
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * and read it before using this file.
11 *
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18 * under the License.
19 *
21 */
24 * @header IOAudioDevice
25 */
30#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
33#include <IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>
34#include <IOKit/audio/IOAudioStream.h>
36#include "IOAudioTypes.h"
37#include "IOAudioStream.h"
40class IOAudioEngine;
41class IOAudioStream;
42class IOAudioPort;
43class IOAudioControl;
44class OSDictionary;
45class OSSet;
46class OSArray;
47class IOTimerEventSource;
48class IOCommandGate;
51 * enum IOAudioDevicePowerState
52 * @abstract Identifies the power state of the audio device
53 * @discussion A newly created IOAudioDevices defaults to the idle state.
54 * @constant kIOAudioDeviceSleep State set when the system is going to sleep
55 * @constant kIOAudioDeviceIdle State when the system is awake but none of the IOAudioEngines are in use
56 * @constant kIOAudioDeviceActive State when one ore more IOAudioEngines are in use. This state transition must complete before the system will begin playing audio.
57 */
58typedef enum _IOAudioDevicePowerState {
59 kIOAudioDeviceSleep = 0,// When sleeping
60 kIOAudioDeviceIdle= 1,// When no audio engines running
61 kIOAudioDeviceActive = 2// audio engines running
62} IOAudioDevicePowerState;
65 * @class IOAudioDevice
66 * @abstract Abstract base class for a single piece of audio hardware. The IOAudioDevice provides
67 * the central coordination point for an audio driver.
68 * @discussion An audio driver is required to subclass IOAudioDevice in order to provide
69 * working audio to the system. A single driver instance will contain a single instance of the
70 * driver's IOAudioDevice subclass. The subclass is responsible for mapping all hardware device
71 * resources from the service provider nub. It must control access to the hardware so that the
72 * hardware doesn't get into an inconsistent state. It is possible that different threads may make
73 * requests of the hardware at the same time. The IOAudioDevice superclass provides an IOWorkLoop
74 * and IOCommandGate on the IOWorkLoop through which all hardware accesses may be synchronized.
75 * All entry points to all parts of the driver controlled by the IOAudioFamily will be synchronized
76 * through this one IOWorkLoop.
77 *
78 * The IOAudioDevice subclass is responsible for creating the rest of the pieces of the driver.
79 * It must identify and create all IOAudioEngines that are not automatically created by the system
80 * (i.e. those that are not matched and instantiated by IOKit directly).
81 *
82 * The IOAudioDevice subclass must enumerate and create all IOAudioControls to match
83 * the device capabilities.
84 *
85 * It must also execute control value chages when requested by the system (i.e. volume adjustments).
86 *
87 * In order to allow sleep and wake to work on the system, the IOAudioDevice subclass is responsible
88 * for performing the necessary actions to sleep and wake its hardware (and restore necessary state
89 * on wake).
90 *
91 * The IOAudioDevice class provides timer services that allow different elements in the audio driver
92 * to receive timer notifications as needed. These services were designed with the idea that most
93 * timed events in a typical audio driver need to be done at least as often as a certain interval.
94 * Further, it is designed with the idea that being called more often than the specified interval
95 * doesn't hurt anything - and in fact may help. With this in mind, the timer services provided
96 * by the IOAudioDevice class allow different targets to register for timer callbacks at least as
97 * often as the specified interval. The actual interval will be the smallest of the intervals of
98 * all of the callbacks. This way, we avoid the overhead of having many timers in a single audio
99 * device. As an example, each output IOAudioEngine has a timer to run the erase head. It doesn't hurt
100 * to have the erase head run more often. Also, a typical IOAudioDevice subclass may need to run a timer
101 * to check for device state changes (e.g. jack insertions).
102 *
103 * There are a number of strings passed from the driver to the CoreAudio.framework and then into
104 * applications. All of those strings should be localized by the driver. In order to do that
105 * the kext bundle should have localized string files following the Mac OS X localization
106 * instructions. The IOAudioDevice should contain a property with the name of the bundle/kext
107 * that contains the localized string resources. To do that, the driver's personality in
108 * the bundle resources could have a property named 'IOAudioDeviceLocalizedBundle' with the path
109 * of the bundle/kext relative to '/System/Library/Extensions'. It could also be set by the
110 * IOAudioDevice subclass in its initHardware() function. To do so, call
111 * setProperty(kIOAudioDeviceLocalizedBundleKey, "Driver.kext").
112 *
113 * In a typical driver, the IOAudioDevice subclass will implement initHardware() to perform the
114 * hardware initialization and driver construction. Within that initialization it must create at
115 * least one IOAudioEngine instance and activate it. In order to activate a new IOAudioEngine
116 * activateAudioEngine() should be called for each one. It must create the IOAudioControls
117 * matching the hardware capabilities to allow the system to set volume, mute and input selection.
118 * To add those controls to the driver, each control should be attached to the IOAudioEngine to
119 * which it applies by calling addDefaultAudioControl() on the IOAudioEngine.
120 * During initialization it should also call setDeviceName(), setDeviceShortName() and
121 * setManufacturerName() with localized strings representing each of the attributes.
122 *
123 * If the driver is to work properly after sleep/wake, it must implement performPowerStateChange()
124 * and deal with the sleep and wake transitions. It may also deal with the idle state transitions
125 * to turn off device power when it isn't in use (especially useful for devices attached to a
126 * portable running on battery power).
127 */
129class IOAudioDevice : public IOService
131 friend class IOAudioEngine;
133 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOAudioDevice)
136 /*! @var workLoop The IOWorkLoop for the driver - this is shared with the other objects in the driver */
137 IOWorkLoop*workLoop;
138 /*! @var commandGate The IOCommandGate for this IOAudioDevice. It is attached to workLoop */
139 IOCommandGate*commandGate;
140 /*! @var timerEventSource An IOTimerEventSource attached to workLoop used for the timer services */
141 IOTimerEventSource*timerEventSource;
143 /*! @var duringStartup State variable set to true while the driver is starting up and false all other times */
144 boolduringStartup;
145 /*! @var familyManagePower Set to true if the family is supposed to manage power - this is the default state. It can be changed early in the initialization process with a call to setFamilyManagePower(). */
146 boolfamilyManagePower;
147 /*! @var asyncPowerStateChangeInProgress Set to true while an asynchronous power change is pending and false all other times. */
148 boolasyncPowerStateChangeInProgress;
150 /*! @var numRunningAudioEngines The number of running IOAudioEngines. This is used to maintain idle vs active power state. */
151 UInt32numRunningAudioEngines;
153 /*! @var currentPowerState Used to track the existing power state - can be fetched by calling getPowerState() */
154 IOAudioDevicePowerStatecurrentPowerState;
155 /*! @var pendingPowerState If a power state change is in progress, this represents the pending power state. All other times this is the same as the currentPowerState. */
156 IOAudioDevicePowerStatependingPowerState;
158 /*! @var audioEngines The set of IOAudioEngine objects vended by the IOAudioDevice. */
159 OSArray *audioEngines;
160 /*! @var timerEvents The set of timer events in use by the device.
161 * @discussion The key for the dictionary is the target of the event. This means that a single target may
162 * have only a single event associated with it.
163 */
164 OSDictionary *timerEvents;
165 /*! @var audioPorts The set of IOAudioPort objects associated with the IOAudioDevice */
166 OSSet *audioPorts;
168 /*! @var minimumInterval The smallest timer interval requested by all timer event targets. */
169 AbsoluteTimeminimumInterval;
170 /*! @var previousTimerFire The time of the last timer event.
171 * @discussion This is used to schedule the next timer event.
172 */
173 AbsoluteTimepreviousTimerFire;
176 /*! @var gIOAudioPlane A static IORegistryPlane representing the new IOAudioPlane that the IOAudioFamily uses
177 * to represent the signal chain of the device.
178 */
179 static const IORegistryPlane *gIOAudioPlane;
182 struct ExpansionData {
183unsigned long longidleSleepDelayTime;
184IOTimerEventSource *idleTimer;
187 ExpansionData *reserved;
190static void idleAudioSleepHandlerTimer(OSObject *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender);
191virtual IOReturn setAggressiveness(unsigned long type, unsigned long newLevel);
193// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 0);
194virtual void setDeviceTransportType(const UInt32 transportType);
196// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 1);
197 /*!
198 * @function setIdleAudioSleepTime
199 * @abstract This function is to be called by a driver that doesn't want to be told about the audio
200 * going idle immediately, but at some point in the future.
201 * @discussion This is useful if the device will want to power down its hardware into an idle sleep
202 * state, but doesn't want to do that unless audio hasn't been used for a while. Calling this function
203 * immediately changes the idle sleep timer and queues it up if the idle is different from the previous
204 * idle time. The idle time defaults to 0, which means be called immediately (backwards compatible with
205 * previous versions of IOAudioFamily). A value of 0xffffffffffffffffULL means don't ever tell the
206 * driver about going idle.
207 * @param sleepDelay The amount of time, in nanoseconds, before the hardware should be told to go idle.
208 */
209virtual void setIdleAudioSleepTime(unsigned long long sleepDelay);
211// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 2);
212virtual void scheduleIdleAudioSleep(void);
214// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 3);
215 /*!
216 * @function setConfigurationApplicationBundle
217 * @abstract This function is to be called if an external configuration application is available to set
218 * which application to launch.
219 * @discussion This is useful for device drivers that are too complex to be represented by the Sound Preferences
220 * panel. The bundle ID is a more flexible way of specifying where the application is than a hard coded path.
221 * @param bundleID The bundle ID of the application to be launched by the HAL for configuration of the device and its engine(s).
222 */
223virtual void setConfigurationApplicationBundle(const char *bundleID);
225// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 4);
226 /*!
227 * @function setDeviceCanBeDefault
228 * @abstract This function is to be called to tell CoreAudio if this device shouldn't be a default device.
229 * @discussion This is useful for device drivers that don't want to be a default device. Can be called with
230 * kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultNothing to prevent CoreAudio from allowing this device to be any default device, or it
231 * can be called with any combination of kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultInput, kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultOutput, or
232 * kIOAudioDeviceCanBeSystemOutput. The default is
233 * (kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultInput | kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultOutput | kIOAudioDeviceCanBeSystemOutput).
234 * @param defaultsFlags The flags to instruct CoreAudio to allow this device to be only the indicated default devices.
235 */
236virtual void setDeviceCanBeDefault(UInt32 defaultsFlags);
238// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 5);
239virtual void setDeviceModelName(const char * modelName);
242OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 0);
243OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 1);
244OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 2);
245OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 3);
246OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 4);
247OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioDevice, 5);
249OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 6);
250OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 7);
251OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 8);
252OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 9);
253OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 10);
254OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 11);
255OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 12);
256OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 13);
257OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 14);
258OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 15);
259OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 16);
260OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 17);
261OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 18);
262OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 19);
263OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 20);
264OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 21);
265OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 22);
266OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 23);
267OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 24);
268OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 25);
269OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 26);
270OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 27);
271OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 28);
272OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 29);
273OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 30);
274OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioDevice, 31);
278 // Initialization
280 /*!
281 * @function init
282 * @abstract Initialize a newly created instance of IOAudioDevice.
283 * @discussion This implementation initializes all of the data structures and variables used by the
284 * IOAudioDevice. The currentPowerState and pendingPowerState variables are set to kIOAudioDeviceIdle.
285 * A subclass that overrides this method must call the superclass' implementation.
286 * @param properties An OSDictionary of the device properties that gets passed to super::init and set
287 * in the IORegistry.
288 * @result true if initialization was successful
289 */
290 virtual bool init(OSDictionary *properties);
292 /*!
293 * @function free
294 * @abstract Frees resources used by the IOAudioDevice instance
295 * @discussion This method will deactivate all audio audio engines and release the audioEngines OSSet.
296 * It will also deactivate all of the audio ports and release the audioPorts OSSet. It will release
297 * the timerEvents OSDictionary as well as cancel any outstanding timer callbacks. It will clean up
298 * all of the event sources and the workLoop.
299 *
300 * Do not call this directly. This is called automatically by the system when the instance's
301 * refcount goes to 0. To decrement the refcount, call release() on the object.
302 */
304 virtual void free();
306 /*!
307 * @function start
308 * @abstract This function is called automatically by the system to tell the driver to start vending
309 * services to the rest of the system.
310 * @discussion The start() implementation in IOAudioDevice starts by calling start() on its superclass.
311 * It then calls initHardware() which the subclass should override to properly initialize itself and
312 * the hardware. If that call succeeds, it sets up power management if the family is supposed to
313 * manage power (checking the familyManagePower variable). Then finally it calls registerService()
314 * to make the IOAudioDevice visible in the IORegistry.
315 * @param provider This is the service provider nub that provides access to the hardware resources.
316 * @result Returns true on success
317 */
318 virtual bool start(IOService *provider);
320 /*!
321 * @function stop
322 * @abstract This is responsible for stopping the device after the system is done with it (or
323 * if the device is removed from the system).
324 * @discussion The IOAudioDevice implentation of stop() disables the timer services, deactivates
325 * all of the audio audio engines and audio ports and stops power management of the device.
326 * The audio engine and port deactivation causes all of the audio engines to get stopped and
327 * all of the audio engine and port resources and objects to be released. A subclass' implementation
328 * may could shut down hardware here if necessary. If this function is overridden by a subclass,
329 * the superclass' implementation must be called.
330 * @param The service provider nub for the device.
331 */
332 virtual void stop(IOService *provider);
333 virtual bool willTerminate(IOService *provider, IOOptionBits options);
335 /*!
336 * @function initHardware
337 * @abstract This function is called by start() to provide a convenient place for the subclass to
338 * perform its initialization.
339 * @discussion In a typical implementation, a driver would implementation this function and perform
340 * a number of tasks. Those include mapping hardware resources, initializing the hardware to a known
341 * state, creating the IOAudioEngines, IOAudioControls and IOAudioStreams. Additionally it
342 * should also call setDeviceName(), setDeviceShortName(), setManufacturerName(). Upon return of
343 * this function, the device should be ready to begin vending services to the system.
344 * @param provider The service provider nub for the device.
345 * @result This function should return true on a successful initialization.
346 */
347 virtual bool initHardware(IOService *provider);
349 /*!
350 * @function setDeviceName
351 * @abstract Sets the name of the device
352 * @discussion This method should be called during initialization or startup. It should
353 * be set by the time initHardware() completes. The device name is used by the
354 * CoreAudio.framework to identify the particular piece of hardware. This string should
355 * should be localized by the driver.
356 */
357 virtual void setDeviceName(const char *deviceName);
359 /*!
360 * @function setDeviceShortName
361 * @abstract Sets the short name of the device
362 * @discussion The short name is a shorter representation of the device name. It may be used
363 * by applications when the device name is too long. It should be set by the time initHardware()
364 * completes. The string should be localized by the driver.
365 */
366 virtual void setDeviceShortName(const char *shortName);
368 /*!
369 * @function setManufacturerName
370 * @abstract Sets the manufacturer name of the device
371 * @discussion This method should be called during initialization or startup. This should be
372 * called by the time initHardware() completes. The string should be localized by the driver.
373 */
374 virtual void setManufacturerName(const char *manufacturerName);
377 // IOWorkLoop, IOCommandGate management
379 /*!
380 * @function getWorkLoop
381 * @abstract Returns the IOWorkLoop for the driver
382 * @discussion The IOWorkLoop is used to synchronized all critical aspects of the driver. This
383 * includes all entry points to the driver as well as power management.
384 */
385 virtual IOWorkLoop *getWorkLoop() const;
387 /*!
388 * @function getCommandGate
389 * @abstract Returns the IOCommandGate for this IOAudioDevice
390 * @discussion This IOCommandGate allows calls into this IOAudioDevice to be synchronized on
391 * the IOWorkLoop.
392 */
393 virtual IOCommandGate *getCommandGate() const;
396 // IOAudioEngine management
398 /*!
399 * @function activateAudioEngine
400 * @abstract This simply calls activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *audioEngine,
401 * bool shouldStartAudioEngine) with a value of true for shouldStartAudioEngine.
402 * @param audioEngine The IOAudioEngine instance to be activated. It is treated as a newly
403 * allocated instance.
404 * @result Returns true if the audio engine was successfully activated.
405 */
406 virtual IOReturn activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *audioEngine);
408 /*!
409 * @function activateAudioEngine
410 * @abstract This is called to add a new IOAudioEngine object to the IOAudioDevice.
411 * @discussion Once the IOAudioEngine has been activated by this function, it is ready
412 * to begin moving audio data. This should be called either during the subclass' initHardware()
413 * implementation for each IOAudioEngine the device creates. Or it should be called by
414 * the IOAudioEngine itself if the audio engine was automatically created by IOKit's matching
415 * process. The system won't be able to properly track and control IOAudioEngines if
416 * they are not activated though this function.
417 * This implementation will retain the IOAudioEngine while it maintains control of it.
418 * When the audio engine is deactivated, the IOAudioEngine will be released. If the
419 * IOAudioDevice subclass is passing a newly instantiated IOAudioEngine, it will need to release
420 * the audio engine after it has been activated. This will insure that the refCount on the audio engine
421 * is correct when it gets deactivated when the driver is stopped. That allows the audio engine to be
422 * freed when it is no longer needed.
423 * @param audioEngine The IOAudioEngine instance to be activated.
424 * @param shouldStartAudioEngine If true, the audio engine is treated as a newly allocated IOAudioEngine
425 * instance and is appropriately attached and started according to IOKit convention. If it is false
426 * it is assumed that some other process (possibly the IOKit matching process) has started the
427 * IOAudioEngine and will skip that step.
428 * @result Returns true if the audio engine was successfully activated.
429 */
430 virtual IOReturn activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *audioEngine, bool shouldStartAudioEngine);
432 /*!
433 * @function deactivateAllAudioEngines
434 * @abstract Deactivates all of the audio engines in the device.
435 * @discussion This is called by the stop() and free() methods in IOAudioDevice to completely
436 * shut down all audio engines as the driver is being shut down.
437 */
438 virtual void deactivateAllAudioEngines();
441 // Power management
443 /*!
444 * @function setFamilyManagePower
445 * @abstract Called set whether or not the family should manage the device power throught the
446 * IOService power management APIs.
447 * @discussion The default behavior is for the family to manage power. It is only necessary to
448 * call this function if the driver does not want the family to manage power. It is not
449 * recommended that this function be called because it makes power management much more
450 * difficult for the driver. If this function is to be called, it must be called before
451 * initHardware() completes. Immediately after initHardware() is called by start(),
452 * the power management system is initialized if the family is to manage power.
453 * @param manage Set to false if it is not desired that the family does the power management
454 */
455 virtual void setFamilyManagePower(bool manage);
457 /*!
458 * @function setPowerState
459 * @abstract Called by the power management system in IOService when the power state of this
460 * service needs to change.
461 * @discussion The default implementation of IOAudioDevice sets up two power states for IOService
462 * to use. State 0 is sleep and state 1 is wake. This function should not be called directly.
463 * It is only supposed to be used by the IOService power management services.
464 * @param powerStateOrdinal The number of the power state as defined by the IOAudioDevice -
465 * 0 for sleep, 1 for wake.
466 * @param device The power management policy maker.
467 * @result Returns kIOPMAckImplied (0) when the power state change is complete. Otherwise the an
468 * upper bound on the number of microseconds until the state change is complete is returned.
469 */
470 virtual IOReturn setPowerState(unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService *device);
472 /*!
473 * @function setPowerStateAction
474 * @abstract IOCommandGate Action which calls protectedSetPowerState() while holding the IOCommandGate
475 * @discussion This is needed to allow protectedSetPowerState() to be called on the IOWorkLoop
476 * @param owner The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioDevice in this case)
477 * @param arg1 The powerStateOrdinal to be passed to protectedSetPowerState()
478 * @param arg2 The device to be passed to protectedSetPowerState()
479 * @result Returns the result of protectedSetPowerState()
480 */
481 static IOReturn setPowerStateAction(OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);
483 /*!
484 * @function protectedSetPowerState
485 * @abstract Called by setPowerStateAction() to deal with a power state change from the IOService
486 * power management facility.
487 * @discussion This function is responsible for performing the necessary sleep and wake tasks
488 * when the system is sleeping or waking. If an outstanding power state change is in progress,
489 * it will wait until the state changes has completed. While sleeping, all audio engines are
490 * stopped before calling initiatePowerStateChange() to call performPowerStateChange() to let
491 * the driver deal with the sleep request. When waking, it determines if the device should be
492 * idle or active and continues to call initiatePowerStateChange(). If initiatePowerStateChange()
493 * indicates that the power state change is occuring asynchronously, it returns the number of
494 * microseconds. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop, but should not be called
495 * directly.
496 * @param powerStateOrdinal Param passed to setPowerState() - 0 for sleep, 1 for wake
497 * @param device Param passed to setPowerState - the device initiating the power state change
498 * @result Returns 0 if the power state change is complete - the number of microseconds until
499 * complete if its asynchronous.
500 */
501 virtual IOReturn protectedSetPowerState(unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService *device);
503 /*!
504 * @function performPowerStateChange
505 * @abstract This function is called by the IOAudioDevice when a power state change is needed.
506 * @discussion In order to deal with power state changes, a subclass must override this function.
507 * Any combination of old and new power states may be passed to this function. If work is to
508 * be performed while transitioning to sleep, check for a newPowerState of kIOAudioDeviceSleep.
509 * If work is to be performed while transitioning from sleep, check for an oldPowerState of
510 * kIOAudioDeviceSleep. A power state of kIOAudioDeviceIdle means the system is awake, but
511 * no clients are currently playing or recording audio (i.e. no IOAudioEngines are active).
512 * A power state of kIOAudioDeviceActive means that at least one IOAudioEngine is active.
513 * It is possible for a power state change to be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
514 * In the case of a synchronous power state change, simple leave microsecondsUntilComplete
515 * alone and return kIOReturnSuccess. If an asynchronous power state change is needed the
516 * driver should do whatever needed to schedule another thread to finish the state change
517 * and set the microsecondsUntilComplete to an upper bound on the amount of time it will
518 * take to complete the power state change. Then when the power state change is complete,
519 * a call must be made to completePowerStateChange(). During an asynchronous power state
520 * change, the current power state will remain the same as before the transition began,
521 * and the pendingPowerState is set to the new power state that will be set when the
522 * change is complete.
523 * @param oldPowerState The power state before the power state change
524 * @param newPowerState The power state being transitioned to
525 * @param microsecondsUntilComplete A pointer to a value representing an upper bound on
526 * the number of microseconds to complete an asynchronous power state change. It points
527 * to a value of zero at the start and if it remains zero, the state change is complete
528 * upon a successful return from the function.
529 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on a successful completion
530 */
531 virtual IOReturn performPowerStateChange(IOAudioDevicePowerState oldPowerState,
532 IOAudioDevicePowerState newPowerState,
533 UInt32 *microsecondsUntilComplete);
535 /*!
536 * @function completePowerStateChange
537 * @abstract Called when a power state change is complete
538 * @discussion In the case of an asynchronous power state change, a subclass is responsible
539 * for calling this function. It is safe to call this function if not on the IOWorkLoop.
540 * This function calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange() through the IOCommandGate and
541 * completePowerStateChangeAction(). If the call is already on the IOWorkLoop, it is safe
542 * to call protectedCompletePowerStateChange() directly.
543 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on a successful completion
544 */
545 virtual IOReturn completePowerStateChange();
547 /*!
548 * @function completePowerStateChangeAction
549 * @abstract IOCommandGate Action which calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange() while holding the
550 * IOCommandGate.
551 * @discussion This is needed to allow protectedCompletePowerStateChange() to be called on the IOWorkLoop.
552 * @param owner The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioDevice in this case)
553 * @result Returns the result of protectedCompletePowerStateChange()
554 */
555 static IOReturn completePowerStateChangeAction(OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);
557 /*!
558 * @function protectedCompletePowerStateChange()
559 * @abstract Called on the IOWorkLoop when a power state change is complete.
560 * @discussion This function does the work to complete a power state change (both synchronous and
561 * asynchronous). If the system is waking from sleep, the timer system is restarted and the
562 * audio engines are resumed. If this was called as a result of an asynchronous power state changed
563 * it makes the IOService power management call acknowledgePowerChange() and resets the
564 * asyncPowerStateChangeInProgress variable. Finally it sets the currentPowerState to the
565 * pendingPowerState. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop. If a subclass is not
566 * on the IOWorkLoop (e.g. holding the IOCommandGate), call completePowerStateChange() instead.
567 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success
568 */
569 virtual IOReturn protectedCompletePowerStateChange();
571 /*!
572 * @function getPowerState
573 * @abstract Returns the current power state (the old power state if a change is in progress).
574 * @result The current power state
575 */
576 virtual IOAudioDevicePowerState getPowerState();
578 /*!
579 * @function getPendingPowerState
580 * @abstract Returns the pending power state if a state change is in progress. Otherwise it
581 * returns the current power state change.
582 * @result The pending power state
583 */
584 virtual IOAudioDevicePowerState getPendingPowerState();
586 /*!
587 * @function waitForPendingPowerStateChange
588 * @abstract Called internally to wait until a pending power state change is complete.
589 * @discussion This is only used by internal functions to wait during pending power
590 * state changes. It is used to prevent multiple power state changes at the same time.
591 * This function must be called while holding the IOCommandGate. If an asynchronous
592 * power state change is in progress this function will block until the state change
593 * if complete. Once complete, it will return while still holding the IOCommandGate.
594 */
595 virtual void waitForPendingPowerStateChange();
597 /*!
598 * @function initiatePowerStateChange
599 * @abstract Called internally to execute a power state change
600 * @discussion This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop. It calls performPowerStateChange()
601 * to let the driver process the state change. If the state change is completed synchronously
602 * by the driver (subclass) it calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange(). If done asynchronously
603 * it returns the microsecondsUntilComplete that was set by performPowerStateChange(). This
604 * function should not be called directly.
605 * @param microsecondsUntilComplete Pointer to the microsecondsUntilComplete that should be set
606 * by performPowerStateChange if an asynchronous power state change was started.
607 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success
608 */
609 virtual IOReturn initiatePowerStateChange(UInt32 *microsecondsUntilComplete = NULL);
612 // IOAudioControl management
614 /*!
615 * @function flushAudioControls
616 * @abstract Forces each IOAudioControl in the driver to have its value flushed out to the hardware.
617 * That will cause either the IOAudioControl's ValueChangeHandler to be called.
618 * @discussion This can be used to force the hardware to get updated with the current value
619 * of each control. It may be useful during wake for example.
620 */
621 virtual void flushAudioControls();
624 // Timer services
626 /*!
627 * @typedef TimerEvent
628 * @abstract Generic timer event callback for IOAudioDevice timer targets
629 * @discussion TimerEvent callback function takes two arguments; the target of
630 * the timer event and the IOAudioDevice sending the event.
631 * @param target The target of the timer event - passed in when the timer event was registered
632 * @param audioDevice The IOAudioDevice sending the event
633 */
634 typedef void (*TimerEvent)(OSObject *target, IOAudioDevice *audioDevice);
636 /*!
637 * @function addTimerEvent
638 * @abstract Adds a TimerEvent callback for the given target called at least as often
639 * as specified in interval.
640 * @discussion The frequency of the timer event callbacks will be the smallest interval
641 * specified by all targets. Only one interval and callback may be specified per target.
642 * If a addTimerEvent is called twice with the same target, the second one overrides the
643 * first. There is currently a bug triggered if the first call had the smallest interval.
644 * In that case, that smallest interval would still be used.
645 * @param target This parameter is the target object of the TimerEvent.
646 * @param event The callback function called each time the timer fires.
647 * @param interval The callback will be called at least this often.
648 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess if the timer event was successfully added.
649 */
650 virtual IOReturn addTimerEvent(OSObject *target, TimerEvent event, AbsoluteTime interval);
652 /*!
653 * @function removeTimerEvent
654 * @abstract Removes the timer event for the given target.
655 * @discussion If the interval for the target to be removed is the smallest interval,
656 * the timer interval is recalculated based on the remaining targets. The next fire
657 * time is readjusted based on the new interval compared to the last fire time.
658 * @param target The target whose timer event will be removed.
659 */
660 virtual void removeTimerEvent(OSObject *target);
662 /*!
663 * @function removeAllTimerEvents
664 * @abstract Removes all timer events and stops the timer
665 * @discussion Called during teardown of the driver
666 */
667 virtual void removeAllTimerEvents();
670 // IOAudioPort management
672 /*!
673 * @function attachAudioPort
674 * @abstract Adds the port to the IOAudioDevice's list of ports and attaches the port to its parent
675 * and attaches the child to the port.
676 * @discussion This function provides the functionality to represent the device's signal chain in the
677 * IOAudioPlane in the IORegistry. An IOAudioPort's parent(s) are before it in the signal chain
678 * and its children are after it. This method may be called multiple times for a single IOAudioPort.
679 * This is necessary when there are many children or parents. Once a relationship is made, it is not
680 * necessary to make the reverse relationship. A NULL value may be passed in for either the parent
681 * or child or both.
682 * The IOAudioPort passed in should be a newly allocated IOAudioPort instance. This function will
683 * appropriately attach and start the port object. NOTE: It is not necessary to use IOAudioPorts
684 * in a fully functional audio driver.
685 * @param port The newly created IOAudioPort instance to be activated.
686 * @param parent A parent IOAudioPort or IOAudioEngine of the given port.
687 * @param child A child IOAudioPort or IOAudioEngine of the given port.
688 * @result Returns true when the port has been successfully added and attached.
689 */
690 virtual IOReturn attachAudioPort(IOAudioPort *port, IORegistryEntry *parent, IORegistryEntry *child);
692 /*!
693 * @function detachAllAudioPorts
694 * @abstract Deactivates all of the ports in the device.
695 * @discussion This is called by the stop() and free() methods in IOAudioDevice to completely
696 * shut down all ports as the driver is being shut down.
697 */
698 virtual void detachAllAudioPorts();
701 /*!
702 * @function timerFired
703 * @abstract Internal static function called when the timer fires.
704 * @discussion This function simply calls dispatchTimerEvents() on the IOAudioDevice to do just that.
705 * @param target The IOAudioDevice instance that initiated the timer callback.
706 * @param sender The IOTimerEventSources calling this callback
707 */
708 static void timerFired(OSObject *target, IOTimerEventSource *sender);
710 /*!
711 * @function dispatchTimerEvents
712 * @abstract Called by timerFired() to cause the timer event callbacks to be called.
713 * @discussion This method iterates through all of the timer event targets and calls
714 * the callback on each. Unless the force flag is set to true, the timer events will
715 * only be dispatched if the power state is not kIOAudioDeviceSleep. This prevents
716 * unexpected timer firings while making wake->sleep->wake transitions. This function must
717 * be called on the IOWorkLoop.
718 * @function force A bool param to allow the timer events to be dispatched even if the
719 * device is in the kIOAudioDeviceSleep power state.
720 */
721 virtual void dispatchTimerEvents(bool force);
723 /*!
724 * @function audioEngineStarting
725 * @abstract Called by IOAudioEngine when it is starting up
726 * @discussion This should only be called while on the IOWorkLoop. It is not intended to be called
727 * directly. It is called when an IOAudioEngine is starting up to allow the IOAudioDevice
728 * to keep track of running audio engines and change the power state from kIOAudioDeviceIdle to
729 * kIOAudioDeviceActive when the first audio engine starts up. If the state change is done
730 * asynchronously, it waits for the state change to complete. This is to ensure that the
731 * system doesn't start playing audio until the IOAudioDevice has completed its transition
732 * to kIOAudioDeviceActive.
733 */
734 virtual void audioEngineStarting();
736 /*!
737 * @function audioEngineStopped
738 * @abstract Called by IOAudioEngine when it has stopped
739 * @discussion This should only be called while on the IOWorkLoop. It is not intended to be called
740 * directly. It is called when an IOAudioEngine has stopped to allow the IOAudioDevice
741 * to keep track of running audio engines and change the power state from kIOAudioDeviceActive
742 * to kIOAudioDeviceIdle when the last audio engine stops. If the state change is done
743 * asynchronously, it waits for the state change to complete.
744 */
745 virtual void audioEngineStopped();
749#endif /* _IOKIT_IOAUDIODEVICE_H */

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