/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public * Source License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using * this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT. Please see the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Copyright 1993 NeXT Computer, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Sam's simple memory allocator. * */ #include "libsa.h" #include "memory.h" #define ZDEBUG 0 #if ZDEBUG int zout; #endif typedef struct { char * start; size_t size; } zmem; static zmem * zalloced; static zmem * zavailable; static short availableNodes, allocedNodes, totalNodes; static char * zalloc_base; static char * zalloc_end; #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC static void (*zerror)(char *, size_t, const char *, int); #else static void (*zerror)(char *, size_t); #endif static void zallocate(char * start,int size); static void zinsert(zmem * zp, int ndx); static void zdelete(zmem * zp, int ndx); static void zcoalesce(void); #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC static void malloc_error(char *addr, size_t size, const char *file, int line); #else static void malloc_error(char *addr, size_t size); #endif #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC static void * Safe_Malloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line); #else static void * Malloc(size_t size); #endif static void * __malloc (size_t size); #if ZDEBUG size_t zalloced_size; #endif #define ZALLOC_NODES 16384 #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC static void malloc_error(char *addr, size_t size, const char *file, int line) #else static void malloc_error(char *addr, size_t size) #endif { #ifdef i386 asm volatile ("hlt"); #endif } // define the block of memory that the allocator will use #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC void malloc_init(char * start, int size, int nodes, void (*malloc_err_fn)(char *, size_t, const char *, int)) #else void malloc_init(char * start, int size, int nodes, void (*malloc_err_fn)(char *, size_t)) #endif { zalloc_base = start ? start : (char *)ZALLOC_ADDR; totalNodes = nodes ? nodes : ZALLOC_NODES; zalloced = (zmem *) zalloc_base; zavailable = (zmem *) zalloc_base + sizeof(zmem) * totalNodes; zavailable[0].start = (char *)zavailable + sizeof(zmem) * totalNodes; if (size == 0) size = ZALLOC_LEN; zavailable[0].size = size - (zavailable[0].start - zalloc_base); zalloc_end = zalloc_base + size; availableNodes = 1; allocedNodes = 0; zerror = malloc_err_fn ? malloc_err_fn : malloc_error; } #define BEST_FIT 1 #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC static void * Safe_Malloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line) #else static void * Malloc(size_t size) #endif { int i; #if BEST_FIT int bestFit; size_t smallestSize; #endif char * ret = 0; if ( !zalloc_base ) { // this used to follow the bss but some bios' corrupted it... malloc_init((char *)ZALLOC_ADDR, ZALLOC_LEN, ZALLOC_NODES, malloc_error); } size = ((size + 0xf) & ~0xf); /*if (size == 0) { if (zerror) (*zerror)((char *)0xdeadbeef, 0, file, line); }*/ if (size == 0 && zerror) #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC (*zerror)((char *)0xdeadbeef, 0, file, line); #else (*zerror)((char *)0xdeadbeef, 0); #endif #if BEST_FIT smallestSize = 0; bestFit = -1; #endif for (i = 0; i < availableNodes; i++) { // find node with equal size, or if not found, // then smallest node that fits. if ( zavailable[i].size == size ) { zallocate(ret = zavailable[i].start, size); zdelete(zavailable, i); availableNodes--; goto done; } #if BEST_FIT else { if ((zavailable[i].size > size) && ((smallestSize == 0) || (zavailable[i].size < smallestSize))) { bestFit = i; smallestSize = zavailable[i].size; } } #else else if ( zavailable[i].size > size ) { zallocate(ret = zavailable[i].start, size); zavailable[i].start += size; zavailable[i].size -= size; goto done; } #endif } #if BEST_FIT if (bestFit != -1) { zallocate(ret = zavailable[bestFit].start, size); zavailable[bestFit].start += size; zavailable[bestFit].size -= size; } #endif done: #if ZDEBUG zalloced_size += size; #endif return (void *) ret; } static void * __malloc (size_t size) { #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC register void *ret = Safe_Malloc( size, __FILE__, __LINE__); #else register void *ret = Malloc (size); #endif if (ret == 0 || ((char *)ret + size >= zalloc_end)) { if (zerror) #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC (*zerror)(ret, size, __FILE__, __LINE__); #else (*zerror)(ret, size); #endif } if (ret != 0) { bzero(ret, size); } return ret; } void * malloc (size_t size) { if (size > 0) { return __malloc(size); } return (void *)0; } void free(void * pointer) { unsigned long rp; int i, found = 0; size_t tsize = 0; char * start = pointer; #if i386 // Get return address of our caller, // in case we have to report an error below. asm volatile ("movl %%esp, %%eax\n\t" "subl $4, %%eax\n\t" "movl 0(%%eax), %%eax" : "=a" (rp) ); #else rp = 0; #endif if ( !start ) return; for (i = 0; i < allocedNodes; i++) { if ( zalloced[i].start == start ) { tsize = zalloced[i].size; #if ZDEBUG zout -= tsize; //printf(" zz out %d\n",zout); #endif zdelete(zalloced, i); allocedNodes--; found = 1; #if ZDEBUG memset(pointer, 0x5A, tsize); #endif break; } } if ( !found ) { if (zerror) #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC (*zerror)(pointer, rp, "free", 0); #else (*zerror)(pointer, rp); #endif else return; } #if ZDEBUG zalloced_size -= tsize; #endif for (i = 0; i < availableNodes; i++) { if ((start + tsize) == zavailable[i].start) // merge it in { zavailable[i].start = start; zavailable[i].size += tsize; zcoalesce(); return; } if ((i > 0) && (zavailable[i-1].start + zavailable[i-1].size == start)) { zavailable[i-1].size += tsize; zcoalesce(); return; } if ((start + tsize) < zavailable[i].start) { if (++availableNodes > totalNodes) { if (zerror) #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC (*zerror)((char *)0xf000f000, 0, "free", 0); #else (*zerror)((char *)0xf000f000, 0); #endif } zinsert(zavailable, i); zavailable[i].start = start; zavailable[i].size = tsize; return; } } if (++availableNodes > totalNodes) { if (zerror) #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC (*zerror)((char *)0xf000f000, 1, "free", 0); #else (*zerror)((char *)0xf000f000, 1); #endif } zavailable[i].start = start; zavailable[i].size = tsize; zcoalesce(); return; } static void zallocate(char * start,int size) { #if ZDEBUG zout += size; //printf(" alloc %d, total 0x%x\n",size,zout); #endif zalloced[allocedNodes].start = start; zalloced[allocedNodes].size = size; if (++allocedNodes > totalNodes) { if (zerror) #ifdef SAFE_MALLOC (*zerror)((char *)0xf000f000, 2, "zallocate", 0); #else (*zerror)((char *)0xf000f000, 2); #endif }; } static void zinsert(zmem * zp, int ndx) { int i; zmem *z1, *z2; i = totalNodes-2; z1 = zp + i; z2 = z1 + 1; for (; i >= ndx; i--, z1--, z2--) { *z2 = *z1; } } static void zdelete(zmem * zp, int ndx) { int i; zmem *z1, *z2; z1 = zp + ndx; z2 = z1 + 1; for (i = ndx; i < totalNodes-1; i++, z1++, z2++) { *z1 = *z2; } } static void zcoalesce(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < availableNodes-1; i++) { if ( zavailable[i].start + zavailable[i].size == zavailable[i+1].start ) { zavailable[i].size += zavailable[i+1].size; zdelete(zavailable, i+1); availableNodes--; return; } } } /* This is the simplest way possible. Should fix this. */ void * realloc(void * start, size_t newsize) { if (!start || !(newsize>0)) return NULL; void * newstart = malloc(newsize); if (newstart) { bcopy(start, newstart, newsize); } free(start); return newstart; }