
Issue 299: Don't boot to chameleon menu if corrupted partition

Reported by Yann Quéniart, Nov 8, 2012

Second time my time machine partition is corrupted after shutdown. 
When i try to boot i see fixed / and nothing more.

If i disconnect faultly hard drive i can boot normally, hot plug 
drive, repair drive and boot is ok.

There is definitively a problem if corrupted NFS+ partition is 

Comment 1 by Yann Quéniart, Jun 14, 2013

Have again the problem today. Time Machine partition corrupted and 
chameleon blocked on / at boot.

I unplugged the drive, boot and hot plug the drive for repair it.

Comment 2 by ErmaC , May 10, 2015

Status: WontFix

Created: 11 years 8 months ago by Yann Quéniart

Updated: 9 years 2 months ago

Status: WontFix

Followed by: 1 person
