/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Virtual memory map purgeable object definitions. * Objects that will be needed in the future (forward cached objects) should be queued LIFO. * Objects that have been used and are cached for reuse (backward cached) should be queued FIFO. * Every user of purgeable memory is entitled to using the highest volatile group (7). * Only if a client wants some of its objects to definitely be purged earlier, it can put those in * another group. This could be used to make all FIFO objects (in the lower group) go away before * any LIFO objects (in the higher group) go away. * Objects that should not get any chance to stay around can be marked as "obsolete". They will * be emptied before any other objects or pages are reclaimed. Obsolete objects are not emptied * in any particular order. * 'purgeable' is recognized as the correct spelling. For historical reasons, definitions * in this file are spelled 'purgable'. */ #ifndef _MACH_VM_PURGABLE_H_ #define _MACH_VM_PURGABLE_H_ /* * Types defined: * * vm_purgable_t purgeable object control codes. */ typedef int vm_purgable_t; /* * Enumeration of valid values for vm_purgable_t. */ #define VM_PURGABLE_SET_STATE ((vm_purgable_t) 0) /* set state of purgeable object */ #define VM_PURGABLE_GET_STATE ((vm_purgable_t) 1) /* get state of purgeable object */ #define VM_PURGABLE_PURGE_ALL ((vm_purgable_t) 2) /* purge all volatile objects now */ #define VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_SHIFT 12 #define VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_MASK (0x3 << VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_SHIFT) #define VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_EMPTY (0x1 << VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_SHIFT) #define VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_FAULT (0x2 << VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_SHIFT) /* * Volatile memory ordering groups (group zero objects are purged before group 1, etc... * It is implementation dependent as to whether these groups are global or per-address space. * (for the moment, they are global). */ #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT 8 #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_MASK (7 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_DEFAULT VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_7 #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_0 (0 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_1 (1 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_2 (2 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_3 (3 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_4 (4 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_5 (5 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_6 (6 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_7 (7 << VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_SHIFT) /* * Purgeable behavior * Within the same group, FIFO objects will be emptied before objects that are added later. * LIFO objects will be emptied after objects that are added later. * - Input only, not returned on state queries. */ #define VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_SHIFT 6 #define VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_MASK (1 << VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_SHIFT) #define VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_FIFO (0 << VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_SHIFT) #define VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_LIFO (1 << VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_SHIFT) /* * Obsolete object. * Disregard volatile group, and put object into obsolete queue instead, so it is the next object * to be purged. * - Input only, not returned on state queries. */ #define VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_SHIFT 5 #define VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_MASK (1 << VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_SHIFT) #define VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_OBSOLETE (1 << VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_SHIFT) #define VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_NORMAL (0 << VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_SHIFT) /* * Obsolete parameter - do not use */ #define VM_VOLATILE_ORDER_SHIFT 4 #define VM_VOLATILE_ORDER_MASK (1 << VM_VOLATILE_ORDER_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_MAKE_FIRST_IN_GROUP (1 << VM_VOLATILE_ORDER_SHIFT) #define VM_VOLATILE_MAKE_LAST_IN_GROUP (0 << VM_VOLATILE_ORDER_SHIFT) /* * Valid states of a purgeable object. */ #define VM_PURGABLE_STATE_MIN 0 /* minimum purgeable object state value */ #define VM_PURGABLE_STATE_MAX 3 /* maximum purgeable object state value */ #define VM_PURGABLE_STATE_MASK 3 /* mask to separate state from group */ #define VM_PURGABLE_NONVOLATILE 0 /* purgeable object is non-volatile */ #define VM_PURGABLE_VOLATILE 1 /* purgeable object is volatile */ #define VM_PURGABLE_EMPTY 2 /* purgeable object is volatile and empty */ #define VM_PURGABLE_DENY 3 /* (mark) object not purgeable */ #define VM_PURGABLE_ALL_MASKS (VM_PURGABLE_STATE_MASK | \ VM_VOLATILE_ORDER_MASK | \ VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_MASK | \ VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_MASK | \ VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_MASK | \ VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_MASK) #endif /* _MACH_VM_PURGABLE_H_ */