init_string[] = "_patch_lapic_init";
463static char _patch_pmCPUExitHaltToOff_string[] = "_patch_pmCPUExitHaltToOff";
464static char _pause_string[] = "_pause";
465static char _pci_config_read16_string[] = "_pci_config_read16";
466static char _pci_config_read32_string[] = "_pci_config_read32";
467static char _pci_config_read8_string[] = "_pci_config_read8";
468static char _pci_config_write16_string[] = "_pci_config_write16";
469static char _pci_config_write32_string[] = "_pci_config_write32";
470static char _pci_config_write8_string[] = "_pci_config_write8";
471static char _platformCPUFeature_string[] = "_platformCPUFeature";
472static char _png_alloc_add_node_string[] = "_png_alloc_add_node";
473static char _png_alloc_find_node_string[] = "_png_alloc_find_node";
474static char _png_alloc_free_string[] = "_png_alloc_free";
475static char _png_alloc_free_all_string[] = "_png_alloc_free_all";
476static char _png_alloc_head_string[] = "_png_alloc_head";
477static char _png_alloc_malloc_string[] = "_png_alloc_malloc";
478static char _png_alloc_realloc_string[] = "_png_alloc_realloc";
479static char _png_alloc_remove_node_string[] = "_png_alloc_remove_node";
480static char _png_alloc_tail_string[] = "_png_alloc_tail";
481static char _pos_string[] = "_pos";
482static char _previewLoadedSectors_string[] = "_previewLoadedSectors";
483static char _previewSaveunder_string[] = "_previewSaveunder";
484static char _previewTotalSectors_string[] = "_previewTotalSectors";
485static char _prf_string[] = "_prf";
486static char _printVBEModeInfo_string[] = "_printVBEModeInfo";
487static char _printf_string[] = "_printf";
488static char _processBootArgument_string[] = "_processBootArgument";
489static char _processBootOptions_string[] = "_processBootOptions";
490static char _processRAMDiskCommand_string[] = "_processRAMDiskCommand";
491static char _prompt_string[] = "_prompt";
492static char _promptForRescanOption_string[] = "_promptForRescanOption";
493static char _prompt_pos_string[] = "_prompt_pos";
494static char _prompt_text_string[] = "_prompt_text";
495static char _ptol_string[] = "_ptol";
496static char _putc_string[] = "_putc";
497static char _putca_string[] = "_putca";
498static char _putchar_string[] = "_putchar";
499static char _rawDiskRead_string[] = "_rawDiskRead";
500static char _rawDiskWrite_string[] = "_rawDiskWrite";
501static char _read_string[] = "_read";
502static char _readBootSector_string[] = "_readBootSector";
503static char _readEDID_string[] = "_readEDID";
504static char _readKeyboardShiftFlags_string[] = "_readKeyboardShiftFlags";
505static char _readKeyboardStatus_string[] = "_readKeyboardStatus";
506static char _readdir_string[] = "_readdir";
507static char _readdir_ext_string[] = "_readdir_ext";
508static char _realloc_string[] = "_realloc";
509static char _recoveryMode_string[] = "_recoveryMode";
510static char _relock_vbios_string[] = "_relock_vbios";
511static char _rescanBIOSDevice_string[] = "_rescanBIOSDevice";
512static char _reserveKernBootStruct_string[] = "_reserveKernBootStruct";
513static char _root_pci_dev_string[] = "_root_pci_dev";
514static char _safe_malloc_string[] = "_safe_malloc";
515static char _scanBootVolumes_string[] = "_scanBootVolumes";
516static char _scanDisks_string[] = "_scanDisks";
517static char _scan_cpu_string[] = "_scan_cpu";
518static char _scan_mem_string[] = "_scan_mem";
519static char _scan_memory_string[] = "_scan_memory";
520static char _scan_pci_bus_string[] = "_scan_pci_bus";
521static char _scan_platform_string[] = "_scan_platform";
522static char _scan_spd_string[] = "_scan_spd";
523static char _scollPage_string[] = "_scollPage";
524static char _search_and_get_acpi_fd_string[] = "_search_and_get_acpi_fd";
525static char _selectAlternateBootDevice_string[] = "_selectAlternateBootDevice";
526static char _selectBootVolume_string[] = "_selectBootVolume";
527static char _selectIndex_string[] = "_selectIndex";
528static char _setActiveDisplayPage_string[] = "_setActiveDisplayPage";
529static char _setBootGlobals_string[] = "_setBootGlobals";
530static char _setCursorPosition_string[] = "_setCursorPosition";
531static char _setCursorType_string[] = "_setCursorType";
532static char _setRAMDiskBTHook_string[] = "_setRAMDiskBTHook";
533static char _setRootVolume_string[] = "_setRootVolume";
534static char _setVBEDACFormat_string[] = "_setVBEDACFormat";
535static char _setVBEMode_string[] = "_setVBEMode";
536static char _setVBEPalette_string[] = "_setVBEPalette";
537static char _setVideoMode_string[] = "_setVideoMode";
538static char _set_eth_builtin_string[] = "_set_eth_builtin";
539static char _set_mode_string[] = "_set_mode";
540static char _setupAcpi_string[] = "_setupAcpi";
541static char _setupAcpiNoMod_string[] = "_setupAcpiNoMod";
542static char _setupDeviceProperties_string[] = "_setupDeviceProperties";
543static char _setupEfiDeviceTree_string[] = "_setupEfiDeviceTree";
544static char _setupEfiTables_string[] = "_setupEfiTables";
545static char _setupFakeEfi_string[] = "_setupFakeEfi";
546static char _setupSystemType_string[] = "_setupSystemType";
547static char _setup_ati_devprop_string[] = "_setup_ati_devprop";
548static char _setup_nvidia_devprop_string[] = "_setup_nvidia_devprop";
549static char _setup_pci_devs_string[] = "_setup_pci_devs";
550static char _showHelp_string[] = "_showHelp";
551static char _showInfoBox_string[] = "_showInfoBox";
552static char _showInfoRAMDisk_string[] = "_showInfoRAMDisk";
553static char _showTextFile_string[] = "_showTextFile";
554static char _sleep_string[] = "_sleep";
555static char _slvprintf_string[] = "_slvprintf";
556static char _smb_read_byte_intel_string[] = "_smb_read_byte_intel";
557static char _smbios_p_string[] = "_smbios_p";
558static char _smbios_properties_string[] = "_smbios_properties";
559static char _smbios_table_descriptions_string[] = "_smbios_table_descriptions";
560static char _spinActivityIndicator_string[] = "_spinActivityIndicator";
561static char _sprintf_string[] = "_sprintf";
562static char _start_string[] = "_start";
563static char _startprog_string[] = "_startprog";
564static char _stop_string[] = "_stop";
565static char _stosl_string[] = "_stosl";
566static char _strcat_string[] = "_strcat";
567static char _strcmp_string[] = "_strcmp";
568static char _strcpy_string[] = "_strcpy";
569static char _strdup_string[] = "_strdup";
570static char _string_string[] = "_string";
571static char _stringLength_string[] = "_stringLength";
572static char _stringdata_string[] = "_stringdata";
573static char _stringlength_string[] = "_stringlength";
574static char _strlcpy_string[] = "_strlcpy";
575static char _strlen_string[] = "_strlen";
576static char _strncat_string[] = "_strncat";
577static char _strncmp_string[] = "_strncmp";
578static char _strncpy_string[] = "_strncpy";
579static char _strstr_string[] = "_strstr";
580static char _strtol_string[] = "_strtol";
581static char _strtoul_string[] = "_strtoul";
582static char _strtouq_string[] = "_strtouq";
583static char _sysConfigValid_string[] = "_sysConfigValid";
584static char _systemConfigDir_string[] = "_systemConfigDir";
585static char _tell_string[] = "_tell";
586static char _testBiosread_string[] = "_testBiosread";
587static char _testFAT32EFIBootSector_string[] = "_testFAT32EFIBootSector";
588static char _textAddress_string[] = "_textAddress";
589static char _textSection_string[] = "_textSection";
590static char _time18_string[] = "_time18";
591static char _uhci_reset_string[] = "_uhci_reset";
592static char _umountRAMDisk_string[] = "_umountRAMDisk";
593static char _unlock_vbios_string[] = "_unlock_vbios";
594static char _updateGraphicBootPrompt_string[] = "_updateGraphicBootPrompt";
595static char _updateInfoMenu_string[] = "_updateInfoMenu";
596static char _updateProgressBar_string[] = "_updateProgressBar";
597static char _updateVRAM_string[] = "_updateVRAM";
598static char _usbList_string[] = "_usbList";
599static char _usb_loop_string[] = "_usb_loop";
600static char _useGUI_string[] = "_useGUI";
601static char _utf_decodestr_string[] = "_utf_decodestr";
602static char _utf_encodestr_string[] = "_utf_encodestr";
603static char _vector32_cleanup_string[] = "_vector32_cleanup";
604static char _vector32_init_string[] = "_vector32_init";
605static char _vector32_new_string[] = "_vector32_new";
606static char _vector32_resize_string[] = "_vector32_resize";
607static char _vector32_resizev_string[] = "_vector32_resizev";
608static char _vector8_cleanup_string[] = "_vector8_cleanup";
609static char _vector8_copy_string[] = "_vector8_copy";
610static char _vector8_init_string[] = "_vector8_init";
611static char _vector8_new_string[] = "_vector8_new";
612static char _vector8_resize_string[] = "_vector8_resize";
613static char _vector8_resizev_string[] = "_vector8_resizev";
614static char _vendorMap_string[] = "_vendorMap";
615static char _verbose_string[] = "_verbose";
616static char _video_mode_string[] = "_video_mode";
617static char _vol_opendir_string[] = "_vol_opendir";
618static char _vprf_string[] = "_vprf";
619static char _vramwrite_string[] = "_vramwrite";
620static char _waitThenReload_string[] = "_waitThenReload";
621static char boot2_string[] = "boot2";
622symbol_t symbolList[] = {
623{.symbol = _AllocateKernelMemory_string, .addr = 0x000331bd},
624{.symbol = _AllocateMemoryRange_string, .addr = 0x00033235},
625{.symbol = _BinaryUnicodeCompare_string, .addr = 0x0003b966},
626{.symbol = _BootHelp_txt_string, .addr = 0x000497d8},
627{.symbol = _BootHelp_txt_len_string, .addr = 0x0004aa9c},
628{.symbol = _CLCL_string, .addr = 0x000476d8},
629{.symbol = _CacheInit_string, .addr = 0x00033e04},
630{.symbol = _CacheRead_string, .addr = 0x00033cc2},
631{.symbol = _CacheReset_string, .addr = 0x00033cb3},
632{.symbol = _CreateUUIDString_string, .addr = 0x0002d33c},
633{.symbol = _DISTBASE_string, .addr = 0x000475e8},
634{.symbol = _DISTEXTRA_string, .addr = 0x00047660},
635{.symbol = _DT__AddChild_string, .addr = 0x00033ff8},
636{.symbol = _DT__AddProperty_string, .addr = 0x00033f31},
637{.symbol = _DT__Finalize_string, .addr = 0x00034214},
638{.symbol = _DT__FindNode_string, .addr = 0x0003429d},
639{.symbol = _DT__FlattenDeviceTree_string, .addr = 0x000341a7},
640{.symbol = _DT__FreeNode_string, .addr = 0x00033ee8},
641{.symbol = _DT__FreeProperty_string, .addr = 0x00033ed2},
642{.symbol = _DT__GetName_string, .addr = 0x00033efe},
643{.symbol = _DT__Initialize_string, .addr = 0x000340c0},
644{.symbol = _DecodeKernel_string, .addr = 0x0002367c},
645{.symbol = _DecodeMachO_string, .addr = 0x0002d774},
646{.symbol = _DecompressData_string, .addr = 0x00028f2e},
647{.symbol = _EX2GetDescription_string, .addr = 0x00034e9b},
648{.symbol = _EX2Probe_string, .addr = 0x00034e82},
649{.symbol = _FastRelString_string, .addr = 0x0003ba89},
650{.symbol = _FastUnicodeCompare_string, .addr = 0x0003bb09},
651{.symbol = _FindFirstDmiTableOfType_string, .addr = 0x0003a0b8},
652{.symbol = _FindNextDmiTableOfType_string, .addr = 0x0003a058},
653{.symbol = _GPT_BASICDATA2_GUID_string, .addr = 0x00047da4},
654{.symbol = _GPT_BASICDATA_GUID_string, .addr = 0x00047d94},
655{.symbol = _GPT_BOOT_GUID_string, .addr = 0x00047d74},
656{.symbol = _GPT_EFISYS_GUID_string, .addr = 0x00047d84},
657{.symbol = _GPT_HFS_GUID_string, .addr = 0x00047d64},
658{.symbol = _Gdt_string, .addr = 0x000204e8},
659{.symbol = _Gdtr_string, .addr = 0x00020520},
660{.symbol = _GetDirEntry_string, .addr = 0x0002cf95},
661{.symbol = _GetFileBlock_string, .addr = 0x0002d23d},
662{.symbol = _GetFileInfo_string, .addr = 0x0002d27b},
663{.symbol = _HFSFree_string, .addr = 0x00035105},
664{.symbol = _HFSGetDescription_string, .addr = 0x0003634b},
665{.symbol = _HFSGetDirEntry_string, .addr = 0x000360b2},
666{.symbol = _HFSGetFileBlock_string, .addr = 0x000363dc},
667{.symbol = _HFSGetUUID_string, .addr = 0x0003607d},
668{.symbol = _HFSInitPartition_string, .addr = 0x00035cf9},
669{.symbol = _HFSLoadFile_string, .addr = 0x000362fd},
670{.symbol = _HFSProbe_string, .addr = 0x0003631b},
671{.symbol = _HFSReadFile_string, .addr = 0x0003617d},
672{.symbol = _HibernateBoot_string, .addr = 0x00028afc},
673{.symbol = _HuffmanTree_decode_string, .addr = 0x0002643c},
674{.symbol = _HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths_string, .addr = 0x00027013},
675{.symbol = _HuffmanTree_new_string, .addr = 0x00026920},
676{.symbol = _Idtr_prot_string, .addr = 0x00020530},
677{.symbol = _Idtr_real_string, .addr = 0x00020528},
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679{.symbol = _Inflator_generateFixedTrees_string, .addr = 0x00027613},
680{.symbol = _Inflator_getTreeInflateDynamic_string, .addr = 0x00027188},
681{.symbol = _Inflator_huffmanDecodeSymbol_string, .addr = 0x00026a27},
682{.symbol = _Inflator_inflate_string, .addr = 0x00027f29},
683{.symbol = _Inflator_inflateHuffmanBlock_string, .addr = 0x000276e8},
684{.symbol = _Inflator_inflateNoCompression_string, .addr = 0x00027e18},
685{.symbol = _LENBASE_string, .addr = 0x00047500},
686{.symbol = _LENEXTRA_string, .addr = 0x00047574},
687{.symbol = _LoadDrivers_string, .addr = 0x0002318e},
688{.symbol = _LoadExtraDrivers_p_string, .addr = 0x00050030},
689{.symbol = _LoadFile_string, .addr = 0x0002d740},
690{.symbol = _LoadThinFatFile_string, .addr = 0x0002d420},
691{.symbol = _LoadVolumeFile_string, .addr = 0x0002cbbf},
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693{.symbol = _MD5Init_string, .addr = 0x000345d7},
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695{.symbol = _MD5Update_string, .addr = 0x00034d4d},
696{.symbol = _MSDOSFree_string, .addr = 0x00036696},
697{.symbol = _MSDOSGetDescription_string, .addr = 0x00037637},
698{.symbol = _MSDOSGetDirEntry_string, .addr = 0x000371c8},
699{.symbol = _MSDOSGetFileBlock_string, .addr = 0x000374bc},
700{.symbol = _MSDOSGetUUID_string, .addr = 0x00036e55},
701{.symbol = _MSDOSInitPartition_string, .addr = 0x00036c7f},
702{.symbol = _MSDOSLoadFile_string, .addr = 0x0003710b},
703{.symbol = _MSDOSProbe_string, .addr = 0x00037129},
704{.symbol = _MSDOSReadFile_string, .addr = 0x00036ee3},
705{.symbol = _NTFSGetDescription_string, .addr = 0x000377fa},
706{.symbol = _NTFSProbe_string, .addr = 0x000377d7},
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717{.symbol = _PNG_readBitsFromReversedStream_string, .addr = 0x00026510},
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Revision: 303