/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public * Source License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using * this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT. Please see the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef __LIBSAIO_SAIO_INTERNAL_H #define __LIBSAIO_SAIO_INTERNAL_H #include "saio_types.h" /* asm.s */ extern void real_to_prot(void); extern void prot_to_real(void); extern void halt(void); extern void startprog(unsigned int address, void *arg); extern void loader(UInt32 code, UInt32 cmdptr); /* bios.s */ extern void bios(biosBuf_t *bb); /* biosfn.c */ #ifdef EISA_SUPPORT extern bool eisa_present(void); #endif extern int bgetc(void); extern int biosread(int dev, int cyl, int head, int sec, int num); extern int ebiosread(int dev, unsigned long long sec, int count); extern int ebioswrite(int dev, long sec, int count); extern int get_drive_info(int drive, struct driveInfo *dp); extern int ebiosEjectMedia(int biosdev); extern void putc(int ch); extern void putca(int ch, int attr, int repeat); extern int getc(void); extern void pause(); extern int readKeyboardStatus(void); extern int readKeyboardShiftFlags(void); extern unsigned int time18(void); extern void delay(int ms); extern unsigned int get_diskinfo(int dev); #if APM_SUPPORT extern int APMPresent(void); extern int APMConnect32(void); #endif extern int memsize(int i); extern void video_mode(int mode); extern void setCursorPosition(int x, int y, int page); extern void setCursorType(int type); extern void getCursorPositionAndType(int *x, int *y, int *type); extern void scollPage(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int attr, int rows, int dir); extern void clearScreenRows(int y1, int y2); extern void setActiveDisplayPage( int page ); extern unsigned long getMemoryMap(struct MemoryRange * rangeArray, unsigned long maxRangeCount, unsigned long * conMemSizePtr, unsigned long * extMemSizePtr); extern unsigned long getExtendedMemorySize(); extern unsigned long getConventionalMemorySize(); extern void sleep(int n); /* bootstruct.c */ extern void initKernBootStruct(void); extern void reserveKernBootStruct(void); extern void copyKernBootStruct(void); extern void finalizeBootStruct(void); /* cache.c */ extern void CacheReset(); extern void CacheInit(CICell ih, long blockSize); extern long CacheRead(CICell ih, char *buffer, long long offset, long length, long cache); /* console.c */ extern bool gVerboseMode; extern bool gErrors; extern void initBooterLog(void); extern void setupBooterLog(void); extern void putchar(int ch); extern int getchar(void); extern void msglog(const char * format, ...); extern int printf(const char *format, ...); extern int error(const char *format, ...); extern int verbose(const char *format, ...); extern void stop(const char *format, ...); /* disk.c */ extern void rescanBIOSDevice(int biosdev); extern struct DiskBVMap* diskResetBootVolumes(int biosdev); extern void diskFreeMap(struct DiskBVMap *map); extern int testBiosread( int biosdev, unsigned long long secno ); extern BVRef diskScanBootVolumes(int biosdev, int *count); extern void diskSeek(BVRef bvr, long long position); extern int diskRead(BVRef bvr, long addr, long length); extern int diskIsCDROM(BVRef bvr); extern int biosDevIsCDROM(int biosdev); extern BVRef getBVChainForBIOSDev(int biosdev); extern BVRef newFilteredBVChain(int minBIOSDev, int maxBIOSDev, unsigned int allowFlags, unsigned int denyFlags, int *count); extern int freeFilteredBVChain(const BVRef chain); extern int rawDiskRead(BVRef bvr, unsigned int secno, void *buffer, unsigned int len); extern int rawDiskWrite(BVRef bvr, unsigned int secno, void *buffer, unsigned int len); extern int readBootSector(int biosdev, unsigned int secno, void *buffer); extern void turnOffFloppy(void); extern int testFAT32EFIBootSector( int biosdev, unsigned int secno, void * buffer ); /* hfs_compare.c */ extern int32_t FastUnicodeCompare(u_int16_t *uniStr1, u_int32_t len1, u_int16_t *uniStr2, u_int32_t len2, int byte_order); extern void utf_encodestr( const u_int16_t * ucsp, int ucslen, u_int8_t * utf8p, u_int32_t bufsize, int byte_order ); extern void utf_decodestr(const u_int8_t *utf8p, u_int16_t *ucsp, u_int16_t *ucslen, u_int32_t bufsize, int byte_order ); /* load.c */ extern bool gHaveKernelCache; extern long ThinFatFile(void **binary, unsigned long *length); extern long DecodeMachO(void *binary, entry_t *rentry, char **raddr, int *rsize); /* memory.c */ long AllocateKernelMemory( long inSize ); long AllocateMemoryRange(char * rangeName, long start, long length, long type); /* misc.c */ extern void enableA20(void); extern int checkForSupportedHardware(); extern int isLaptop(); extern void getPlatformName(char *nameBuf); /* nbp.c */ extern UInt32 nbpUnloadBaseCode(); extern BVRef nbpScanBootVolumes(int biosdev, int *count); /* stringTable.c */ extern char * newStringFromList(char **list, int *size); extern int stringLength(const char *table, int compress); extern bool getValueForConfigTableKey(config_file_t *config, const char *key, const char **val, int *size); extern bool removeKeyFromTable(const char *key, char *table); extern char * newStringForStringTableKey(config_file_t *config, char *key); extern char * newStringForKey(char *key, config_file_t *configBuff); extern bool getValueForBootKey(const char *line, const char *match, const char **matchval, int *len); extern bool getValueForKey(const char *key, const char **val, int *size, config_file_t *configBuff); extern const char * getStringForKey(const char * key, config_file_t *config); extern bool getBoolForKey(const char *key, bool *val, config_file_t *configBuff); extern bool getIntForKey(const char *key, int *val, config_file_t *configBuff); extern bool getColorForKey(const char *key, unsigned int *val, config_file_t *configBuff); extern bool getDimensionForKey( const char *key, unsigned int *value, config_file_t *config, unsigned int dimension_max, unsigned int object_size ); extern int loadConfigFile(const char *configFile, config_file_t *configBuff); extern int loadSystemConfig(config_file_t *configBuff); extern int loadHelperConfig(config_file_t *configBuff); extern int loadOverrideConfig(config_file_t *configBuff); extern char * newString(const char *oldString); extern char * getNextArg(char ** ptr, char * val); extern int ParseXMLFile( char * buffer, TagPtr * dict ); //valv: experimenting with float extern double getFloatForKey(const char * key, config_file_t *config); extern int getIntForFloat(const char *key, char *val, config_file_t *configBuff); /* sys.c */ extern BVRef getBootVolumeRef( const char * path, const char ** outPath ); extern long LoadVolumeFile(BVRef bvr, const char *fileSpec); extern long LoadFile(const char *fileSpec); extern long ReadFileAtOffset(const char * fileSpec, void *buffer, uint64_t offset, uint64_t length); extern long LoadThinFatFile(const char *fileSpec, void **binary); extern long GetDirEntry(const char *dirSpec, long long *dirIndex, const char **name, long *flags, long *time); extern long GetFileInfo(const char *dirSpec, const char *name, long *flags, long *time); extern long GetFileBlock(const char *fileSpec, unsigned long long *firstBlock); extern long GetFSUUID(char *spec, char *uuidStr); extern long CreateUUIDString(uint8_t uubytes[], int nbytes, char *uuidStr); extern int openmem(char *buf, int len); extern int open(const char *str, int how); extern int open_bvdev(const char *bvd, const char *path, int flags); extern int close(int fdesc); extern int file_size(int fdesc); extern int read(int fdesc, char *buf, int count); extern int write(int fdesc, const char *buf, int count); extern int writebyte(int fdesc, char value); extern int writeint(int fdesc, int value); extern int b_lseek(int fdesc, int addr, int ptr); extern int tell(int fdesc); extern const char * systemConfigDir(void); extern struct dirstuff * opendir(const char *path); extern struct dirstuff * vol_opendir(BVRef bvr, const char *path); extern int closedir(struct dirstuff *dirp); extern int readdir(struct dirstuff *dirp, const char **name, long *flags, long *time); extern int readdir_ext(struct dirstuff * dirp, const char ** name, long * flags, long * time, FinderInfo *finderInfo, long *infoValid); extern void flushdev(void); extern void scanBootVolumes(int biosdev, int *count); extern void scanDisks(int biosdev, int *count); extern BVRef selectBootVolume(BVRef chain); extern void getBootVolumeDescription(BVRef bvr, char *str, long strMaxLen, bool verbose); extern void setRootVolume(BVRef volume); extern void setBootGlobals(BVRef chain); extern int getDeviceDescription(BVRef volume, char *str); extern int gBIOSDev; extern int gBootFileType; extern BVRef gBootVolume; extern BVRef gBIOSBootVolume; // Function pointer to be filled in if ramdisks are available extern int (*p_get_ramdisk_info)(int biosdev, struct driveInfo *dip); extern int (*p_ramdiskReadBytes)( int biosdev, unsigned int blkno, unsigned int byteoff, unsigned int byteCount, void * buffer ); #endif /* !__LIBSAIO_SAIO_INTERNAL_H */