
Issue 108: no theme with cparm 1127-1139

Reported by Cyrus The Great, Jul 10, 2011

hi cparm
i cant get heme and gui even with GUI=Yes flags and any theme i try 
to set theme to defualt , legacy but no success
this error that i get from bdmesg

* Attempting to Display GUI
* GUI failed to Display, or disabled by user (a.k.a you)
but i am not disabled it 
the full bdmesg has attached to post?
and a quastion did your branche work with lion
thanks for your time and help

Comment 1 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 10, 2011

Owner: cparm

Comment 2 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 10, 2011

I am also have problem (invalid magic number) error 

Comment 3 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 10, 2011

I am also have problem (invalid magic number) error 

Comment 4 by armel cadet-petit, Jul 11, 2011

hi, akbar moradi

can you test the last version, 

please take a look a the readme file (
/cparm/doc/README) , i have explained more clearly how to use the 

and of course this version is lion ready,

about the invalid magic number error , sorry i don't see it in your 
log file

Comment 5 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 11, 2011

the problem has been fixed and now play the theme correctly(the one 
thing that the theme folder in Extra must be named Theme to boot 
loader find it)
abuat invalid magic number it random and it abuat kernel cache when 
this error come i can not boot .then restarting and booting with -v 
-f flags fix the this time i dont have this error may with 
wrong installetion of modules that before your clarification i have 
it.when its error come again i take sreen shot and post here.
and did your branche support auto resolution or no. 
thanks for your great work .and your time that spend to help other

Comment 6 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 11, 2011

hi cparm the error come again
when i booting after dislay this line
read hfs file:................/kernelcache_x86_64.9115642]12478320
display this:
invalid mach magic
then i press enter it go and i am getting kernel panic with cpus=1 
that come whit out your kernel patcher usually(your kernel patcher 
fix this problem for me)
then turn of my laptop and boot with this flag
-v -f
and system boot.
with out invalid mach magic error
my system is 10.6.8 version
thanks again

Comment 7 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 11, 2011

hi cparm the error come again
when i booting after dislay this line
read hfs file:................/kernelcache_x86_64.9115642]12478320
display this:
invalid mach magic
then i pree  enter and this
Unable to locate _lapic_init
it go and i am getting kernel panic with cpus=1 error........lapic
that come whit out your kernel patcher usually(your kernel patcher 
fix this problem for me)
then turn of my laptop and boot with this flag
-v -f
and system boot.
with out invalid mach magic error
my system is 10.6.8 version
thanks again

Comment 8 by armel cadet-petit, Jul 11, 2011

hi, akbar moradi

i think the last version should fix your issue, can you try it, 

Comment 9 by Cyrus The Great, Jul 11, 2011

hi ,cparm
yes the latest version fix invalid mach magic error
so i confirm that
1.kernel patcher work in x86_64 and i386
2-theme work correctly invalid mach magic 
4.hibernate work like charm
5.lizard app add flag gui=No that break the theme so its better to 
manually edit i think its bug lizard app 
netbookinstaller module get error that i post my dmesg log it is 
just for feedback (my system is hp dv6-1125ee laptop)i am not using 
thanks for your great work

Comment 10 by armel cadet-petit, Jul 11, 2011

many thank for your report, the netbookinstaller error is now fixed 

about lizard, the author of this app is a good friend of mine (aka 
Sonotone), but i don't know if he still maintain his app, you can 
try to contact him here :,842.0.html,

or if you speak french, on his website (that is also my website :-) 
) here :

Comment 11 by armel cadet-petit, Jul 14, 2011

Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 5 days ago by Cyrus The Great

Updated: 13 years 1 day ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: armel cadet-petit

Followed by: 1 person
