Index: branches/blackosx/trunk/package/Resources/English.lproj/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf =================================================================== --- branches/blackosx/trunk/package/Resources/English.lproj/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf (revision 211) +++ branches/blackosx/trunk/package/Resources/English.lproj/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf (revision 212) @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red65\green78\blue255;\red255\green9\blue18;} -\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww11660\viewh12980\viewkind0 -\pard\ri0\qc +\pard\ri-720\qc -\f0\b\fs72 \cf0 Chameleon Trial +\f0\b\fs72 \cf0 Chameleon Trial v2 \fs50 \ \fs26 v%CHAMELEONVERSION% r%CHAMELEONREVISION% @@ -12,14 +11,21 @@ \ \cf2 %CHAMELEONSTAGE% \fs26 \cf0 \ -\pard\ri0\ql\qnatural +\pard\ri-720\ql\qnatural \cf0 \ This package installer uses updated versions of the original Chameleon scripts and this trial reflects it's current state. I've conducted numerous tests with it using OSX and Windows 7 on a disk with a GPT and GPT/MBR and feel it's ready for wider testing.\ -\pard\ri0\ql\qnatural +\pard\ri-720\ql\qnatural \cf3 Please only use this if you are confident.\cf0 \ \ The changes made (so far) are:\ +v2\ +\b0 \'95\'a0Ensure all occurrences of EFI volumes are un-mounted before actioning any commands for an EFI volume (thanks kizwan).\ +\'95\'a0Re-work the Extra/ building process. +\b \ +\ +v1\ + \b0 \'95\'a0Only two bootloader choices (Standard and EFI).\ \'95\'a0boot0 or boo0hfs are automatically written depending on whether or not a Windows disk signature exists in the MBR of the selected disk.\ \'95 EFI script will install boot1h or boot1f32 depending on the format of the EFI partition.\ @@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ \'95 Activate selected partition if it meets two conditions: A) it's not already the active partition, B) Windows is NOT installed\ \'95\'a0Only English language. Note: other languages will be added back once the words have been finalised.\ \'95 EFI Mounter applescript updated to mount EFI partition.\ -\pard\ri0\ql\qnatural +\pard\ri-720\ql\qnatural \b \cf0 \ There will be more changes in the future to the whole package.\