
Issue 96: ASUS U30Jc NVIDIA 310M w/512M: can not patch NVIDIA ROM

Reported by Pedro A. Aranda, Jun 26, 2011

I think the summary is self-explanatory ;-)
Additional symptoms

Video memory said to be -4095 MB

Comment 1 by Azimutz, Jun 30, 2011

Hi Pedro... well, the summary may be self explanatory, but it 
doesn't help at all locating the problem.
Is this the message you get?:
ERROR: nVidia ROM Patching Failed!

Different messages lead to different parts of the code.
Anything else we should know? :)
Using custom rom, etc...

Comment 2 by Pedro A. Aranda, Jun 30, 2011


you are completely right... sorry

It actually says "ERROR: nVidia ROM Patching Failed",
it also says that the card has -4095MB RAM. I couldn't
get the rest of the message, because it goes quite quickly
out of screen. I'm not using any external custom ROM. Just
tell me what you need to know and how to get it and I'll 
do my best to get it.

Comment 3 by Azimutz, Jul 1, 2011

Ok, that's better :)

Try to check if there's any other message before that one,
like in this issue:

Comment 4 by Pedro A. Aranda, Jul 2, 2011

Well, actually one of the things is that the NVIDIA doesn't seem to 
be recognised and I can't get beyond the terrible 1024x768 when my 
display resolution is 1366x768

Comment 5 by Azimutz, Jul 3, 2011

No... your nVidia is recognized, but the patch is failing!
To get that message above, you also need to see one of these, right 
- False ROM signature:...
- no dcb table found
- Bad display config block signature...
- Bad Display Configuration Block signature...
- ERROR: dcbtable_version is...
If you manage to see what message is displayed, we'll have a better 
notion of your problem.

Anyway, your problem seems to fall under issue 48 scope so, do us a 
favor and post there, ok?!
See ya there...

(marking issue as invalid due to already been reported)
Status: Invalid

Created: 13 years 19 days ago by Pedro A. Aranda

Updated: 13 years 13 days ago

Status: Invalid

Followed by: 1 person
