#!/bin/bash echo "===============================================" echo "CheckGRUBLinuxLoader: Does GRUB or LILO exist?" echo "**********************************************" # This reads the MBR of the disk in the attempt to find the # signature for either the GRUB or Linux bootloaders. # The script returns 1 if either is found, or 0 if none found. # Receives targetdisk: for example, /dev/disk2. # Receives targetVolume: Volume to install to. # Receives scriptDir: The location of the main script dir. if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then targetDisk="$1" targetVolume="$2" scriptDir="$3" echo "DEBUG: passed argument for targetDisk = $targetDisk" echo "DEBUG: passed argument for targetVolume = $targetVolume" echo "DEBUG: passed argument for scriptDir = $scriptDir" else echo "Error - wrong number of values passed" exit 9 fi diskmicrocodetype[1]="GRUB,47525542" diskmicrocodetype[2]="LILO,4c494c4f" diskmicrocode=$( dd 2>/dev/null if="$targetDisk" count=1 | dd 2>/dev/null count=1 bs=437 | perl -ne '@a=split"";for(@a){printf"%02x",ord}' ) #echo "DEBUG: ${diskmicrocode}" diskmicrocodetypecounter=0 while [ ${diskmicrocodetypecounter} -lt ${#diskmicrocodetype[@]} ]; do diskmicrocodetypecounter=$(( ${diskmicrocodetypecounter} + 1 )) diskmicrocodetypeid=${diskmicrocodetype[${diskmicrocodetypecounter}]#*,} if [ ! "${diskmicrocode}" = "${diskmicrocode/${diskmicrocodetypeid}/}" ]; then echo "${diskmicrocodetype[${diskmicrocodetypecounter}]%,*} found." "$scriptDir"InstallLog.sh "${targetVolume}" "FAIL: Found an exisitng GRUB/LILO bootloader in the MBR." exit 1 #else #echo "DEBUG: Didn't find a match for ${diskmicrocodetype[${diskmicrocodetypecounter}]%,*}" fi done exit 0