
Issue 370: Intel HD 4400 not able to set

Reported by stan c, Apr 8, 2014

the graphics kext are not loaded and system only can recognise as 
Intel HD Graphics, not able to set in chameleon.

Comment 1 by ErmaC , Oct 7, 2014

pls provide more info.

1. The chameleon version(s) tested.
2. Hardware Specifications (LSPCI output/ devids/ etc)
3. The output of bdmesg if you are able to boot to OS X.
Status: AwaitingInformation

Comment 2 by ErmaC , May 10, 2015

No reply.
Status: Invalid

Created: 10 years 3 months ago by stan c

Updated: 9 years 2 months ago

Status: Invalid

Followed by: 1 person
