Index: branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/buildpkg =================================================================== --- branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/buildpkg (revision 325) +++ branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/buildpkg (revision 326) @@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ builddate=$( grep I386BOOT_BUILDDATE sym/i386/vers.h | awk '{ print $3,$4 }' | tr -d '\"' ) timestamp=$( date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "${builddate}" "+%s" ) +# ================= + +develop=" Crazor, Dense, fassl, fxtentacle, iNDi, JrCs, Kabyl, kaitek, mackerintel, mercurysquad, munky, Slice, meklort, mozodojo, rekursor, Turbo, cparm, valv & zef " + +credits=" andyvand, asereBLN, Azimut, bumby, cosmo1t, dfe, Galaxy, kalyway, Krazubu, MasterChief, netkas, sckevyn, smith@@, THeKiNG, blackosx, .: ErmaC :., scrax, DutchHockeyPro & Andy" + +# ================= + distributioncount=0 xmlindent=0 @@ -50,7 +58,7 @@ # build core package echo "================= Core =================" ((xmlindent++)) - packagesidentity="org.chameleon" + packagesidentity="org.chameleon.core" mkdir -p ${1}/Core/Root/usr/sbin mkdir -p ${1}/Core/Root/usr/local/bin mkdir -p ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 @@ -422,6 +430,11 @@ # perl -i -p -e "s/%PKGTYPE%/TEST/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` # +# Adding Developer and credits + perl -i -p -e "s/%DEVELOP%/${develop}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` + perl -i -p -e "s/%CREDITS%/${credits}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` +# + stage=${stage/RC/Release Candidate } stage=${stage/FINAL/2.0 Final} perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONSTAGE%/${stage}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` @@ -434,12 +447,12 @@ # Here is the place for assign a Icon to the pkg # command use to generate the file: # ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent Icon.icns -# ditto -xk "${pkgroot}/Icons/" "${pkgroot}/Icons/" -# DeRez -only icns "${pkgroot}/Icons/Icons/pkg.icns" > tempicns.rsrc -# Rez -append tempicns.rsrc -o "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" -# SetFile -a C "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" -# rm -f tempicns.rsrc -# rm -rf "${pkgroot}/Icons/Icons" + ditto -xk "${pkgroot}/Icons/" "${pkgroot}/Icons/" + DeRez -only icns "${pkgroot}/Icons/Icons/pkg.icns" > tempicns.rsrc + Rez -append tempicns.rsrc -o "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" + SetFile -a C "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" + rm -f tempicns.rsrc + rm -rf "${pkgroot}/Icons/Icons" # End md5=$( md5 "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" | awk {'print $4'} ) Index: branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/slimpkg =================================================================== --- branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/slimpkg (revision 325) +++ branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/slimpkg (revision 326) @@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ builddate=$( grep I386BOOT_BUILDDATE sym/i386/vers.h | awk '{ print $3,$4 }' | tr -d '\"' ) timestamp=$( date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "${builddate}" "+%s" ) +# ================= + +develop=" Crazor, Dense, fassl, fxtentacle, iNDi, JrCs, Kabyl, kaitek, mackerintel, mercurysquad, munky, Slice, meklort, mozodojo, rekursor, Turbo, cparm, valv & zef " + +credits=" andyvand, asereBLN, Azimut, bumby, cosmo1t, dfe, Galaxy, kalyway, Krazubu, MasterChief, netkas, sckevyn, smith@@, THeKiNG, blackosx, .: ErmaC :., scrax, DutchHockeyPro & Andy" + +# ================= + distributioncount=0 xmlindent=0 @@ -249,6 +257,11 @@ perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONVERSION%/${version%%-*}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONREVISION%/${revision}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` +# Adding Developer and credits + perl -i -p -e "s/%DEVELOP%/${develop}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` + perl -i -p -e "s/%CREDITS%/${credits}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` +# + stage=${stage/RC/Release Candidate } stage=${stage/FINAL/2.0 Final} perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONSTAGE%/${stage}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` Index: branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/Resources/English.lproj/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf =================================================================== --- branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/Resources/English.lproj/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf (revision 325) +++ branches/iFabio/Chameleon/package/Resources/English.lproj/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf (revision 326) @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 +{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red65\green78\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww11660\viewh12980\viewkind0 @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ \fs26 \cf0 \ \pard\ri0\ql\qnatural \cf0 \ -Developers: Crazor, Dense, fassl, fxtentacle, iNDi, JrCs, Kabyl, kaitek, mackerintel, mercurysquad, munky, Slice, meklort, mozodojo, rekursor, Turbo, cparm, valv & zef \ +Developers :%DEVELOP%\ \ -Thanks to : andyvand, asereBLN, Azimut, bumby, cosmo1t, dfe, Galaxy, kalyway, Krazubu, MasterChief, netkas, sckevyn, smith@@, THeKiNG, blackosx, iReset, scrax, DutchHockeyPro & Andy\ +Thanks to : %CREDITS%\ \pard\tx360\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \b0\fs30 \cf0 \ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural -\fs26 \cf0 Copyright \'a9 2011} \ No newline at end of file +\fs26 \cf0 Copyright \'a9 2011}