
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.2 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * and read it before using this file.
11 *
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
18 * limitations under the License.
19 *
21 */
23#ifndef __OPEN_SOURCE__
25 *
26 *$Log: IOUSBDevice.h,v $
27 *Revision 1.65 2009/10/18 20:20:37 nano
28 *Bring in fixes in 390.4.0 QL: 7310698 7301024 7307079 and 7310698
29 *
30 *Revision 2009/10/15 21:17:43 nano
31 *If OverrideAtLocationID does not see a override property, return true
32 *
33 *Revision 2009/10/15 21:36:27 nano
34 *If OverrideAtLocationID does not see a override property, return true
35 *
36 *Revision 2009/10/14 19:16:15 nano
37 *Minor name changes
38 *
39 *Revision 2009/10/14 19:05:21 nano
40 *7284477 7293893 Simplify scheme to decide whether we want to override a property for a hub at a particular ID for a particular MacModel. Added a IOUSBDevice API that tells us if we are in the right model and locationID to override a property
41 *
42 *Revision 2009/10/08 19:55:56 nano
43 *rdar://7284477 Allow us to overide the config descriptor of a 2514 hub on a K23F
44 *
45 *Revision 1.64 2009/09/08 12:28:45 nano
46 *<rdar://problem/7195788> IOUSBDevice headerdoc comment problem - GetNumConfigs name is wrong, should be GetNumConfigurations
47 *
48 *Revision 1.63 2009/05/07 19:43:09 nano
49 *Move our SnowLeopard branch to TOT
50 *
51 *Revision 2009/03/13 22:45:11 nano
52 *Bring in branches to fix 6676089 6675858 6567987 6490273
53 *
54 *Revision 2009/03/11 20:01:56 nano
55 *rdar://6567987 Do not let a Reset or a ReEnumerate through while the other is executing.
56 *
57 *Revision 2009/02/26 13:44:32 nano
58 *Bring in rdar://6536090&6586312 to SL branch
59 *
60 *Revision 2009/02/25 00:51:06 rhoads
61 *change the mechanism of getConfigLock so as to prevent a deadlock
62 *
63 *Revision 2009/02/13 15:57:33 rhoads
64 *roll in rdars: 6213394, 6489431, 6513000, 6515115, 6535200, 6567783
65 *
66 *Revision 2009/02/11 19:19:08 rhoads
67 *add back an expansionData variable to preserve binary compatibility
68 *
69 *Revision 2009/02/11 03:05:56 arulchan
70 *more ::SuspendDevice changes
71 *
72 *Revision 2009/01/23 21:34:15 arulchan
73 *fix for rdar://6213394
74 *
75 *Revision 2008/06/16 21:31:16 nano
76 *Bring in changes from Foxhound 320.2.17
77 *
78 *Revision 2008/04/22 22:38:01 nano
79 *Bring in changes from Foxhound-320.2.9
80 *
81 *Revision 2008/05/22 17:36:18 nano
82 *Fix the reporting of the internal bit for GetDeviceInformation
83 *
84 *Revision 2008/05/21 17:51:43 nano
85 *<rdar://problem/5952635> GetDeviceInformation needs some fixes
86 *
87 *Revision 1.60 2008/04/18 22:03:28 nano
88 *Bring in fix for rdar://5874560
89 *
90 *Revision 2008/04/18 21:55:55 nano
91 *<rdar://problem/5874560> Need API to know how much extra power has been allocated
92 *
93 *Revision 1.59 2008/04/17 16:56:57 nano
94 *Bring in branches for rdar://5867990 & rdar://5768343
95 *
96 *Revision 2008/04/16 20:26:13 nano
97 *<rdar://problem/5867990> Add API to allocate sleep current, as well as making sure that we return any extra power if our client dies or our device is terminated without returning it
98 *
99 *Revision 1.58 2008/04/14 16:08:38 nano
100 *Add new APIs for high power and for GetDeviceInformation.
101 *
102 *Revision 2008/04/13 05:25:40 nano
103 *Call into PolicyMaker for the GetPortInformation
104 *
105 *Revision 2008/04/11 22:25:44 nano
106 *Initial work on new user-client APIs and new IOUSBDevice APIs to return port state information and manage extra power requests, as well as groundwork for calling the policy maker directly from the IOUSBDevice
107 *
108 *Revision 1.57 2007/08/07 20:30:36 rhoads
109 *rolled in a few branches to TOT
110 *
111 *Revision 2007/08/07 03:43:34 nano
112 *Bring in more changes for M89 suppport -- like actually use the dang power if the properties are available
113 *
114 *Revision 1.56 2007/03/06 12:23:41 rhoads
115 *roll in 5024412, 5035829, and 5039670
116 *
117 *Revision 2007/02/27 16:08:33 rhoads
118 *some fine tuning of our IOService overrides, including not overriding willTerminate and didTerminate (5024412)
119 *
120 *Revision 1.55 2007/01/19 17:58:48 rhoads
121 *roll in branches for a leopard build
122 *
123 *Revision 2007/01/17 16:37:02 rhoads
124 *remove the IOUSBDevice::attach method which is not really useful
125 *
126 *Revision 1.54 2006/10/06 04:42:01 rhoads
127 *roll in branches 4727961, 4758404, 4759810, 4760274, and 4762769
128 *
129 *Revision 2006/10/04 16:03:57 rhoads
130 *better IOUSBHubDevice design
131 *
132 */
138#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBNub.h>
139#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBPipe.h>
140#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
141#include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
142#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
144#include <kern/thread_call.h>
146// The following are definitions for errata properties needed for different devices. This
147// should be but in the dictionary of the IOUSBDevice in question. This can be achieved
148// by using the AppleUSBMergeNub class and having an IOProviderMergeProperties dictionary
149// with the required properties.
151// This property allows a device to specify a configuration value of 0 in its configuration
152// descriptor. This does not follow the spec, but we will allow it in order to get the device
153// to work. The property should be a Boolean
155#define kAllowConfigValueOfZero"kAllowZeroConfigValue"
156#define kAllowNumConfigsOfZero"kAllowZeroNumConfigs"
159class IOUSBController;
160class IOUSBControllerV2;
161class IOUSBInterface;
162class IOUSBHubPolicyMaker;
164 @class IOUSBDevice
165 @abstract The IOService object representing a device on the USB bus.
166 @discussion This class provides functionality to configure a device and to create
167IOUSBInterface objects to represent the interfaces of the device.
170class IOUSBDevice : public IOUSBNub
172 friend class IOUSBController;
173 friend class IOUSBControllerV2;
174 friend class IOUSBInterface;
175 friend class IOUSBPipe;
177 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOUSBDevice)
181 USBDeviceAddress_address;
182 IOUSBController * _controller;
183 IOUSBPipe *_pipeZero;
184 IOUSBDeviceDescriptor_descriptor;
185 UInt32_busPowerAvailable;
186 UInt8_speed;
187 IOUSBEndpointDescriptor_endpointZero; // Fake ep for control pipe
188 void *_port;// Obsolete, do not use
189 IOBufferMemoryDescriptor**_configList;
190 IOUSBInterface**_interfaceList;
191 UInt8_currentConfigValue;
192 UInt8_numInterfaces;
194 struct ExpansionData
195 {
196 UInt32_portNumber;
197 thread_call_t_doPortResetThread;
198 IOUSBDevice *_usbPlaneParent;
199 bool_portResetThreadActive;
200 bool_allowConfigValueOfZero;
201 thread_call_t_doPortSuspendThread;
202 bool_portSuspendThreadActive;
203 thread_call_t_doPortReEnumerateThread;
204 bool_resetInProgress;
205 bool_portHasBeenReset;
206 IORecursiveLock*_XgetConfigLock;// Obsolete
207 bool_doneWaiting; // Obsolete
208 bool_notifiedWhileBooting; // Obsolete
209 IOWorkLoop *_workLoop;
210 IOTimerEventSource *_notifierHandlerTimer;
211 UInt32_notificationType;
212 bool_suspendInProgress;
213 bool_portHasBeenSuspendedOrResumed;
214 bool_addExtraResetTime;
216IOCommandGate *_commandGate;
217OSSet *_openInterfaces;
221 thread_call_t_doMessageClientsThread;
222IOUSBHubPolicyMaker *_hubPolicyMaker;
223UInt32_sleepPowerAllocated;// how much sleep power we already gave to our client
224UInt32_wakePowerAllocated;// how much extra power during wake did we already give our client
226bool_deviceIsInternal;// Will be set if all our upstream hubs are captive (internal to the computer)
227bool_deviceIsInternalIsValid;// true if we have already determined whether the device is internal
228bool_newGetConfigLock;// new lock, taken within the WL gate, when doing a GetConfig
229UInt32_resetAndReEnumerateLock;// "Lock" to prevent us from doing a reset or a re-enumerate while the other one is in progress
231 };
232 ExpansionData * _expansionData;
234 const IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor *FindConfig(UInt8 configValue, UInt8 *configIndex=0);
236 virtual IOUSBInterface * GetInterface(const IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor *interface);
239 virtual IOReturn SetFeature(UInt8 feature);
242 virtual IOReturn GetConfigDescriptor(UInt8 configIndex, void *data, UInt32 len);
244 virtual IOReturn GetDeviceDescriptor(IOUSBDeviceDescriptor *desc, UInt32 size);
246 virtual bool init(USBDeviceAddress deviceAddress, UInt32 powerAvaiable, UInt8 speed, UInt8 maxPacketSize );
248 virtual bool matchPropertyTable(OSDictionary * table, SInt32 *score);
251 // IOService methods
252 virtual boolinit( void );
253 virtual boolstart( IOService *provider );
254virtual boolhandleIsOpen(const IOService *forClient) const;
255virtual boolhandleOpen(IOService *forClient, IOOptionBits options, void *arg);
256virtual voidhandleClose(IOService *forClient, IOOptionBits options);
257 virtual IOReturn message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider, void * argument = 0 );
258 virtual boolterminate( IOOptionBits options = 0 );
259 virtual boolrequestTerminate( IOService * provider, IOOptionBits options );
260 virtual voidstop( IOService *provider );
261 virtual boolfinalize(IOOptionBits options);
262virtual voidfree( void );
264// IOUSBDevice methods
265 virtual void SetProperties();
267 static IOUSBDevice *NewDevice(void);
269 virtual void SetPort(void *port);// Obsolete, do NOT use
271 /*!
272@function FindNextInterfaceDescriptor
273return a pointer to the next interface descriptor within the given full configuration descriptor satisfying the requirements specified, or NULL if there aren't any.
274 @param configDescIn the configuration descriptor within which to search. obtained from GetFullConfigurationDescriptor(configIndex). use NULL to specify the current configuration's descriptor.
275 @param intfDesc interface descriptor from which to start the search. NULL for the first interface descriptor in the given configuration descriptor
276 @param request IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest specifying the desired interface. Not changed.
277 @param descOut pointer to placeholder for the returned descriptor ptr
278@result returns kIOReturnBadArgument if configDesc is not correct, or if configDesc is NULL and the device is not configured, or if intfDesc is not in configDesc. Otherwise returns kIOReturnSuccess or kIOUSBInterfaceNotFound.
279 */
280 virtual IOReturn FindNextInterfaceDescriptor(const IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor *configDescIn,
281 const IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor *intfDesc,
282 const IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest *request,
283 IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor **descOut);
284 /*!
285@function FindNextInterface
286return an pointer to an IOUSBInterface object satisfying the requirements specified in request, or NULL if there aren't any. the device
287 must be configured for there to be any interfaces.
288 @param current interface to start searching from, NULL to start at the beginning of the device's interface list for the current configuration.
289@param request specifies what properties an interface must have to match.
290@result Pointer to a matching IOUSBInterface, or NULL if none match. Note: The IOUSBInterface is NOT retained for the caller. If the caller wishes to continue to use the returned object, it should call retain() on that object.
291 */
292 virtual IOUSBInterface *FindNextInterface(IOUSBInterface *current,
293 IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest *request);
295 /*!
296 @function CreateInterfaceIterator
297 return an OSIterator to iterate through interfaces satisfying the requirements specified in request.
298 @param request specifies what properties an interface must have to match.
299 @result Pointer to an OSIterator.
300 */
301 virtual OSIterator *CreateInterfaceIterator(IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest *request);
303 // Get pointer to full config info (cached in device, don't free returned pointer)
304 /*!
305@function GetFullConfigurationDescriptor
306return a pointer to all the descriptors for the requested configuration.
307 @param configIndex The configuration index (not the configuration value)
308@result Pointer to the descriptors, which are cached in the IOUSBDevice object.
309 */
310 virtual const IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor *GetFullConfigurationDescriptor(UInt8 configIndex);
312 /*!
313@function GetConfigurationDescriptor
314 Copy the specified amount of data for a configuration into the suppled buffer.
315 @param configValue The configuration value
316@param data Buffer to copy data into
317@param len number of bytes to copy
318 */
319 virtual IOReturn GetConfigurationDescriptor(UInt8 configValue, void *data, UInt32 len);
321 /*!
322@function ResetDevice
323Reset the device, returning it to the addressed, unconfigured state.
324This is useful if a device has got badly confused. Note that the AppleUSBComposite driver will automatically
325 reconfigure the device if it is a composite device.
326 */
327 virtual IOReturn ResetDevice();
329 /*!
330@function SetConfiguration
331Do a USB SetConfiguration call to the device. The caller must have the device open() in order to
332actually cause a configuration change. If the device is currently configured, all IOUSBInterface objects
333associated with the device are freed. After the new configuration has been set, all of its IOUSBInterface objects are
334instantiated automatically.
335@param forClient The client requesting the configuration change
336@param configValue The desired configuration value.
337@param startInterfaceMatching A boolean specifying whether IOKit should begin the process of finding
338matching drivers for the new IOUSBInterface objects.
339 */
340 virtual IOReturn SetConfiguration(IOService *forClient, UInt8 configValue, bool startInterfaceMatching=true);
342 // Access to addressing and cached info
343 /*!
344 @function GetAddress
345 returns the bus address of the device
346 */
347 virtual USBDeviceAddress GetAddress(void);
349 /*!
350 @function GetSpeed
351 returns the speed of the device
352 */
353 virtual UInt8 GetSpeed(void);
354 /*!
355 @function GetBus
356 returns a pointer to the IOUSBController object for the device
357 */
358 virtual IOUSBController *GetBus(void);
359 /*!
360 @function GetBusPowerAvailable
361 returns the power available to the device, in units of 2mA
362 */
363 virtual UInt32 GetBusPowerAvailable( void );
364 /*!
365 @function GetMaxPacketSize
366 returns the maximum packet size for endpoint zero (only 8, 16, 32, 64 are valid)
367 */
368 virtual UInt8 GetMaxPacketSize(void);
369 /*!
370 @function GetVendorID
371 returns the Vendor ID of the device
372 */
373 virtual UInt16 GetVendorID(void);
374 /*!
375 @function GetProductID
376 returns the Product ID of the device
377 */
378 virtual UInt16 GetProductID(void);
379 /*!
380 @function GetDeviceRelease
381 returns the DeviceRelease information
382 */
383 virtual UInt16 GetDeviceRelease(void);
384 /*!
385 @function GetNumConfigurations
386 returns the number of configs in the device config descriptor
387 */
388 virtual UInt8 GetNumConfigurations(void);
389 /*!
390 @function GetManufacturerStringIndex
391 returns the index of string descriptor describing manufacturer
392 */
393 virtual UInt8 GetManufacturerStringIndex(void );
394 /*!
395 @function GetProductStringIndex
396 returns the index of string descriptor describing product
397 */
398 virtual UInt8 GetProductStringIndex(void );
399 /*!
400 @function GetSerialNumberStringIndex
401 returns the index of string descriptor describing the device's serial number
402 */
403 virtual UInt8 GetSerialNumberStringIndex(void );
404 /*!
405 @function GetPipeZero
406 returns a pointer to the device's default control pipe
407 */
408 virtual IOUSBPipe * GetPipeZero(void);
410// Deprecated but needed for binary compatibility
411 virtual IOUSBPipe*MakePipe(const IOUSBEndpointDescriptor *ep);
413 // this method is deprecated. use the other DeviceRequest methods
414 virtual IOReturn DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequest*request,
415 IOUSBCompletion*completion = 0);
417 // Same but with a memory descriptor
418 virtual IOReturn DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequestDesc*request,
419 IOUSBCompletion*completion = 0);
421 /*!
422@function GetConfiguration
423Gets the current configuration from the IOUSBDevice object. Note that this call will send a control
424 request on the bus to get the current configuration from the physical device.
425@param configNum Pointer to place to store configuration value.
426 */
427 virtual IOReturn GetConfiguration(UInt8 *configNumber);
429 /*!
430 @function GetDeviceStatus
431 Gets the device's status. Note that this sends a control request to the physical device.
432 @param status Pointer to place to store the status.
433 */
434 virtual IOReturn GetDeviceStatus(USBStatus *status);
436 /*!
437@function GetStringDescriptor
438Get a string descriptor as ASCII, in the specified language (default is US English)
439@param index Index of the string descriptor to get.
440@param buf Pointer to place to store ASCII string
441@param maxLen Size of buffer pointed to by buf
442 @param lang Language to get string in (default is US English)
443 */
444 virtual IOReturn GetStringDescriptor(UInt8 index, char *buf, int maxLen, UInt16 lang=0x409);
446 /*!
447@function GetChildLocationID
448Get the locationID (UInt32) given the port number and the parent's location
449@param parentLocationID locationID for the hub to which this device is attached.
450@param port Port number of the hub where this device is attached
451 */
452 virtual UInt32 GetChildLocationID(UInt32 parentLocationID, int port);
454 virtual const IOUSBDescriptorHeader* FindNextDescriptor(const void *cur, UInt8 descType);
456 virtual void DisplayNotEnoughPowerNotice();
458 // this is a non-virtual function so that we don't have to take up a binary compatibility slot.
459 UInt16GetbcdUSB(void);
460 UInt8GetProtocol(void);
461voidSetBusPowerAvailable(UInt32 newPower);
463 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 0);
464 /*!
465@function DeviceRequest
466 @abstract execute a control request to the default control pipe (pipe zero)
467 @param request The parameter block to send to the device
468 @param noDataTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which the command will be aborted
469 if no data has been transferred on the bus.
470 @param completionTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which the command will be aborted if the entire command has
471 not been completed.
472@param completion Function to call when request completes. If omitted then
473 DeviceRequest() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete. If the request is asynchronous, the client must make sure that
474 the IOUSBDevRequest is not released until the callback has occurred.
476 */
477 virtual IOReturn DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequest*request,
478UInt32 noDataTimeout,
479UInt32 completionTimeout,
480 IOUSBCompletion*completion = 0);
482 /*!
483 @function DeviceRequest
484 @abstract execute a control request to the default control pipe (pipe zero)
485 @param request The parameter block to send to the device (with the pData as an IOMemoryDesriptor)
486 @param noDataTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which the command will be aborted
487 if no data has been transferred on the bus.
488 @param completionTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which the command will be aborted if the entire command has
489 not been completed.
490 @param completion Function to call when request completes. If omitted then
491 DeviceRequest() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete. If the request is asynchronous, the client must make sure that
492 the IOUSBDevRequest is not released until the callback has occurred.
494 */
495 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 1);
496 virtual IOReturn DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequestDesc*request,
497 UInt32 noDataTimeout,
498 UInt32 completionTimeout,
499 IOUSBCompletion*completion = 0);
501 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 2);
502 /*!
503@function SuspendDevice
504 @abstract Instruct the hub to which this device is attached to suspend or resume the port to which the device is attached.
505 Note that if there are any outstanding transactions on any pipes in the device, those transactions will get returned with a
506 kIOReturnNotResponding error.
507 @param suspend Boolean value. true = suspend, false = resume.
508 */
509 virtual IOReturn SuspendDevice( bool suspend);
511 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 3);
512 /*!
513@function ReEnumerateDevice
514 @abstract Instruct the hub to which this device is attached to reset the port to which this device is attached. This causes the
515 IOUSBDevice object and any child objects (IOUSBInterface objects or driver objects) to be terminated, and the device to be
516 completely reenumerated, as if it had been detached and reattached.
517 @param options Reserved for future use.
518 */
519 virtual IOReturn ReEnumerateDevice( UInt32 options );
521 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 4);
522 /*!
523 @function DisplayUserNotification
524 @abstract Will use the KUNCUserNotification mechanism to display a notification to the user.
525 @param notificationType Which notification to display.
526 */
527 virtual voidDisplayUserNotification(UInt32 notificationType);
529 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 5);
531 @function MakePipe
532 @abstract build a pipe on a given endpoint
533 @param ep A description of the endpoint
534 @param interface The IOUSBInterface object requesting the pipe
535 returns the desired IOUSBPipe object
536 */
537 virtual IOUSBPipe*MakePipe(const IOUSBEndpointDescriptor *ep, IOUSBInterface *interface);
540 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 6);
542 @function SetHubParent
543 @abstract Used by the hub driver to give the nub a pointer to its HubPolicyMaker object
544 @param hubPolicyMakerThe object representing the Hub driver
545 */
546 virtual voidSetHubParent(IOUSBHubPolicyMaker *hubParent);
548 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 7);
550 @function GetHubParent
551 @abstract Used by the hub driver to give the nub a pointer to its HubPolicyMaker object
552 @param hubPolicyMakerThe object representing the Hub driver
553 */
554 virtual IOUSBHubPolicyMaker*GetHubParent();
556 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 8);
557 /*!
558 @function GetDeviceInformation
559 @abstract Returns status information about the USB device, such as whether the device is captive or whether it is in the suspended state.
560 @param requestedPower The desired amount of power that the client wishes to reserve
561 @result Actual power that was reserved
564virtual IOReturnGetDeviceInformation(UInt32 *info);
566 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 9);
567 /*!
568 @functionRequestExtraPower
569 @abstractClients can use this API to reserve extra power for use by this device while the machine is asleep or while it is awake. Units are milliAmps (mA).
570 @param typeIndicates whether the power is to be used during wake or sleep (One of kUSBPowerDuringSleep or kUSBPowerDuringWake)
571 @param requestedPower Amount of power desired, in mA
572 @resultAmount of power actually reserved, in mA. It can be less than the requested or zero.
574 */
575virtual UInt32RequestExtraPower(UInt32 type, UInt32 requestedPower);
577 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 10);
578 /*!
579 @functionReturnExtraPower
580 @abstractClients can use this API to tell the system that they will not use power that was previously reserved by using the RequestExtraPower API.
581 @param typeIndicates whether the power is to be used during wake or sleep (One of kUSBPowerDuringSleep or kUSBPowerDuringWake)
582 @param returnedPower Amount of power that is no longer needed, in mA
583 @resultIf the returnedPower was not previously allocated, an error will be returned. This will include the case for power that was requested for sleep but was returned for wake.
585 */
586virtual IOReturnReturnExtraPower(UInt32 type, UInt32 returnedPower);
588 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 11);
589 /*!
590 @functionGetExtraPowerAllocated
591 @abstractClients can use this API to ask how much extra power has already been reserved by this device. Units are milliAmps (mA).
592 @param typeIndicates whether the allocated power was to be used during wake or sleep (One of kUSBPowerDuringSleep or kUSBPowerDuringWake)
593 @resultAmount of power allocated, in mA.
595 */
596virtual UInt32GetExtraPowerAllocated(UInt32 type);
598 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBDevice, 12);
599 /*!
600 @functionDoLocationOverrideAndModelMatch
601 @abstractWill look for a kOverrideIfAtLocationID array proerty with locationID entries and a "MacModel" property. If any of the locationIDs match to the Mac Model, will return true.
602 If there is no kOverrideAtLocationID property, it will also return true.
603 @resultTrue if we have a match, false otherwise
604 */
607 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 13);
608 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 14);
609 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 15);
610 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 16);
611 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 17);
612 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 18);
613 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBDevice, 19);
617 static void ProcessPortResetEntry(OSObject *target);
618 void ProcessPortReset(void);
620 void TerminateInterfaces(void);
622 static void ProcessPortReEnumerateEntry(OSObject *target, thread_call_param_t options);
623 void ProcessPortReEnumerate(UInt32 options);
625 static void DoMessageClientsEntry(OSObject *target, thread_call_param_t messageStruct);
626 void DoMessageClients( void * messageStructPtr);
628 static void DisplayUserNotificationForDeviceEntry (OSObject *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender);
629 voidDisplayUserNotificationForDevice( );
631 UInt32 SimpleUnicodeToUTF8(UInt16 uChar, UInt8 utf8Bytes[4]);
632 void SwapUniWords (UInt16 **unicodeString, UInt32 uniSize);
634 IOReturnTakeGetConfigLock(void);
635 IOReturnReleaseGetConfigLock(void);
636 static IOReturnChangeGetConfigLock(OSObject *target, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
639#endif /* _IOKIT_IOUSBDEVICE_H */

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