/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public * Source License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using * this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT. Please see the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University * Copyright (c) 1989 Carnegie-Mellon University * All rights reserved. The CMU software License Agreement specifies * the terms and conditions for use and redistribution. */ /* * INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION * * This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or * nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied * nor disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. * * Copyright 1988, 1989 by Intel Corporation */ /* * Copyright 1993 NeXT Computer, Inc. * All rights reserved. */ /* * Completely reworked by Sam Streeper (sam_s@NeXT.com) * Reworked again by Curtis Galloway (galloway@NeXT.com) */ #include "boot.h" #include "bootstruct.h" #include "fake_efi.h" #include "sl.h" #include "libsa.h" #include "ramdisk.h" #include "gui.h" #include "platform.h" #include "modules.h" /* * How long to wait (in seconds) to load the * kernel after displaying the "boot:" prompt. */ #define kBootErrorTimeout 5 bool gOverrideKernel, gEnableCDROMRescan, gScanSingleDrive, useGUI; static bool gUnloadPXEOnExit = false; static char gCacheNameAdler[64 + 256]; char *gPlatformName = gCacheNameAdler; char gRootDevice[512]; char gMKextName[512]; char gMacOSVersion[8]; static char gBootKernelCacheFile[512]; int bvCount = 0, gDeviceCount = 0; //int menucount = 0; long gBootMode; /* defaults to 0 == kBootModeNormal */ BVRef bvr, menuBVR, bvChain; static bool checkOSVersion(const char * version); static bool getOSVersion(); static unsigned long Adler32(unsigned char *buffer, long length); //static void selectBiosDevice(void); //========================================================================== // Zero the BSS. static void zeroBSS(void) { extern char _DATA__bss__begin, _DATA__bss__end; extern char _DATA__common__begin, _DATA__common__end; bzero(&_DATA__bss__begin, (&_DATA__bss__end - &_DATA__bss__begin)); bzero(&_DATA__common__begin, (&_DATA__common__end - &_DATA__common__begin)); } //========================================================================== // Malloc error function static void malloc_error(char *addr, size_t size, const char *file, int line) { stop("\nMemory allocation error! Addr: 0x%x, Size: 0x%x, File: %s, Line: %d\n", (unsigned)addr, (unsigned)size, file, line); } //========================================================================== //Initializes the runtime. Right now this means zeroing the BSS and initializing malloc. // void initialize_runtime(void) { zeroBSS(); malloc_init(0, 0, 0, malloc_error); } //========================================================================== // execKernel - Load the kernel image (mach-o) and jump to its entry point. static int ExecKernel(void *binary) { int ret; entry_t kernelEntry; bootArgs->kaddr = bootArgs->ksize = 0; execute_hook("ExecKernel", (void*)binary, NULL, NULL, NULL); ret = DecodeKernel(binary, &kernelEntry, (char **) &bootArgs->kaddr, (int *)&bootArgs->ksize ); if ( ret != 0 ) return ret; // Reserve space for boot args reserveKernBootStruct(); // Notify modules that the kernel has been decoded execute_hook("DecodedKernel", (void*)binary, NULL, NULL, NULL); setupFakeEfi(); // Load boot drivers from the specifed root path. //if (!gHaveKernelCache) LoadDrivers("/"); execute_hook("DriversLoaded", (void*)binary, NULL, NULL, NULL); clearActivityIndicator(); if (gErrors) { printf("Errors encountered while starting up the computer.\n"); printf("Pausing %d seconds...\n", kBootErrorTimeout); sleep(kBootErrorTimeout); } md0Ramdisk(); verbose("Starting Darwin %s\n",( archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_I386 ) ? "x86" : "x86_64"); // Cleanup the PXE base code. if ( (gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) && gUnloadPXEOnExit ) { if ( (ret = nbpUnloadBaseCode()) != nbpStatusSuccess ) { printf("nbpUnloadBaseCode error %d\n", (int) ret); sleep(2); } } bool dummyVal; if (getBoolForKey(kWaitForKeypressKey, &dummyVal, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && dummyVal) { printf("(Wait) "); pause(); } usb_loop(); // Notify modules that the kernel is about to be started if (checkOSVersion("10.7")) { execute_hook("Kernel Start", (void*)kernelEntry, (void*)bootArgs, NULL, NULL); } else { execute_hook("Kernel Start", (void*)kernelEntry, (void*)bootArgsPreLion, NULL, NULL); } // If we were in text mode, switch to graphics mode. // This will draw the boot graphics unless we are in // verbose mode. if (gVerboseMode) setVideoMode( GRAPHICS_MODE, 0 ); else drawBootGraphics(); setupBooterLog(); finalizeBootStruct(); // Jump to kernel's entry point. There's no going back now. if (checkOSVersion("10.7")) { // Masking out so that Lion doesn't doublefault outb(0x21, 0xff); /* Maskout all interrupts Pic1 */ outb(0xa1, 0xff); /* Maskout all interrupts Pic2 */ startprog( kernelEntry, bootArgs ); } else { startprog( kernelEntry, bootArgsPreLion ); } // Not reached return 0; } //========================================================================== // This is the entrypoint from real-mode which functions exactly as it did // before. Multiboot does its own runtime initialization, does some of its // own things, and then calls common_boot. void boot(int biosdev) { initialize_runtime(); // Enable A20 gate before accessing memory above 1Mb. enableA20(); common_boot(biosdev); } //========================================================================== // The 'main' function for the booter. Called by boot0 when booting // from a block device, or by the network booter. // // arguments: // biosdev - Value passed from boot1/NBP to specify the device // that the booter was loaded from. // // If biosdev is kBIOSDevNetwork, then this function will return if // booting was unsuccessful. This allows the PXE firmware to try the // next boot device on its list. void common_boot(int biosdev) { bool quiet; bool firstRun = true; bool instantMenu; bool rescanPrompt; char *bootFile; int status; unsigned int allowBVFlags = kBVFlagSystemVolume | kBVFlagForeignBoot; unsigned int denyBVFlags = kBVFlagEFISystem; unsigned long adler32; // Set reminder to unload the PXE base code. Neglect to unload // the base code will result in a hang or kernel panic. gUnloadPXEOnExit = true; // Record the device that the booter was loaded from. gBIOSDev = biosdev & kBIOSDevMask; // Initialize boot info structure. initKernBootStruct(); initBooterLog(); // Setup VGA text mode. // Not sure if it is safe to call setVideoMode() before the // config table has been loaded. Call video_mode() instead. #if DEBUG printf("before video_mode\n"); #endif video_mode( 2 ); // 80x25 mono text mode. #if DEBUG printf("after video_mode\n"); #endif // Scan and record the system's hardware information. scan_platform(); // First get info for boot volume. scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, 0); bvChain = getBVChainForBIOSDev(gBIOSDev); setBootGlobals(bvChain); // Load boot.plist config file status = loadChameleonConfig(&bootInfo->chameleonConfig); if (getBoolForKey(kQuietBootKey, &quiet, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && quiet) { gBootMode |= kBootModeQuiet; } // Override firstRun to get to the boot menu instantly by setting "Instant Menu"=y in system config if (getBoolForKey(kInstantMenuKey, &instantMenu, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && instantMenu) { firstRun = false; } // Loading preboot ramdisk if exists. loadPrebootRAMDisk(); // Disable rescan option by default gEnableCDROMRescan = false; // Enable it with Rescan=y in system config if (getBoolForKey(kRescanKey, &gEnableCDROMRescan, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && gEnableCDROMRescan) { gEnableCDROMRescan = true; } // Ask the user for Rescan option by setting "Rescan Prompt"=y in system config. rescanPrompt = false; if (getBoolForKey(kRescanPromptKey, &rescanPrompt , &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && rescanPrompt && biosDevIsCDROM(gBIOSDev)) { gEnableCDROMRescan = promptForRescanOption(); } // Enable touching a single BIOS device only if "Scan Single Drive"=y is set in system config. if (getBoolForKey(kScanSingleDriveKey, &gScanSingleDrive, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig) && gScanSingleDrive) { gScanSingleDrive = true; } // Create a list of partitions on device(s). if (gScanSingleDrive) { scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, &bvCount); } else { scanDisks(gBIOSDev, &bvCount); } // Create a separated bvr chain using the specified filters. bvChain = newFilteredBVChain(0x80, 0xFF, allowBVFlags, denyBVFlags, &gDeviceCount); gBootVolume = selectBootVolume(bvChain); // Intialize module system init_module_system(); #if DEBUG printf(" Default: %d, ->biosdev: %d, ->part_no: %d ->flags: %d\n", gBootVolume, gBootVolume->biosdev, gBootVolume->part_no, gBootVolume->flags); printf(" bt(0,0): %d, ->biosdev: %d, ->part_no: %d ->flags: %d\n", gBIOSBootVolume, gBIOSBootVolume->biosdev, gBIOSBootVolume->part_no, gBIOSBootVolume->flags); getchar(); #endif useGUI = true; // Override useGUI default getBoolForKey(kGUIKey, &useGUI, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig); if (useGUI && initGUI()) { // initGUI() returned with an error, disabling GUI. useGUI = false; } setBootGlobals(bvChain); // Parse args, load and start kernel. while (1) { bool tryresume, tryresumedefault, forceresume; bool usecache = false;//true; const char *val; int len, trycache, ret = -1; long flags, cachetime, kerneltime, exttime, sleeptime, time; void *binary = (void *)kLoadAddr; // additional variable for testing alternate kernel image locations on boot helper partitions. char bootFileSpec[512]; // Initialize globals. sysConfigValid = false; gErrors = false; status = getBootOptions(firstRun); firstRun = false; if (status == -1) continue; status = processBootOptions(); // Status == 1 means to chainboot if ( status == 1 ) break; // Status == -1 means that the config file couldn't be loaded or that gBootVolume is NULL if ( status == -1 ) { // gBootVolume == NULL usually means the user hit escape. if (gBootVolume == NULL) { freeFilteredBVChain(bvChain); if (gEnableCDROMRescan) rescanBIOSDevice(gBIOSDev); bvChain = newFilteredBVChain(0x80, 0xFF, allowBVFlags, denyBVFlags, &gDeviceCount); setBootGlobals(bvChain); setupDeviceList(&bootInfo->themeConfig); } continue; } // Other status (e.g. 0) means that we should proceed with boot. // Turn off any GUI elements if ( bootArgs->Video.v_display == GRAPHICS_MODE ) { gui.devicelist.draw = false; gui.bootprompt.draw = false; gui.menu.draw = false; gui.infobox.draw = false; gui.logo.draw = false; drawBackground(); updateVRAM(); } // Find out which version mac os we're booting. getOSVersion(); if (platformCPUFeature(CPU_FEATURE_EM64T)) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_X86_64; } else { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; } if (getValueForKey(karch, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) { if (strncmp(val, "i386", 4) == 0) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; } } if (getValueForKey(kKernelArchKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) { if (strncmp(val, "i386", 4) == 0) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; } } // Notify modules that we are attempting to boot execute_hook("PreBoot", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!getBoolForKey (kWake, &tryresume, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) { tryresume = true; tryresumedefault = true; } else { tryresumedefault = false; } if (!getBoolForKey (kForceWake, &forceresume, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) { forceresume = false; } if (forceresume) { tryresume = true; tryresumedefault = false; } while (tryresume) { const char *tmp; BVRef bvr; if (!getValueForKey(kWakeImage, &val, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) val = "/private/var/vm/sleepimage"; // Do this first to be sure that root volume is mounted ret = GetFileInfo(0, val, &flags, &sleeptime); if ((bvr = getBootVolumeRef(val, &tmp)) == NULL) break; // Can't check if it was hibernation Wake=y is required if (bvr->modTime == 0 && tryresumedefault) break; if ((ret != 0) || ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat)) break; if (!forceresume && ((sleeptime+3)modTime)) { #if DEBUG printf ("Hibernate image is too old by %d seconds. Use ForceWake=y to override\n", bvr->modTime-sleeptime); #endif break; } HibernateBoot((char *)val); break; } getBoolForKey(kUseKernelCache, &usecache, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig); if (usecache) { if (getValueForKey(kKernelCacheKey, &val, &len, &bootInfo->bootConfig)) { if (val[0] == '\\') { len--; val++; } strlcpy(gBootKernelCacheFile, val, len + 1); } else { //Lion if (checkOSVersion("10.7")) { sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%skernelcache", kDefaultCachePathSnow); } // Snow Leopard else if (checkOSVersion("10.6")) { sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "kernelcache_%s", (archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_I386) ? "i386" : "x86_64"); int lnam = sizeof(gBootKernelCacheFile) + 9; //with adler32 char* name; long prev_time = 0; struct dirstuff* cacheDir = opendir(kDefaultCachePathSnow); while(readdir(cacheDir, (const char**)&name, &flags, &time) >= 0) { if (((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeDirectory) && time > prev_time && strstr(name, gBootKernelCacheFile) && (name[lnam] != '.')) { sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%s%s", kDefaultCachePathSnow, name); prev_time = time; } } } else { // Reset cache name. bzero(gCacheNameAdler + 64, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler) - 64); sprintf(gCacheNameAdler + 64, "%s,%s", gRootDevice, bootInfo->bootFile); adler32 = Adler32((unsigned char *)gCacheNameAdler, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler)); sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%s.%08lX", kDefaultCachePathLeo, adler32); } } } // Check for cache file. trycache = (usecache && ((gBootMode & kBootModeSafe) == 0) && !gOverrideKernel && (gBootFileType == kBlockDeviceType) && (gMKextName[0] == '\0') && (gBootKernelCacheFile[0] != '\0')); verbose("Loading Darwin %s\n", gMacOSVersion); if (trycache) do { ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootInfo->bootFile, &flags, &kerneltime); if (ret != 0) kerneltime = 0; else if ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat) { trycache = 0; break; } ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, gBootKernelCacheFile, &flags, &cachetime); if ((ret != 0) || ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat) || (cachetime < kerneltime)) { trycache = 0; break; } ret = GetFileInfo("/System/Library/", "Extensions", &flags, &exttime); if ((ret == 0) && ((flags & kFileTypeMask) == kFileTypeDirectory) && (cachetime < exttime)) { trycache = 0; break; } if (ret == 0 && kerneltime > exttime) { exttime = kerneltime; } if (ret == 0 && cachetime != (exttime + 1)) { trycache = 0; break; } } while (0); do { if (trycache) { bootFile = gBootKernelCacheFile; verbose("Loading kernel cache %s\n", bootFile); if (checkOSVersion("10.7")) { ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFile, &binary); } else { ret = LoadFile(bootFile); binary = (void *)kLoadAddr; } if (ret >= 0) break; verbose("Kernel cache did not load %s\n ", bootFile); } if (checkOSVersion("10.7")) { bootFile = gBootKernelCacheFile; } else { sprintf(bootFile, "\%s", bootInfo->bootFile); } // Try to load kernel image from alternate locations on boot helper partitions. sprintf(bootFileSpec, "com.apple.boot.P%s", bootFile); ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFileSpec, &flags, &time); if (ret == -1) { sprintf(bootFileSpec, "com.apple.boot.R%s", bootFile); ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFileSpec, &flags, &time); if (ret == -1) { sprintf(bootFileSpec, "com.apple.boot.S%s", bootFile); ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootFileSpec, &flags, &time); if (ret == -1) { // No alternate location found, using the original kernel image path. strcpy(bootFileSpec, bootInfo->bootFile); } } } if (checkOSVersion("10.7")) { //Lion, dont load kernel if haz cache if (!trycache) { verbose("Loading kernel %s\n", bootFileSpec); ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary); if (ret <= 0 && archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary); } } else ret = 1; } else { //Snow Leopard or older verbose("Loading kernel %s\n", bootFileSpec); ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary); if (ret <= 0 && archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; ret = LoadThinFatFile(bootFileSpec, &binary); } } } while (0); clearActivityIndicator(); #if DEBUG printf("Pausing..."); sleep(8); #endif if (ret <= 0) { printf("Can't find %s\n", bootFile); sleep(1); if (gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) { // Return control back to PXE. Don't unload PXE base code. gUnloadPXEOnExit = false; break; } } else { /* Won't return if successful. */ ret = ExecKernel(binary); } } // chainboot if (status == 1) { // if we are already in graphics-mode, if (getVideoMode() == GRAPHICS_MODE) { setVideoMode(VGA_TEXT_MODE, 0); // switch back to text mode. } } if ((gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) && gUnloadPXEOnExit) { nbpUnloadBaseCode(); } } /*! Selects a new BIOS device, taking care to update the global state appropriately. */ /* static void selectBiosDevice(void) { struct DiskBVMap *oldMap = diskResetBootVolumes(gBIOSDev); CacheReset(); diskFreeMap(oldMap); oldMap = NULL; int dev = selectAlternateBootDevice(gBIOSDev); BVRef bvchain = scanBootVolumes(dev, 0); BVRef bootVol = selectBootVolume(bvchain); gBootVolume = bootVol; setRootVolume(bootVol); gBIOSDev = dev; } */ bool checkOSVersion(const char * version) { return ((gMacOSVersion[0] == version[0]) && (gMacOSVersion[1] == version[1]) && (gMacOSVersion[2] == version[2]) && (gMacOSVersion[3] == version[3])); } bool getOSVersion() { bool valid = false; const char *val; int len; config_file_t systemVersion; if (!loadConfigFile("System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist", &systemVersion)) { valid = true; } else if (!loadConfigFile("System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist", &systemVersion)) { valid = true; } if (valid) { if (getValueForKey(kProductVersion, &val, &len, &systemVersion)) { // getValueForKey uses const char for val // so copy it and trim *gMacOSVersion = '\0'; strncat(gMacOSVersion, val, MIN(len, 4)); } else valid = false; } return valid; } #define BASE 65521L /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */ #define NMAX 5000 // NMAX (was 5521) the largest n such that 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) <= 2^32-1 #define DO1(buf, i) {s1 += buf[i]; s2 += s1;} #define DO2(buf, i) DO1(buf, i); DO1(buf, i + 1); #define DO4(buf, i) DO2(buf, i); DO2(buf, i + 2); #define DO8(buf, i) DO4(buf, i); DO4(buf, i + 4); #define DO16(buf) DO8(buf, 0); DO8(buf, 8); unsigned long Adler32(unsigned char *buf, long len) { unsigned long s1 = 1; // adler & 0xffff; unsigned long s2 = 0; // (adler >> 16) & 0xffff; unsigned long result; int k; while (len > 0) { k = len < NMAX ? len : NMAX; len -= k; while (k >= 16) { DO16(buf); buf += 16; k -= 16; } if (k != 0) do { s1 += *buf++; s2 += s1; } while (--k); s1 %= BASE; s2 %= BASE; } result = (s2 << 16) | s1; return OSSwapHostToBigInt32(result); }