#!/bin/bash # $1 Path to store built package packagesidentity="org.chameleon" packagename="Chameleon" pkgroot="${0%/*}" chamTemp="usr/local/chamTemp" COL_BLACK="\x1b[30;01m" COL_RED="\x1b[31;01m" COL_GREEN="\x1b[32;01m" COL_YELLOW="\x1b[33;01m" COL_MAGENTA="\x1b[35;01m" COL_CYAN="\x1b[36;01m" COL_WHITE="\x1b[37;01m" COL_BLUE="\x1b[34;01m" COL_RESET="\x1b[39;49;00m" version=$( cat version ) stage=${version##*-} revision=$( grep I386BOOT_CHAMELEONREVISION vers.h | awk '{ print $3 }' | tr -d '\"' ) builddate=$( grep I386BOOT_BUILDDATE vers.h | awk '{ print $3,$4 }' | tr -d '\"' ) timestamp=$( date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "${builddate}" "+%s" ) # ================= develop=$(awk "NR==6{print;exit}" ${pkgroot}/../CREDITS) credits=$(awk "NR==10{print;exit}" ${pkgroot}/../CREDITS) pkgdev=$(awk "NR==14{print;exit}" ${pkgroot}/../CREDITS) # ================= distributioncount=0 xmlindent=0 indent[0]="\t" indent[1]="\t\t" indent[2]="\t\t\t" indent[3]="\t\t\t\t" main () { # clean up the destination path rm -R -f "${1}" echo "" echo -e $COL_CYAN" ----------------------------------"$COL_RESET echo -e $COL_CYAN" Building $packagename Install Package"$COL_RESET echo -e $COL_CYAN" ----------------------------------"$COL_RESET echo "" outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # build pre install package echo "================= Preinstall =================" ((xmlindent++)) packagesidentity="org.chameleon" mkdir -p ${1}/Pre/Root mkdir -p ${1}/Pre/Scripts ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*/*}/revision ${1}/Pre/Scripts/Resources/revision ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*/*}/version ${1}/Pre/Scripts/Resources/version cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Main/preinstall ${1}/Pre/Scripts cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Sub/InstallLog.sh ${1}/Pre/Scripts echo " [BUILD] Pre " buildpackage "${1}/Pre" "/" "" "start_visible=\"false\" start_selected=\"true\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build pre install package # build core package echo "================= Core =================" packagesidentity="org.chameleon" mkdir -p ${1}/Core/Root/usr/local/bin mkdir -p ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot0 ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot0md ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot1f32 ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot1h ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot1he ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/boot1hp ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/cdboot ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/chain0 ${1}/Core/Root/usr/standalone/i386 ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/fdisk440 ${1}/Core/Root/usr/local/bin ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/bdmesg ${1}/Core/Root/usr/local/bin local coresize=$( du -hkc "${1}/Core/Root" | tail -n1 | awk {'print $1'} ) echo " [BUILD] i386 " buildpackage "${1}/Core" "/" "0" "start_visible=\"false\" start_selected=\"true\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build core package # build install type echo "================= Chameleon =================" outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) packagesidentity="org.chameleon.type" # build new install package mkdir -p ${1}/New/Root echo "" > "${1}/New/Root/install_type_new" echo " [BUILD] New " buildpackage "${1}/New" "/$chamTemp" "" "start_enabled=\"true\" selected=\"exclusive(choices['Upgrade'])\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build new install package # build upgrade package mkdir -p ${1}/Upgrade/Root echo "" > "${1}/Upgrade/Root/install_type_upgrade" echo " [BUILD] Upgrade " buildpackage "${1}/Upgrade" "/$chamTemp" "" "start_selected=\"false\" selected=\"exclusive(choices['New'])\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build upgrade package ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # End build install type # build Chameleon package echo "================= Chameleon =================" outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) # build standard package mkdir -p ${1}/Standard/Root mkdir -p ${1}/Standard/Scripts/Resources cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Main/Standardpostinstall ${1}/Standard/Scripts/postinstall cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Sub/* ${1}/Standard/Scripts ditto --arch i386 `which SetFile` ${1}/Standard/Scripts/Resources/SetFile echo " [BUILD] Standard " buildpackage "${1}/Standard" "/" "${coresize}" "start_enabled=\"true\" selected=\"exclusive(choices['EFI']) && exclusive(choices['noboot'])\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build standard package # build efi package mkdir -p ${1}/EFI/Root mkdir -p ${1}/EFI/Scripts/Resources cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Main/ESPpostinstall ${1}/EFI/Scripts/postinstall cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Sub/* ${1}/EFI/Scripts ditto --arch i386 `which SetFile` ${1}/EFI/Scripts/Resources/SetFile echo " [BUILD] EFI " buildpackage "${1}/EFI" "/" "${coresize}" "start_visible=\"systemHasGPT()\" selected=\"exclusive(choices['Standard']) && exclusive(choices['noboot'])\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build efi package # build reset choice package mkdir -p ${1}/noboot/Root echo " [BUILD] Reset choice " buildpackage "${1}/noboot" "/$chamTemp" "" "selected=\"exclusive(choices['Standard']) && exclusive(choices['EFI'])\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build reset choice package ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # End build Chameleon package # build Modules package echo "================= Modules =================" ############################### # Supported Modules # ############################### # klibc.dylib # # Resolution.dylib # # uClibcxx.dylib # # Keylayout.dylib # ############################### if [ "$(ls -A "${1%/*}/i386/modules")" ]; then { outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) packagesidentity="org.chameleon.modules" # - if [ -e ${1%/*}/i386/modules/klibc.dylib ]; then { mkdir -p ${1}/klibc/Root ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/modules/klibc.dylib ${1}/klibc/Root echo " [BUILD] klibc " buildpackage "${1}/klibc" "/$chamTemp/Extra/modules" "" "start_selected=\"false\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 } fi # - if [ -e ${1%/*}/i386/modules/Resolution.dylib ]; then { mkdir -p ${1}/AutoReso/Root ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/modules/Resolution.dylib ${1}/AutoReso/Root echo " [BUILD] Resolution " buildpackage "${1}/AutoReso" "/$chamTemp/Extra/modules" "" "start_selected=\"false\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 } fi # - if [ -e ${1%/*}/i386/modules/uClibcxx.dylib ]; then { mkdir -p ${1}/uClibc/Root ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/modules/uClibcxx.dylib ${1}/uClibc/Root ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/modules/klibc.dylib ${1}/uClibc/Root echo " [BUILD] uClibc++ " buildpackage "${1}/uClibc" "/$chamTemp/Extra/modules" "" "start_selected=\"false\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 } fi # - if [ -e ${1%/*}/i386/modules/Keylayout.dylib ]; then { mkdir -p ${1}/Keylayout/Root ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*}/i386/modules/Keylayout.dylib ${1}/Keylayout/Root echo " [BUILD] Keylayout " buildpackage "${1}/Keylayout" "/$chamTemp/Extra/modules" "" "start_selected=\"false\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 } fi ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" } else { echo " -= no modules to include =-" } fi # End build Modules packages # build Extras package # build options packages outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) # ------------------------------------------------------ # parse OptionalSettings folder to find files of boot options. # ------------------------------------------------------ OptionalSettingsFolder="${pkgroot}/OptionalSettings" OptionalSettingsFiles=($( find "${OptionalSettingsFolder}" -depth 1 ! -name '.svn' ! -name '.DS_Store' )) for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#OptionalSettingsFiles[@]} ; i++ )) do # Take filename and Strip .txt from end and path from front builtOptionsList=$( echo ${OptionalSettingsFiles[$i]%.txt} ) builtOptionsList=$( echo ${builtOptionsList##*/} ) echo "================= $builtOptionsList =================" outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) packagesidentity="org.chameleon.options.$builtOptionsList" # ------------------------------------------------------ # Read boot option file in to an array. # ------------------------------------------------------ availableOptions=() # array to hold the list of boot options, per 'section'. exclusiveFlag=0 # used to indicate list has exclusive options. exclusiveName="" # will be appended to exclusive 'none' option name. count=0 # used as index for stepping through array. while read textLine do # ignore lines in the file beginning with a # and Exclusive=False if [[ ${textLine} != \#* ]] && [[ ${textLine} != "Exclusive=False" ]];then # check for 'Exclusive=True' option in file if [[ ${textLine} == "Exclusive=True" ]];then exclusiveFlag=1 exclusiveName=$builtOptionsList else availableOptions[count]=$textLine ((count++)) fi fi done < ${OptionalSettingsFiles[$i]} buildoptionalsettings "$1" "${exclusiveFlag}" "${exclusiveName}" ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" done # build KeyLayout options packages echo "================= Keymaps Options =================" outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) packagesidentity="org.chameleon.options.keylayout" # ------------------------------------------------------ # Available Keylayout boot options are discovered by # reading contents of /Keymaps folder after compilation # ------------------------------------------------------ availableOptions=() availableOptions=($( find "${1%/sym/*}/Keymaps" -type f -depth 1 -name '*.lyt' | sed 's|.*/||;s|\.lyt||' )) # Adjust array contents to match expected format # for boot options which is: name:key=value for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#availableOptions[@]} ; i++ )) do availableOptions[i]=${availableOptions[i]}":KeyLayout="${availableOptions[i]} done # to indicate exclusive option, call buildoptionalsettings with the 2nd parameter set to 1 . buildoptionalsettings "$1" "1" "keylayout" ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # End build KeyLayout options packages ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # End build options packages # build theme packages echo "================= Themes =================" outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\n" ((xmlindent++)) # Using themes section from Azi's/package branch. packagesidentity="org.chameleon.themes" artwork="${1%/sym/package}/artwork/themes" themes=($( find "${artwork}" -type d -depth 1 -not -name '.svn' )) for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#themes[@]} ; i++ )) do theme=$( echo ${themes[$i]##*/} | awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS=""}{$1=toupper($1);print}' ) mkdir -p "${1}/${theme}/Root/" rsync -r --exclude=.svn "${themes[$i]}/" "${1}/${theme}/Root/${theme}" echo " [BUILD] ${theme}" buildpackage "${1}/${theme}" "/$chamTemp/Extra/Themes" "" "start_selected=\"false\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 done ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # End build theme packages# End build Extras package # build post install package echo "================= Post =================" packagesidentity="org.chameleon" mkdir -p ${1}/Post/Root mkdir -p ${1}/Post/Scripts cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Main/postinstall ${1}/Post/Scripts cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Sub/InstallLog.sh ${1}/Post/Scripts cp -f ${pkgroot}/Scripts/Sub/UnMountEFIvolumes.sh ${1}/Post/Scripts ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*/*}/revision ${1}/Post/Scripts/Resources/revision ditto --noextattr --noqtn ${1%/*/*}/version ${1}/Post/Scripts/Resources/version echo " [BUILD] Post " buildpackage "${1}/Post" "/" "" "start_visible=\"false\" start_selected=\"true\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 # End build post install package ((xmlindent--)) outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" # build meta package makedistribution "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" #"${5}" # clean up rm -R -f "${1}" } fixperms () { # $1 path find "${1}" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find "${1}" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; chown -R 0:0 "${1}" } buildoptionalsettings() { # $1 Path to package to build containing Root and or Scripts # $2 = exclusiveFlag # S3 = exclusiveName # ------------------------------------------------------ # if exclusiveFlag=1 then re-build array # adding extra boot option at beginning to give # user a chance to choose none of them. # ------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${2} = "1" ]; then tempArray=("${availableOptions[@]}") availableOptions=() availableOptions[0]="ChooseNone-"$3":DONT=ADD" position=0 totalItems="${#tempArray[@]}" for (( position = 0 ; position < $totalItems ; position++ )) do availableOptions[$position+1]=${tempArray[${position}]} done fi # ------------------------------------------------------ # Loop through options in array and process each in turn # ------------------------------------------------------ for (( c = 0 ; c < ${#availableOptions[@]} ; c++ )) do textLine=${availableOptions[c]} # split line - taking all before ':' as option name # and all after ':' as key/value optionName=${textLine%:*} keyValue=${textLine##*:} # create folders required for each boot option mkdir -p "${1}/$optionName/Root/" # create dummy file with name of key/value echo "" > "${1}/$optionName/Root/${keyValue}" echo " [BUILD] ${optionName} " # ------------------------------------------------------ # Before calling buildpackage, add exclusive options # to buildpackage call if requested. # ------------------------------------------------------ if [ $2 = "1" ]; then # Prepare individual string parts stringStart="selected=\"" stringBefore="exclusive(choices['" stringAfter="']) && " stringEnd="'])\"" x=${stringStart}${stringBefore} # build string for sending to buildpackage totalItems="${#availableOptions[@]}" lastItem=$((totalItems-1)) for (( r = 0 ; r < ${totalItems} ; r++ )) do textLineTemp=${availableOptions[r]} optionNameTemp=${textLineTemp%:*} if [ "${optionNameTemp}" != "${optionName}" ]; then x="${x}${optionNameTemp}" # Only add these to end of string up to the one before the last item if [ $r -lt $lastItem ]; then x="${x}${stringAfter}${stringBefore}" fi fi done x="${x}${stringEnd}" # First exclusive option is the 'no choice' option, so let's make that selected by default. if [ $c = 0 ]; then initialChoice="true" else initialChoice="false" fi buildpackage "${1}/${optionName}" "/$chamTemp/options" "" "start_selected=\"${initialChoice}\" ${x}" >/dev/null 2>&1 else buildpackage "${1}/${optionName}" "/$chamTemp/options" "" "start_selected=\"false\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done } buildpackage () { # $1 Path to package to build containing Root and or Scripts # $2 Install Location # $3 Size # $4 Options if [ -d "${1}/Root" ] && [ "${1}/Scripts" ]; then local packagename="${1##*/}" local identifier=$( echo ${packagesidentity}.${packagename//_/.} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] ) find "${1}" -name '.DS_Store' -delete local filecount=$( find "${1}/Root" | wc -l ) if [ "${3}" ]; then local installedsize="${3}" else local installedsize=$( du -hkc "${1}/Root" | tail -n1 | awk {'print $1'} ) fi local header="\n\n" header+="\t\n" rm -R -f "${1}/Temp" [ -d "${1}/Temp" ] || mkdir -m 777 "${1}/Temp" [ -d "${1}/Root" ] && mkbom "${1}/Root" "${1}/Temp/Bom" if [ -d "${1}/Scripts" ]; then header+="\t\n" for script in $( find "${1}/Scripts" -type f \( -name 'pre*' -or -name 'post*' \) ) do header+="\t\t<${script##*/} file=\"./${script##*/}\"/>\n" done header+="\t\n" chown -R 0:0 "${1}/Scripts" pushd "${1}/Scripts" >/dev/null find . -print | cpio -o -z -H cpio > "../Temp/Scripts" popd >/dev/null fi header+="" echo -e "${header}" > "${1}/Temp/PackageInfo" pushd "${1}/Root" >/dev/null find . -print | cpio -o -z -H cpio > "../Temp/Payload" popd >/dev/null pushd "${1}/Temp" >/dev/null xar -c -f "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}.pkg" --compression none . popd >/dev/null outline[$((outlinecount++))]="${indent[$xmlindent]}" if [ "${4}" ]; then local choiceoptions="\t\t${4}" fi choices[$((choicescount++))]="\t\n\t\t#${packagename// /}.pkg\n\t\n" rm -R -f "${1}" fi } makedistribution () { rm -f "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}"*.pkg find "${1}" -type f -name '*.pkg' -depth 1 | while read component do mkdir -p "${1}/${packagename}/${component##*/}" pushd "${1}/${packagename}/${component##*/}" >/dev/null xar -x -f "${1%}/${component##*/}" popd >/dev/null done ditto --noextattr --noqtn "${pkgroot}/Distribution" "${1}/${packagename}/Distribution" ditto --noextattr --noqtn "${pkgroot}/Resources" "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type d -name '.svn' -exec rm -R -f {} \; 2>/dev/null for (( i=0; i < ${#outline[*]} ; i++)); do echo -e "${outline[$i]}" >> "${1}/${packagename}/Distribution" done for (( i=0; i < ${#choices[*]} ; i++)); do echo -e "${choices[$i]}" >> "${1}/${packagename}/Distribution" done echo "" >> "${1}/${packagename}/Distribution" perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONVERSION%/${version%%-*}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONREVISION%/${revision}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` # Adding Developer and credits perl -i -p -e "s/%DEVELOP%/${develop}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` perl -i -p -e "s/%CREDITS%/${credits}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` perl -i -p -e "s/%PKGDEV%/${pkgdev}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` stage=${stage/RC/Release Candidate } stage=${stage/FINAL/2.0 Final} perl -i -p -e "s/%CHAMELEONSTAGE%/${stage}/g" `find "${1}/${packagename}/Resources" -type f` find "${1}/${packagename}" -name '.DS_Store' -delete pushd "${1}/${packagename}" >/dev/null xar -c -f "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" --compression none . popd >/dev/null # Here is the place for assign a Icon to the pkg # command use to generate the file: # ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent Icon.icns Icon.zip # ---- ditto -xk "${pkgroot}/Icons/pkg.zip" "${pkgroot}/Icons/" DeRez -only icns "${pkgroot}/Icons/Icons/pkg.icns" > tempicns.rsrc Rez -append tempicns.rsrc -o "${1%/*}/$packagename-${version}-r$revision.pkg" SetFile -a C "${1%/*}/$packagename-${version}-r$revision.pkg" rm -f tempicns.rsrc rm -rf "${pkgroot}/Icons/Icons" # End md5=$( md5 "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg" | awk {'print $4'} ) echo "MD5 (${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg) = ${md5}" > "${1%/*}/${packagename// /}-${version}-r${revision}.pkg.md5" echo "" echo -e $COL_GREEN" --------------------------"$COL_RESET echo -e $COL_GREEN" Building process complete!"$COL_RESET echo -e $COL_GREEN" --------------------------"$COL_RESET echo "" echo -e $COL_GREEN" Build info." echo -e $COL_GREEN" ===========" echo -e $COL_BLUE" Package name: "$COL_RESET"$packagename-${version}-r$revision.pkg" echo -e $COL_BLUE" MD5: "$COL_RESET"$md5" echo -e $COL_BLUE" Version: "$COL_RESET"$version" echo -e $COL_BLUE" Stage: "$COL_RESET"$stage" echo -e $COL_BLUE" Date/Time: "$COL_RESET"$builddate" echo "" } main "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" #"${5}"