
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


File Age Rev Message Size
Source at commit 1597 created 12 years 6 months ago.
By blackosx, Amalgamate names from various renditions of the CREDITS file in the svn history to make it a comprehensive lisT. If this is incorrect then someone please let me know so it can fixed asap.
tree branches 12 years 6 months 1597 blackosx: Amalgamate names from various renditions of the CREDITS file in the svn history to make it a comprehensive lisT. If this is incorrect then someone please let me know so it can fixed asap.
tree tags 12 years 8 months 1394 meklort: 2.0 Release
tree trunk 12 years 7 months 1573 ifabio: Add choice (UseKernelCache) Add it into all the Localizable.strings file

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