
Issue 304: Can not load fakesmc.kext with chameleon R2128 and R2133,R2081 is OK~

Reported by Calvin Lee, Nov 28, 2012

chameleon boot can not load fakesmc.kext and other legacy kexts in 
Extra/Extensions of EFI partition,fakesmc.kext in 
System/Library/Extensions of OS X partition is OKļ¼Œthe tested version 
is R2128 and R2133,R2081 can both load fakesmc in E/E of EFI 
partition and S/L/E of OS X there any problems 
about the new version of chameleon boot? thx~

Comment 1 by Calvin Lee, Nov 29, 2012

is there any reply??some people have found the same problem 
too,"Waiting for DSMOS">>>>"Can not load 
SMC Driver".......
i repeat,R2081 is OK!

Comment 2 by Stephan Quernheim, Dec 2, 2012

Yes, I can confirm that your findings are true. 

In my case I used to have the facesmc.kext on an USB stick in 
Extra/Extensions which is not recognized by the latest versions of 
chameleon. For me it worked with version 2.1svn 2064 in this 

Using the latest version 2.2svn 2136 the following error appeared 
and the booting stopped:
ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - failed to locate SMC 

Copying the fakesmc.kext to the harddrive to S/L/E cured the 


Comment 3 by Cosmosis Jones, Jan 16, 2013

you have to use kernelpatcher or put them in SLE.
Status: Invalid

Created: 11 years 7 months ago by Calvin Lee

Updated: 11 years 5 months ago

Status: Invalid

Followed by: 2 persons
