/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _PEXPERT_I386_BOOT_H #define _PEXPERT_I386_BOOT_H #include /* * What the booter leaves behind for the kernel. */ /* * Types of boot driver that may be loaded by the booter. */ enum { kBootDriverTypeInvalid = 0, kBootDriverTypeKEXT = 1, kBootDriverTypeMKEXT = 2 }; enum { kEfiReservedMemoryType = 0, kEfiLoaderCode = 1, kEfiLoaderData = 2, kEfiBootServicesCode = 3, kEfiBootServicesData = 4, kEfiRuntimeServicesCode = 5, kEfiRuntimeServicesData = 6, kEfiConventionalMemory = 7, kEfiUnusableMemory = 8, kEfiACPIReclaimMemory = 9, kEfiACPIMemoryNVS = 10, kEfiMemoryMappedIO = 11, kEfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace = 12, kEfiPalCode = 13, kEfiMaxMemoryType = 14 }; /* * Memory range descriptor. */ typedef struct EfiMemoryRange { uint32_t Type; uint32_t Pad; uint64_t PhysicalStart; uint64_t VirtualStart; uint64_t NumberOfPages; uint64_t Attribute; } EfiMemoryRange; #define BOOT_LINE_LENGTH 1024 #define BOOT_STRING_LEN BOOT_LINE_LENGTH /* * Video information.. */ struct Boot_Video { uint32_t v_baseAddr; /* Base address of video memory */ uint32_t v_display; /* Display Code (if Applicable */ uint32_t v_rowBytes; /* Number of bytes per pixel row */ uint32_t v_width; /* Width */ uint32_t v_height; /* Height */ uint32_t v_depth; /* Pixel Depth */ }; typedef struct Boot_Video Boot_Video; /* Values for v_display */ #define GRAPHICS_MODE 1 #define FB_TEXT_MODE 2 /* Boot argument structure - passed into Mach kernel at boot time. * "Revision" can be incremented for compatible changes */ // Lion #define kBootArgsRevision 0 #define kBootArgsVersion 2 // Snow Leopard and older #define kBootArgsPreLionRevision 6 #define kBootArgsPreLionVersion 1 /* Snapshot constants of previous revisions that are supported */ #define kBootArgsEfiMode32 32 #define kBootArgsEfiMode64 64 typedef struct boot_args { uint16_t Revision; /* Revision of boot_args structure */ uint16_t Version; /* Version of boot_args structure */ uint8_t efiMode; /* 32 = 32-bit, 64 = 64-bit */ uint8_t debugMode; /* Bit field with behavior changes */ uint8_t __reserved1[2]; char CommandLine[BOOT_LINE_LENGTH]; /* Passed in command line */ uint32_t MemoryMap; /* Physical address of memory map */ uint32_t MemoryMapSize; uint32_t MemoryMapDescriptorSize; uint32_t MemoryMapDescriptorVersion; Boot_Video Video; /* Video Information */ uint32_t deviceTreeP; /* Physical address of flattened device tree */ uint32_t deviceTreeLength; /* Length of flattened tree */ uint32_t kaddr; /* Physical address of beginning of kernel text */ uint32_t ksize; /* Size of combined kernel text+data+efi */ uint32_t efiRuntimeServicesPageStart; /* physical address of defragmented runtime pages */ uint32_t efiRuntimeServicesPageCount; uint64_t efiRuntimeServicesVirtualPageStart; /* virtual address of defragmented runtime pages */ uint32_t efiSystemTable; /* physical address of system table in runtime area */ uint32_t __reserved2; uint32_t performanceDataStart; /* physical address of log */ uint32_t performanceDataSize; uint32_t keyStoreDataStart; /* physical address of key store data */ uint32_t keyStoreDataSize; uint64_t bootMemStart; uint64_t bootMemSize; uint64_t PhysicalMemorySize; uint64_t FSBFrequency; uint32_t __reserved4[734]; } boot_args; typedef struct boot_args_pre_lion { uint16_t Revision; /* Revision of boot_args structure */ uint16_t Version; /* Version of boot_args structure */ char CommandLine[BOOT_LINE_LENGTH]; /* Passed in command line */ uint32_t MemoryMap; /* Physical address of memory map */ uint32_t MemoryMapSize; uint32_t MemoryMapDescriptorSize; uint32_t MemoryMapDescriptorVersion; Boot_Video Video; /* Video Information */ uint32_t deviceTreeP; /* Physical address of flattened device tree */ uint32_t deviceTreeLength; /* Length of flattened tree */ uint32_t kaddr; /* Physical address of beginning of kernel text */ uint32_t ksize; /* Size of combined kernel text+data+efi */ uint32_t efiRuntimeServicesPageStart; /* physical address of defragmented runtime pages */ uint32_t efiRuntimeServicesPageCount; uint32_t efiSystemTable; /* physical address of system table in runtime area */ uint8_t efiMode; /* 32 = 32-bit, 64 = 64-bit */ uint8_t __reserved1[3]; uint32_t __reserved2[1]; uint32_t performanceDataStart; /* physical address of log */ uint32_t performanceDataSize; uint64_t efiRuntimeServicesVirtualPageStart; /* virtual address of defragmented runtime pages */ uint32_t __reserved3[2]; } boot_args_pre_lion; extern char gMacOSVersion[8]; #endif /* _PEXPERT_I386_BOOT_H */