/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public * Source License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using * this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT. Please see the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Copyright 1993 NeXT, Inc. * All rights reserved. */ #include "libsaio.h" #include "vbe.h" /* * Various inline routines for video I/O */ static inline void outi (int port, int index, int val) { outw (port, (val << 8) | index); } static inline void outib (int port, int index, int val) { outb (port, index); outb (port + 1, val); } static inline int ini (int port, int index) { outb (port, index); return inb (port + 1); } static inline void rmwi (int port, int index, int clear, int set) { outb (port, index); outb (port + 1, (inb (port + 1) & ~clear) | set); } /* * Globals */ static biosBuf_t bb; int getVBEInfo( void * infoBlock ) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetControllerInfo; bb.es = SEG( infoBlock ); bb.edi.rr = OFF( infoBlock ); bios( &bb ); return(bb.eax.r.h); } int getEDID( void * edidBlock, UInt8 block) { bzero(&bb, sizeof(bb)); bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetEDID; bb.ebx.r.l= 0x01; bb.edx.rr = block; bb.es = SEG( edidBlock ); bb.edi.rr = OFF( edidBlock ); bios( &bb ); return(bb.eax.r.h); } int getVBEModeInfo( int mode, void * minfo_p ) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetModeInfo; bb.ecx.rr = mode; bb.es = SEG(minfo_p); bb.edi.rr = OFF(minfo_p); bios(&bb); return(bb.eax.r.h); } int getVBEDACFormat(unsigned char *format) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetSetPaletteFormat; bb.ebx.r.l = subfuncGet; bios(&bb); *format = bb.ebx.r.h; return(bb.eax.r.h); } int setVBEDACFormat(unsigned char format) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetSetPaletteFormat; bb.ebx.r.l = subfuncSet; bb.ebx.r.h = format; bios(&bb); return(bb.eax.r.h); } /* * Default GTF parameter values. */ #define kCellGranularity 8.0 // character cell granularity #define kMinVSyncPlusBP 550.0 // min VSync + BP interval (us) #define kMinFrontPorch 1.0 // minimum front porch in lines(V)/cells(H) #define kVSyncLines 3.0 // width of VSync in lines #define kHSyncWidth 8.0 // HSync as a percent of total line width #define kC 30.0 // C = (C'-J) * (K/256) + J #define kM 300.0 // M = K/256 * M' int Round(double f) { return (int)(f + 0.5); } /* * from http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/sqroot.html */ double Sqrt( double y ) { double x, z, tempf; unsigned long *tfptr = ((unsigned long *)&tempf) + 1; tempf = y; *tfptr = (0xbfcdd90a - *tfptr)>>1; /* estimate of 1/sqrt(y) */ x = tempf; z = y*0.5; /* hoist out the “/2” */ x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); /* iteration formula */ x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z); return x*y; } int generateCRTCTiming( unsigned short width, unsigned short height, unsigned long paramValue, int paramType, VBECRTCInfoBlock * timing ) { double h_period_est, h_freq, h_period, h_total_pixels, h_sync_pixels; double h_active_pixels, h_ideal_duty_cycle, h_blank_pixels, pixel_freq = 0; double v_sync_plus_bp = 0, v_total_lines = 0, v_field_rate_est, v_frame_rate = 0; const double h_pixels = (double) width; const double v_lines = (double) height; enum { left_margin_pixels = 0, right_margin_pixels = 0, top_margin_lines = 0, bot_margin_lines = 0, interlace = 0 }; // Total number of active pixels in image and both margins h_active_pixels = h_pixels + left_margin_pixels + right_margin_pixels; if (paramType == kCRTCParamPixelClock) { // Pixel clock provided in MHz pixel_freq = (double) paramValue / 1000000; // Ideal horizontal period from the blanking duty cycle equation h_period = ((kC - 100) + (Sqrt(((100 - kC) * (100 - kC)) + (0.4 * kM * (h_active_pixels + right_margin_pixels + left_margin_pixels) / pixel_freq)))) / 2.0 / kM * 1000; } else /* kCRTCParamRefreshRate */ { double v_field_rate_in = (double) paramValue; // Estimate the horizontal period h_period_est = ((1 / v_field_rate_in) - kMinVSyncPlusBP / 1000000) / (v_lines + (2 * top_margin_lines) + kMinFrontPorch + interlace) * 1000000; // Number of lines in Vsync + back porch v_sync_plus_bp = Round(kMinVSyncPlusBP / h_period_est); // Total number of lines in Vetical field period v_total_lines = v_lines + top_margin_lines + bot_margin_lines + v_sync_plus_bp + interlace + kMinFrontPorch; // Estimate the vertical field frequency v_field_rate_est = 1 / h_period_est / v_total_lines * 1000000; // Find the actual horizontal period h_period = h_period_est / (v_field_rate_in / v_field_rate_est); // Find the vertical frame rate (no interlace) v_frame_rate = 1 / h_period / v_total_lines * 1000000; } // Ideal blanking duty cycle from the blanking duty cycle equation h_ideal_duty_cycle = kC - (kM * h_period / 1000); // Number of pixels in the blanking time to the nearest double character cell h_blank_pixels = Round(h_active_pixels * h_ideal_duty_cycle / (100 - h_ideal_duty_cycle) / (2 * kCellGranularity)) * (2 * kCellGranularity); // Total number of horizontal pixels h_total_pixels = h_active_pixels + h_blank_pixels; if (paramType == kCRTCParamPixelClock) { // Horizontal frequency h_freq = pixel_freq / h_total_pixels * 1000; // Number of lines in V sync + back porch v_sync_plus_bp = Round(kMinVSyncPlusBP * h_freq / 1000); // Total number of lines in vertical field period v_total_lines = v_lines + top_margin_lines + bot_margin_lines + interlace + v_sync_plus_bp + kMinFrontPorch; // Vertical frame frequency v_frame_rate = Round(h_freq / v_total_lines * 1000); } else { // Find pixel clock frequency pixel_freq = Round(h_total_pixels / h_period); } h_sync_pixels = Round(h_total_pixels * kHSyncWidth / 100 / kCellGranularity) * kCellGranularity; timing->HTotal = h_total_pixels; timing->HSyncStart = h_active_pixels + (h_blank_pixels / 2) - h_sync_pixels; timing->HSyncEnd = timing->HSyncStart + h_sync_pixels; timing->VTotal = v_total_lines; timing->VSyncStart = v_total_lines - v_sync_plus_bp; timing->VSyncEnd = timing->VSyncStart + kVSyncLines; timing->Flags = kCRTCNegativeHorizontalSync; timing->PixelClock = pixel_freq * 1000000; timing->RefreshRate = v_frame_rate * 100; return 0; } int setVBEMode(unsigned short mode, const VBECRTCInfoBlock * timing) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcSetMode; bb.ebx.rr = mode; if (timing) { bb.es = SEG(timing); bb.edi.rr = OFF(timing); } bios(&bb); return(bb.eax.r.h); } int setVBEPalette(void *palette) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetSetPaletteData; bb.ebx.r.l = subfuncSet; bb.ecx.rr = 256; bb.edx.rr = 0; bb.es = SEG(palette); bb.edi.rr = OFF(palette); bios(&bb); return(bb.eax.r.h); } int getVBEPalette(void *palette) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetSetPaletteData; bb.ebx.r.l = subfuncGet; bb.ecx.rr = 256; bb.edx.rr = 0; bb.es = SEG(palette); bb.edi.rr = OFF(palette); bios(&bb); return(bb.eax.r.h); } int getVBECurrentMode(unsigned short *mode) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetCurrentMode; bios(&bb); *mode = bb.ebx.rr; return(bb.eax.r.h); } int getVBEPixelClock(unsigned short mode, unsigned long * pixelClock) { bb.intno = 0x10; bb.eax.rr = funcGetSetPixelClock; bb.ebx.r.l = 0; bb.ecx.rx = *pixelClock; bb.edx.rr = mode; bios(&bb); *pixelClock = bb.ecx.rx; return(bb.eax.r.h); }