/* * Supplemental ramdisk functions for the multiboot ramdisk driver. * Copyright 2009 Tamas Kosarszky. All rights reserved. * */ #include "boot.h" #include "bootstruct.h" #include "multiboot.h" #include "ramdisk.h" struct multiboot_info * gRAMDiskMI = NULL; // gRAMDiskVolume holds the bvr for the mounted ramdisk image. BVRef gRAMDiskVolume = NULL; bool gRAMDiskBTAliased = false; char gRAMDiskFile[512]; // Notify OS X that a ramdisk has been setup. XNU with attach this to /dev/md0 void md0Ramdisk() { RAMDiskParam ramdiskPtr; char filename[512]; const char* override_filename = 0; int fh = -1; int len; if(getValueForKey(kMD0Image, &override_filename, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) { // Use user specified md0 file sprintf(filename, "%s", override_filename); fh = open(filename, 0); if(fh < 0) { sprintf(filename, "rd(0,0)/Extra/%s", override_filename); fh = open(filename, 0); if(fh < 0) { sprintf(filename, "/Extra/%s", override_filename); fh = open(filename, 0); } } } if(fh < 0) { sprintf(filename, "rd(0,0)/Extra/Postboot.img"); fh = open(filename, 0); if(fh < 0) { sprintf(filename, "/Extra/Postboot.img"); // Check /Extra if not in rd(0,0) fh = open(filename, 0); } } if (fh >= 0) { verbose("Enabling ramdisk %s\n", filename); ramdiskPtr.size = file_size(fh); ramdiskPtr.base = AllocateKernelMemory(ramdiskPtr.size); if(ramdiskPtr.size && ramdiskPtr.base) { // Read new ramdisk image contents in kernel memory. if (read(fh, (char*) ramdiskPtr.base, ramdiskPtr.size) == ramdiskPtr.size) { AllocateMemoryRange("RAMDisk", ramdiskPtr.base, ramdiskPtr.size, kBootDriverTypeInvalid); Node* node = DT__FindNode("/chosen/memory-map", false); if(node != NULL) { DT__AddProperty(node, "RAMDisk", sizeof(RAMDiskParam), (void*)&ramdiskPtr); } else { verbose("Unable to notify Mac OS X of the ramdisk %s.\n", filename); } } else { verbose("Unable to read md0 image %s.\n", filename); } } else { verbose("md0 image %s is empty.\n", filename); } close(fh); } } void umountRAMDisk() { if (gRAMDiskMI != NULL) { // Release ramdisk BVRef and DiskBVMap. struct DiskBVMap *oldMap = diskResetBootVolumes(0x100); CacheReset(); diskFreeMap(oldMap); // Free multiboot info and module structures. if ((void *)gRAMDiskMI->mi_mods_addr != NULL) free((void *)gRAMDiskMI->mi_mods_addr); if (gRAMDiskMI != NULL) free(gRAMDiskMI); // Reset multiboot structures. gMI = gRAMDiskMI = NULL; *gRAMDiskFile = '\0'; // Release ramdisk driver hooks. p_get_ramdisk_info = NULL; p_ramdiskReadBytes = NULL; // Reset ramdisk bvr gRAMDiskVolume = NULL; printf("\nunmounting: done"); } } int mountRAMDisk(const char * param) { int fh = 0, ramDiskSize; int error = 0; // Get file handle for ramdisk file. fh = open(param, 0); if (fh != -1) { printf("\nreading ramdisk image: %s", param); ramDiskSize = file_size(fh); if (ramDiskSize > 0) { // Unmount previously mounted image if exists. umountRAMDisk(); // Read new ramdisk image contents into PREBOOT_DATA area. if (read(fh, (char *)PREBOOT_DATA, ramDiskSize) != ramDiskSize) error = -1; } else error = -1; close(fh); } else error = -1; if (error == 0) { // Save filename in gRAMDiskFile to display information. strcpy(gRAMDiskFile, param); // Set gMI as well for the multiboot ramdisk driver hook. gMI = gRAMDiskMI = malloc(sizeof(multiboot_info)); struct multiboot_module * ramdisk_module = malloc(sizeof(multiboot_module)); // Fill in multiboot info and module structures. if (gRAMDiskMI != NULL && ramdisk_module != NULL) { gRAMDiskMI->mi_mods_count = 1; gRAMDiskMI->mi_mods_addr = (uint32_t)ramdisk_module; ramdisk_module->mm_mod_start = PREBOOT_DATA; ramdisk_module->mm_mod_end = PREBOOT_DATA + ramDiskSize; // Set ramdisk driver hooks. p_get_ramdisk_info = &multiboot_get_ramdisk_info; p_ramdiskReadBytes = &multibootRamdiskReadBytes; int partCount; // unused // Save bvr of the mounted image. gRAMDiskVolume = diskScanBootVolumes(0x100, &partCount); if(gRAMDiskVolume == NULL) { umountRAMDisk(); printf("\nRamdisk contains no partitions."); } else { char dirSpec[128]; // Reading ramdisk configuration. strcpy(dirSpec, RAMDISKCONFIG_FILENAME); if (loadConfigFile(dirSpec, &bootInfo->ramdiskConfig) == 0) { getBoolForKey("BTAlias", &gRAMDiskBTAliased, &bootInfo->ramdiskConfig); } else { printf("\nno ramdisk config...\n"); } printf("\nmounting: done"); } } } return error; } void setRAMDiskBTHook(bool mode) { gRAMDiskBTAliased = mode; if (mode) { printf("\nEnabled bt(0,0) alias."); } else { printf("\nDisabled bt(0,0) alias."); } } void showInfoRAMDisk(void) { int len; const char *val; if (gRAMDiskMI != NULL) { struct multiboot_module * ramdisk_module = (void *)gRAMDiskMI->mi_mods_addr; printf("\nfile: %s %d", gRAMDiskFile, ramdisk_module->mm_mod_end - ramdisk_module->mm_mod_start); printf("\nalias: %s", gRAMDiskBTAliased ? "enabled" : "disabled"); // Display ramdisk information if available. if (getValueForKey("Info", &val, &len, &bootInfo->ramdiskConfig)) { printf("\ninfo: %s", val); } else { printf("\nramdisk info not available."); } } else { printf("\nNo ramdisk mounted."); } } int loadPrebootRAMDisk() { mountRAMDisk("bt(0,0)/Extra/Preboot.dmg"); if (gRAMDiskMI != NULL) { printf("\n"); return 0; } else { return -1; } } void processRAMDiskCommand(char ** argPtr, const char * cmd) { char * ptr = *argPtr; char param[1024]; getNextArg(&ptr, param); if (strcmp(cmd, "m") == 0) { mountRAMDisk(param); sleep(2); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "u") == 0) { umountRAMDisk(); sleep(2); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "e") == 0) { setRAMDiskBTHook(true); sleep(2); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "d") == 0) { setRAMDiskBTHook(false); sleep(2); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "i") == 0) { setActiveDisplayPage(1); clearScreenRows(0, 24); setCursorPosition(0, 0, 1); showInfoRAMDisk(); printf("\n\nPress any key to continue.\n"); getchar(); setActiveDisplayPage(0); } else { setActiveDisplayPage(1); clearScreenRows(0, 24); setCursorPosition(0, 0, 1); printf("\nusage:\n"); printf("\n?rd i - display ramdisk information"); printf("\n?rd m - mount ramdisk image\n?rd u - unmount ramdisk image"); printf("\n?rd e - enable bt(0,0) alias\n?rd d - disable bt(0,0) alias"); printf("\n\nPress any key to continue.\n"); getchar(); setActiveDisplayPage(0); } }