/* * gui.h * * * Created by Jasmin Fazlic on 18.12.08. * Copyright 2008/09 Jasmin Fazlic All rights reserved. * Copyright 2008/09 iNDi All rights reserved. * */ #ifndef __BOOT2_GUI_H #define __BOOT2_GUI_H #include "boot.h" #include "bootstruct.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "graphic_utils.h" #include "picopng.h" #define CHARACTERS_COUNT 223 #define BOOT_NORMAL 0 #define BOOT_VERBOSE 1 #define BOOT_IGNORECACHE 2 #define BOOT_SINGLEUSER 3 #define DO_NOT_BOOT 4 #define CLOSE_INFO_MENU 5 #define INFOMENU_NATIVEBOOT_START 1 #define INFOMENU_NATIVEBOOT_END 3 #define MENU_SHOW_MEMORY_INFO 4 #define MENU_SHOW_VIDEO_INFO 5 #define MENU_SHOW_HELP 6 enum { HorizontalLayout = 0, VerticalLayout = 1 }; enum { kBackspaceKey = 0x08, kTabKey = 0x09, kReturnKey = '\r', kEscapeKey = 0x1b, kUpArrowkey = 0x4800, kDownArrowkey = 0x5000, kASCIIKeyMask = 0x7f, kF5Key = 0x3f00, kF10Key = 0x4400 }; /* * Menu item structure. */ typedef struct { position_t pos; char *text; bool enabled; bool expandable; } menuitem_t; /* * Image structure. */ typedef struct { pixmap_t *image; char name[32]; } image_t; /* * Font structure. */ typedef struct { uint16_t height; // Font Height uint16_t width; // Font Width for monospace font only pixmap_t *chars[CHARACTERS_COUNT]; } font_t; /* * Window structure. */ typedef struct { position_t pos; // X,Y Position of window on screen pixmap_t *pixmap; // Buffer uint16_t width; // Width uint16_t height; // Height uint16_t hborder; // Horizontal border uint16_t vborder; // Vertical border uint16_t iconspacing; // Icon spacing position_t cursor; // Text Cursor X,Y Position will be multiples of font width & height uint32_t bgcolor; // Background color AARRGGBB uint32_t fgcolor; // Foreground color AARRGGBB uint32_t font_small_color; // Color for small font AARRGGBB uint32_t font_console_color; // Color for consle font AARRGGBB bool draw; // Draw flag } window_t; /* * gui structure */ typedef struct { uint8_t maxdevices; // uint8_t layout; // Horizontal or Vertical layout pixmap_t *backbuffer; // Off screen buffer window_t screen; // window_t background; // Position of background graphic within screen window_t logo; // Logo window_t bootprompt; // Bootprompt Window window_t devicelist; // Devicelist Window window_t infobox; // Infobox Window window_t menu; // Menu window_t progressbar; // Progress bar window_t countdown; // Countdown text window_t debug; // Debug bool initialised; // Initialised bool redraw; // Redraw flag } gui_t; gui_t gui; // gui structure font_t font_small; font_t font_console; int initGUI(); void drawBackground(); void setupDeviceList(config_file_t *theme); void drawDeviceIcon(BVRef device, pixmap_t *buffer, position_t p, bool isSelected); void drawDeviceList(int start, int end, int selection); void drawProgressBar(pixmap_t *blendInto, uint16_t width, position_t p, uint8_t progress); void showInfoBox(char *title, char *text); int dprintf( window_t * window, const char * fmt, ...); int gprintf( window_t * window, const char * fmt, ...); int vprf(const char * fmt, va_list ap); int drawInfoMenu(); int updateInfoMenu(int key); void drawInfoMenuItems(); void showGraphicBootPrompt(); void clearGraphicBootPrompt(); void updateGraphicBootPrompt(); void updateVRAM(); void drawStr(char *ch, font_t *font, pixmap_t *blendInto, position_t p); void drawStrCenteredAt(char *ch, font_t *font, pixmap_t *blendInto, position_t p); #endif /* !__BOOT2_GUI_H */