/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _LIBKERN_OSKEXTLIB_H #define _LIBKERN_OSKEXTLIB_H #include __BEGIN_DECLS #include #include #include #include #include /*! * @header * * Declares functions, basic return values, and other constants * related to kernel extensions (kexts). */ #if PRAGMA_MARK #pragma mark - /********************************************************************/ #pragma mark OSReturn Values for Kernel Extensions /********************************************************************/ #endif /*! * @group OSReturn Values for Kernel Extensions * Many kext-related functions return these values, * as well as those defined under * @link //apple_ref/c/tdef/OSReturn OSReturn@/link * and other variants of kern_return_t. */ #define sub_libkern_kext err_sub(2) #define libkern_kext_err(code) (sys_libkern|sub_libkern_kext|(code)) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnInternalError * @abstract An internal error in the kext library. * Contrast with @link //apple_ref/c/econst/OSReturnError * OSReturnError@/link. */ #define kOSKextReturnInternalError libkern_kext_err(0x1) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnNoMemory * @abstract Memory allocation failed. */ #define kOSKextReturnNoMemory libkern_kext_err(0x2) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnNoResources * @abstract Some resource other than memory (such as available load tags) * is exhausted. */ #define kOSKextReturnNoResources libkern_kext_err(0x3) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnNotPrivileged * @abstract The caller lacks privileges to perform the requested operation. */ #define kOSKextReturnNotPrivileged libkern_kext_err(0x4) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument * @abstract Invalid argument. */ #define kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument libkern_kext_err(0x5) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnNotFound * @abstract Search item not found. */ #define kOSKextReturnNotFound libkern_kext_err(0x6) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnBadData * @abstract Malformed data (not used for XML). */ #define kOSKextReturnBadData libkern_kext_err(0x7) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnSerialization * @abstract Error converting or (un)serializing URL, string, or XML. */ #define kOSKextReturnSerialization libkern_kext_err(0x8) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnUnsupported * @abstract Operation is no longer or not yet supported. */ #define kOSKextReturnUnsupported libkern_kext_err(0x9) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnDisabled * @abstract Operation is currently disabled. */ #define kOSKextReturnDisabled libkern_kext_err(0xa) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnNotAKext * @abstract Bundle is not a kernel extension. */ #define kOSKextReturnNotAKext libkern_kext_err(0xb) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnValidation * @abstract Validation failures encountered; check diagnostics for details. */ #define kOSKextReturnValidation libkern_kext_err(0xc) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnAuthentication * @abstract Authetication failures encountered; check diagnostics for details. */ #define kOSKextReturnAuthentication libkern_kext_err(0xd) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnDependencies * @abstract Dependency resolution failures encountered; check diagnostics for details. */ #define kOSKextReturnDependencies libkern_kext_err(0xe) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnArchNotFound * @abstract Kext does not contain code for the requested architecture. */ #define kOSKextReturnArchNotFound libkern_kext_err(0xf) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnCache * @abstract An error occurred processing a system kext cache. */ #define kOSKextReturnCache libkern_kext_err(0x10) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnDeferred * @abstract Operation has been posted asynchronously to user space (kernel only). */ #define kOSKextReturnDeferred libkern_kext_err(0x11) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnBootLevel * @abstract Kext not loadable or operation not allowed at current boot level. */ #define kOSKextReturnBootLevel libkern_kext_err(0x12) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnNotLoadable * @abstract Kext cannot be loaded; check diagnostics for details. */ #define kOSKextReturnNotLoadable libkern_kext_err(0x13) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnLoadedVersionDiffers * @abstract A different version (or executable UUID, or executable by checksum) * of the requested kext is already loaded. */ #define kOSKextReturnLoadedVersionDiffers libkern_kext_err(0x14) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnDependencyLoadError * @abstract A load error occurred on a dependency of the kext being loaded. */ #define kOSKextReturnDependencyLoadError libkern_kext_err(0x15) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnLinkError * @abstract A link failure occured with this kext or a dependency. */ #define kOSKextReturnLinkError libkern_kext_err(0x16) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnStartStopError * @abstract The kext start or stop routine returned an error. */ #define kOSKextReturnStartStopError libkern_kext_err(0x17) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnInUse * @abstract The kext is currently in use or has outstanding references, * and cannot be unloaded. */ #define kOSKextReturnInUse libkern_kext_err(0x18) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnTimeout * @abstract A kext request has timed out. */ #define kOSKextReturnTimeout libkern_kext_err(0x19) /*! * @define kOSKextReturnStopping * @abstract The kext is in the process of stopping; requests cannot be made. */ #define kOSKextReturnStopping libkern_kext_err(0x1a) #if PRAGMA_MARK #pragma mark - /********************************************************************/ #pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property List Keys /********************************************************************/ #endif /*! * @group Kext Property List Keys * These constants cover CFBundle properties defined for kernel extensions. * Because they are used in the kernel, if you want to use one with * CFBundle APIs you'll need to wrap it in a CFSTR() macro. */ /*! * @define kOSBundleCompatibleVersionKey * @abstract A string giving the backwards-compatible version of a library kext * in extended Mac OS 'vers' format (####.##.##s{1-255} where 's' * is a build stage 'd', 'a', 'b', 'f' or 'fc'). */ #define kOSBundleCompatibleVersionKey "OSBundleCompatibleVersion" /*! * @define kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey * @abstract Set to true to have the kernel kext logging spec applied * to the kext. * See @link //apple_ref/c/econst/OSKextLogSpec * OSKextLogSpec@/link. */ #define kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey "OSBundleEnableKextLogging" /*! * @define kOSBundleIsInterfaceKey * @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext executable * contains only symbol references. */ #define kOSBundleIsInterfaceKey "OSBundleIsInterface" /*! * @define kOSBundleLibrariesKey * @abstract A dictionary listing link dependencies for this kext. * Keys are bundle identifiers, values are version strings. */ #define kOSBundleLibrariesKey "OSBundleLibraries" /*! * @define kOSBundleRequiredKey * @abstract A string indicating in which kinds of startup this kext * may need to load during early startup (before * @link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextcache(8)@/link). * @discussion * The value is one of: *
  • @link kOSBundleRequiredRoot "OSBundleRequiredRoot"@/link
  • *
  • @link kOSBundleRequiredLocalRoot "OSBundleRequiredLocalRoot"@/link
  • *
  • @link kOSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot "OSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot"@/link
  • *
  • @link kOSBundleRequiredSafeBoot "OSBundleRequiredSafeBoot"@/link
  • *
  • @link kOSBundleRequiredConsole "OSBundleRequiredConsole"@/link
  • *
* * Use this property judiciously. * Every kext that declares a value other than "OSBundleRequiredSafeBoot" * increases startup time, as the booter must read it into memory, * or startup kext caches must include it. */ #define kOSBundleRequiredKey "OSBundleRequired" /*! * @define kOSBundleAllowUserLoadKey * @abstract A boolean value indicating whether * @link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextcache(8)@/link * will honor a non-root process's request to load a kext. * @discussion * See @link //apple_ref/doc/compositePage/c/func/KextManagerLoadKextWithURL * KextManagerLoadKextWithURL@/link * and @link //apple_ref/doc/compositePage/c/func/KextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier * KextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier@/link. */ #define kOSBundleAllowUserLoadKey "OSBundleAllowUserLoad" /*! * @define kOSKernelResourceKey * @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext represents a built-in * component of the kernel. */ #define kOSKernelResourceKey "OSKernelResource" /*! * @define kIOKitPersonalitiesKey * @abstract A dictionary of dictionaries used in matching for I/O Kit drivers. */ #define kIOKitPersonalitiesKey "IOKitPersonalities" /* * @define kIOPersonalityPublisherKey * @abstract Used in personalities sent to the I/O Kit, * contains the CFBundleIdentifier of the kext * that the personality originated in. */ #define kIOPersonalityPublisherKey "IOPersonalityPublisher" #if PRAGMA_MARK /********************************************************************/ #pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property Deprecated Keys /********************************************************************/ #endif /* * @define kOSBundleDebugLevelKey * @abstract * Deprecated (used on some releases of Mac OS X prior to 10.6 Snow Leopard). * Value is an integer from 1-6, corresponding to the verbose levels * of kext tools on those releases. * On 10.6 Snow Leopard, use @link OSKextEnableKextLogging * OSKextEnableKextLogging@/link. */ #define kOSBundleDebugLevelKey "OSBundleDebugLevel" /*! * @define kOSBundleSharedExecutableIdentifierKey * @abstract Deprecated (used on some releases of Mac OS X * prior to 10.6 Snow Leopard). * Value is the bundle identifier of the pseudokext * that contains an executable shared by this kext. */ #define kOSBundleSharedExecutableIdentifierKey "OSBundleSharedExecutableIdentifier" #if PRAGMA_MARK /********************************************************************/ #pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property List Values /********************************************************************/ #endif /*! * @group Kext Property List Values * These constants encompass established values * for kernel extension bundle properties. */ /*! * @define kOSKextKernelIdentifier * @abstract * This is the CFBundleIdentifier user for the kernel itself. */ #define kOSKextKernelIdentifier "__kernel__" /*! * @define kOSBundleRequiredRoot * @abstract * This @link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link * value indicates that the kext may be needed to mount the root filesystem * whether starting from a local or a network volume. */ #define kOSBundleRequiredRoot "Root" /*! * @define kOSBundleRequiredLocalRoot * @abstract * This @link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link * value indicates that the kext may be needed to mount the root filesystem * when starting from a local disk. */ #define kOSBundleRequiredLocalRoot "Local-Root" /*! * @define kOSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot * @abstract * This @link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link * value indicates that the kext may be needed to mount the root filesystem * when starting over a network connection. */ #define kOSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot "Network-Root" /*! * @define kOSBundleRequiredSafeBoot * @abstract * This @link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link * value indicates that the kext can be loaded during a safe startup. * This value does not normally cause the kext to be read by the booter * or included in startup kext caches. */ #define kOSBundleRequiredSafeBoot "Safe Boot" /*! * @define kOSBundleRequiredConsole * @abstract * This @link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link * value indicates that the kext may be needed for console access * (specifically in a single-user startup when * @link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextd(8)@/link. * does not run) * and should be loaded during early startup. */ #define kOSBundleRequiredConsole "Console" #if PRAGMA_MARK #pragma mark - /********************************************************************/ #pragma mark Kext Information /********************************************************************/ #endif /*! * @group Kext Information * Types, constants, and macros providing a kext with information * about itself. */ /*! * @typedef OSKextLoadTag * * @abstract * A unique identifier assigned to a loaded instanace of a kext. * * @discussion * If a kext is unloaded and later reloaded, the new instance * has a different load tag. * * A kext can get its own load tag in the kmod_info_t * structure passed into its module start routine, as the * id field (cast to this type). * You can use the load tag with the functions * @link OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag * OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag@/link and * @link OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag * OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag@/link. */ typedef uint32_t OSKextLoadTag; /*! * @define kOSKextInvalidLoadTag * * @abstract * A load tag value that will never be used for a loaded kext; * indicates kext not found. */ #define kOSKextInvalidLoadTag ((OSKextLoadTag)(-1)) __END_DECLS #endif /* _LIBKERN_OSKEXTLIB_H */