Chameleon Applications

Chameleon Applications Svn Source Tree


Source at commit 169 created 13 years 6 months ago.
By ifabio, Update my branch folder with last changes: - Update all language with last _title and _description (need translation). - Comment (disabled) in the main make the option for advanced pkg - Added Options (from scrax's basics folder) - Added Chameleon Prefpanel - Correct some minus error - Comment (disabled) the copy for the resourced folder.
1Future version (codename: Gandalf) Plans
3Implement most if not all of the Chameleon bootConfig parameters in the table view of the current prefpane : let the Magic happening !
5Current versions todo list
7 - Graphical Design (icons and other graphical matter..) management -> DieBuche
8 - Add WebView in About Panel for nicer Kredits.
9 - Localization -> DieBuche, get someone to have a look over German, Italian, Spanish loc. Add Portuguese (thiagomorales ?)
10 - Don't filter out soft-raids, which only have a disk identifier & no partition number
11 - Try to investigate if there is a better way to get the partition list
12 (currently done with diskutil list) probably with Chameleon booter RC6.

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Revision: 169