
Issue 105: @cparm

Reported by Cyrus The Great, Jul 7, 2011

in 1127 the dsdt.aml not load at all even with path DSDT=.... or 
putting it to Extra.

Comment 1 by armel cadet-petit, Jul 9, 2011

hi, it's depend on which module you use,

acpicodec no longer support this option, with acpicodec all .aml 
files must be placed in /Extra/Acpi/ , the path can't be overridden, 
but acpicodec is much faster

if you still want to use this option, you can still use the old 
acpipatcher module

i will update the module help soon...

Comment 2 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 10, 2011

thanks it now work the other problem
is that i can use the them i am try to set theme to legacy or 
defualt and no them in chameleon first boot screen it has no gui.

Comment 3 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 10, 2011

Owner: cparm

Comment 4 by armel cadet-petit, Jul 14, 2011

Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 20 days ago by Cyrus The Great

Updated: 13 years 13 days ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: armel cadet-petit

Followed by: 2 persons
