
Issue 329: Incorrect frequency of one slot of RAM.

Reported by Alex Auditore, Feb 15, 2013

Hello. I have a little issue with Chamelion.
My version of Chamelion is 2181, at the present.
The point is that my first slot of Ram show me wrong frequency. It's 
 problem Chameleon Exactly. Not my laptop. Because Clover show me 
correct both of slots.(1333MHz)
That is to say the frequently of my first slot of Ram ought to 
1333MHz instead of 1064MHz.
1) DarwinDumper
2) IOReg ver 3.0  
Memory Slots:

  ECC:	Disabled

Bank 0/M1:

  Size:	4 GB
  Type:	DDR3
  Speed:	1064 MHz
  Status:	OK
  Manufacturer:	Samsung
  Part Number:	M471B5273BH1-CF8
  Serial Number:	478C035F

Bank 1/M2:

  Size:	4 GB
  Type:	DDR3
  Speed:	1333 MHz
  Status:	OK
  Manufacturer:	N/A
  Part Number:	N/A
  Serial Number:	N/A

Bank 2/M3:

  Size:	Empty
  Type:	Empty
  Speed:	Empty
  Status:	Empty
  Manufacturer:	Empty
  Part Number:	Empty
  Serial Number:	Empty

Bank 3/M4:

  Size:	Empty
  Type:	Empty
  Speed:	Empty
  Status:	Empty
  Manufacturer:	Empty
  Part Number:	Empty
  Serial Number:	Empty

Comment 1 by Alex Auditore, Feb 15, 2013

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
<plist version="1.0">
	<key>Hide Partition</key>
	<string>hd(1,1) hd(1,2) "Files" 
	<key>Rename Partition</key>
	<string>"1082" MountainLion ;"SYSTEM 
RESERVED" Windows8</string>

Comment 2 by Alex Auditore, Feb 22, 2013

Sorry, the frequency should be 1066 instead of 1333.
In XPC the frequency of both slots are OK 1066MHZ.
I want this thing(correct recognition RAM) to be in Chameleon as 

Comment 3 by Alex Auditore, Apr 8, 2013

Can anybody correct memory at Chameleon.
I wish it would be something like this.
I see development of chameleon was decelerated.
Memory Slots:
ECC: Disabled
Size: 4 GB
Type: DDR3
Speed: 1066 MHz
Status: OK
Manufacturer: Samsung
Part Number: M471B5273BH1-CF8
Serial Number: 0407080C00030600
Size: 4 GB
Type: DDR3
Speed: 1066 MHz
Status: OK
Manufacturer: Samsung
Part Number: M471B5273BH1-CF8
Serial Number: 0407080C0003050F
But now I see that Chameleon  detects memory not quite correctly.
Memory Slots:
ECC: Disabled
Bank 0/M1:
Size: 4 GB
Type: DDR3
Speed: 1064 MHz
Status: OK
Manufacturer: Samsung
Part Number: M471B5273BH1-CF8
Serial Number: 478C035F
Bank 1/M2:
Size: 4 GB
Type: DDR3
Speed: 1333 MHz
Status: OK
Manufacturer: N/A
Part Number: N/A
Serial Number: N/A
Bank 2/M3:
Size: Empty
Type: Empty
Speed: Empty
Status: Empty
Manufacturer: Empty
Part Number: Empty
Serial Number: Empty
Bank 3/M4:
Size: Empty
Type: Empty
Speed: Empty
Status: Empty
Manufacturer: Empty
Part Number: Empty
Serial Number: Empty

Created: 11 years 5 months ago by Alex Auditore

Updated: 11 years 3 months ago

Status: New
