
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * and read it before using this file.
11 *
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18 * under the License.
19 *
21 */
26#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
28#include <IOKit/audio/IOAudioEngine.h>
30#include "IOAudioEngine.h"
33class IOAudioPort;
34class OSDictionary;
35class OSSet;
36class IOAudioUserClient;
37class IOAudioControlUserClient;
38class IOWorkLoop;
39class IOCommandGate;
42 * @class IOAudioControl
43 * @abstract Represents any controllable attribute of an IOAudioDevice.
44 * @discussion An IOAudioControl instance may belong to one IOAudioPort. Additionally, it may associated
45 * with an IOAudioEngine as a default control for that IOAudioEngine.
46 *
47 * When its value changes, it sends a notification to the CoreAudio.framework (HAL). It also makes a call
48 * to the ValueChangeHandler.
49 *
50 * The base IOAudioControl class contains a type, a value and a channel ID representing the channel(s) which
51 * the control acts on. It may also contain a readable format for the name of the channel as well as a
52 * control ID that can be used to identify unique controls. Additionally it may contain a subType and a usage.
53 * Each type has its own set of possible subTypes. There currently four different control types defined:
54 * kIOAudioControlTypeLevel, kIOAudioControlTypeToggle, kIOAudioControlTypeSelector.
55 * Each one is represented by a subclass of IOAudioControl: IOAudioLevelControl, IOAudioToggleControl,
56 * IOAudioSelectorControl. The level control defines a range of allowed values and has
57 * a defined subtype of kIOAudioLevelControlSubTypeVolume used to define a volume control. The toggle control
58 * allows for a boolean value and has a defined subtype kIOAudioToggleControlSubTypeMute for a mute control. The
59 * selector control has a list of allowed selections with a value and description for each allowed selection and
60 * has the following sub types: kIOAudioSelectorControlSubTypeOutput for an output selector and
61 * kIOAudioSelectorControlSubTypeInput for an input selector. See the subclass documentation for a more
62 * complete description of each
63 *
64 * There are enums for default channel ID values and common channel names in IOAudioTypes.h. The channel ID
65 * values are prefixed with 'kIOAudioControlChannelID' and the common channel names are prefixed with
66 * 'kIOAudioControlChannelName'. All of the attributes of the IOAudioControl are stored in the registry.
67 * The key used for each attribute is defined in IOAudioTypes.h with the define matching the following
68 * pattern: 'kIOAudioControl<attribute name>Key'. For example: kIOAudioControlChannelIDKey.
69 *
70 * In addition to the existing defined control types, drivers can define their own as well for other purposes.
71 *
72 * Changes to the IOAudioControl's value made by the CoreAudio.framework are done through the IORegistry.
73 * When the CoreAudio.framework initiates a value change, the control receives a setProperties() message.
74 * The setProperties() implementation looks for the property 'IOAudioControlValue' and if present, calls
75 * setValue() on the driver's IOWorkLoop with the new value. The setValue() function first checks to see
76 * if the new value is different. If so, it calls performValueChange() to call through to the driver
77 * to make the change in the hardware. If that call succeeds the value is changed and the new value is set
78 * in the registry. Additionally notifications are sent to all clients that have registered for them.
79 */
80class IOAudioControl : public IOService
82 friend class IOAudioPort;
83 friend class IOAudioDevice;
84 friend class IOAudioEngine;
86 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOAudioControl)
90 /*!
91 * @typedef IntValueChangeHandler
92 * @abstract Handler function used to make a notification when a value is to be changed.
93 * @param target Reference supplied when the handler was registered.
94 * @param audioControl The IOAudioControl that is changing.
95 * @param oldValue The old value of the control.
96 * @param newValue The new value the control is being changed to.
97 * @result Must return kIOReturnSuccess when the hardware is successfully updated.
98 */
99 typedef IOReturn (*IntValueChangeHandler)(OSObject *target, IOAudioControl *audioControl, SInt32 oldValue, SInt32 newValue);
100 typedef IOReturn (*DataValueChangeHandler)(OSObject *target, IOAudioControl *audioControl, const void *oldData, UInt32 oldDataSize, const void *newData, UInt32 newDataSize);
101 typedef IOReturn (*ObjectValueChangeHandler)(OSObject *target, IOAudioControl *audioControl, OSObject *oldValue, OSObject *newValue);
104 /*! @var workLoop
105 The IOWorkLoop for the audio driver - shared from the IOAudioDevice.
106 */
107 IOWorkLoop *workLoop;
108 /*! @var commandGate
109 The IOCommandGate for this control - attached to the driver's IOWorkLoop.
110 */
111 IOCommandGate*commandGate;
113 /*! @var isStarted
114 Internal state keeping track of when the IOAudioControl has been started.
115 */
116 boolisStarted;
118 /*! @var controlID
119 An optional identifier that can be used to identify the control.
120 */
121 UInt32 controlID;
122 /*! @var channelID
123 The ID of the channel this control affects - may be kIOAudioControlChannelIDAll if it represents all channels.
124 */
125 UInt32channelID;
127 UInt32type;
128 UInt32subType;
129 UInt32usage;
131 OSObject*value;
133 typedef enum {
134 kIntValueChangeHandler,
135 kDataValueChangeHandler,
136 kObjectValueChangeHandler
137 } ValueChangeHandlerType;
139 ValueChangeHandlerType valueChangeHandlerType;
141 union {
142 IntValueChangeHandlerintHandler;
143 DataValueChangeHandlerdataHandler;
144 ObjectValueChangeHandlerobjectHandler;
145 } valueChangeHandler;
147 OSObject*valueChangeTarget;
149 /*! @var clients
150 A list of user clients that have requested value change notifications.
151 */
152 OSSet*userClients;
155 struct ExpansionData {
156IOAudioEngine *providerEngine;
157OSArray *notificationQueue;
160 ExpansionData *reserved;
163// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 0);
164virtual void sendChangeNotification(UInt32 notificationType);
166// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 1);
167 /*!
168 * @function setReadOnlyFlag
169 * @abstract Call this function to say that a control is read only.
170 * This call cannot be undone, so if a control is only temporarily unsetable,
171 * do not use this call but instead return an error from the control handler.
172 */
173virtual void setReadOnlyFlag();
175// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 2);
176virtual void sendQueuedNotifications(void);
178// OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 3);
179 /*!
180 * @function createUserClient
181 * @abstract Creates a new IOAudioControlUserClient instance.
182 * @discussion This function is called by newUserClient() to create a new IOAudioControlUserClient instance. This function may be overridden by subclasses that need to add functionality
183 * to the IOAudioControlUserClient. In that case, they must subclass IOAudioControlUserClient
184 * and return a new, initialized instance of that subclass.
185 * A derived class that requires overriding of createUserClient should override the version with the properties
186 * parameter for Intel targets, and without the properties parameter for PPC targets. The #if __i386__ directive
187 * can be used to select between the two behaviors.
188 * @param task The task requesting the new user client.
189 * @param securityID Optional security paramater passed in by the client - ignored.
190 * @param type Optional user client type passed in by the client.
191 * @param newUserClient The IOAudioControlUserClient * must be stored in this param on a successful
192 * completion.
193 * @param properties A dictionary of additional properties for the connection.
194 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.
195 */
196 virtual IOReturn createUserClient(task_t task, void *securityID, UInt32 type, IOAudioControlUserClient **newUserClient, OSDictionary *properties);
199 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 0);
200 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 1);
201 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 2);
202 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOAudioControl, 3);
204 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 4);
205 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 5);
206 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 6);
207 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 7);
208 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 8);
209 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 9);
210 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 10);
211 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 11);
212 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 12);
213 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 13);
214 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 14);
215 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 15);
216 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 16);
217 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 17);
218 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 18);
219 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 19);
220 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 20);
221 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 21);
222 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 22);
223 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOAudioControl, 23);
227 /*!
228 * @function withAttributes
229 * @abstract Static function that allocates a new IOAudioControl with the given attributes.
230 * @param type The type of the control. Common, known types are defined in IOAudioTypes.h. They currently
231 * consist of kIOAudioControlTypeLevel, kIOAudioControlTypeToggle, kIOAudioControlTypeSelector.
232 * @param channelID The ID of the channel(s) that the control acts on. Common IDs are located in IOAudioTypes.h.
233 * @param channelName An optional name for the channel. Common names are located in IOAudioDefines.h. Any name not
234 * defined in IOAudioDefines.h must be localized in order to be properly displayed in multiple languages.
235 * @param cntrlID An optional ID for the control that can be used to uniquely identify controls
236 * @param subType An optional subType specific to the given type
237 * @param usage An optional value specifying how the control will be used. Currently defined usages are kIOAudioControlUsageInput,
238 * kIOAudioControlUsageOutput and kIOAudioControlUsagePassThru. This value is used when a control is set as a default control
239 * on an IOAudioEngine.
240 * @result Returns a newly allocated and initialized IOAudioControl.
241 */
242 static IOAudioControl *withAttributes(UInt32 type,
243 OSObject *initialValue,
244 UInt32 channelID,
245 const char *channelName = 0,
246 UInt32 cntrlID = 0,
247 UInt32 subType = 0,
248 UInt32 usage = 0);
250 /*!
251 * @function init
252 * @abstract Initializes a newly allocated IOAudioControl with the given attributes.
253 * @param type The type of the control. Common, known types are defined in IOAudioTypes.h. They currently
254 * consist of kIOAudioControlTypeLevel, kIOAudioControlTypeToggle, kIOAudioControlTypeSelector.
255 * @param channelID The ID of the channel(s) that the control acts on. Common IDs are located in IOAudioTypes.h.
256 * @param channelName An optional name for the channel. Common names are located in IOAudioDefines.h. Any name not
257 * defined in IOAudioDefines.h must be localized in order to be properly displayed in multiple languages.
258 * @param cntrlID An optional ID for the control that can be used to uniquely identify controls
259 * @param subType An optional subType specific to the given type
260 * @param usage An optional value specifying how the control will be used. Currently defined usages are kIOAudioControlUsageInput,
261 * kIOAudioControlUsageOutput and kIOAudioControlUsagePassThru. This value is used when a control is set as a default control
262 * on an IOAudioEngine.
263 * @param properties Standard property list passed to the init() function of any new IOService. This dictionary
264 * gets stored in the registry entry for this instance.
265 * @result Returns true on success.
266 */
267 virtual bool init(UInt32 type,
268 OSObject *initialValue,
269 UInt32 channelID,
270 const char *channelName = 0,
271 UInt32 cntrlID = 0,
272 UInt32 subType = 0,
273 UInt32 usage = 0,
274 OSDictionary *properties = 0);
276 /*!
277 * @function free
278 * @abstract Frees all of the resources allocated by the IOAudioControl.
279 * @discussion Do not call this directly. This is called automatically by the system when the instance's
280 * refcount goes to 0. To decrement the refcount, call release() on the object.
281 */
282 virtual void free();
284 /*!
285 * @function start
286 * @abstract Starts a newly created IOAudioControl.
287 * @discussion This is called automatically by IOAudioPort when addAudioControl() is called or by IOAudioEngine
288 * when addDefaultAudioControl() is called. It will only be called by the first call to either addAudioControl() or
289 * addDefaultAudioControl().
290 * @param provider The IOAudioPort or IOAudioEngine that owns this control.
291 * @result Returns true on success.
292 */
293 virtual bool start(IOService *provider);
295virtual bool attachAndStart(IOService *provider);
297 /*!
298 * @function getIsStarted
299 * @abstract Returns true after start() has been called.
300 * @discussion Used by IOAudioPort and IOAudioEngine to decide if the control needs to be started.
301 */
302 virtual bool getIsStarted();
304 /*!
305 * @function stop
306 * @abstract Stops the control when the provider is going away.
307 * @param provider The IOAudioPort or IOAudioEngine that owns this control.
308 */
309 virtual void stop(IOService *provider);
311 /*!
312 * @function getWorkLoop
313 * @abstract Returns the IOWorkLoop for the whole audio driver.
314 */
315 virtual IOWorkLoop *getWorkLoop();
317 /*!
318 * @function getCommandGate
319 * @abstract Returns the IOCommandGate for this IOAudioControl.
320 */
321 virtual IOCommandGate *getCommandGate();
323 /*!
324 * @function newUserClient
325 * @abstract Creates a new user client object for this IOAudioControl instance.
326 * @discussion This is called automatically by I/O Kit when a user process opens a connection to this
327 * IOAudioControl. This is typically done when the user process needs to register for value change
328 * notifications. This implementation allocates a new IOAudioControlUserClient object. There is no
329 * need to call this directly.
330 * A derived class that requires overriding of newUserClient should override the version with the properties
331 * parameter for Intel targets, and without the properties parameter for PPC targets. The #if __i386__ directive
332 * can be used to select between the two behaviors.
333 * @param task The task requesting the new user client.
334 * @param securityID Optional security paramater passed in by the client - ignored.
335 * @param type Optional user client type passed in by the client - 0 for the default user client type.
336 * @param handler The new IOUserClient * must be stored in this param on a successful completion.
337 * @param properties A dictionary of additional properties for the connection.
338 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success. May also result kIOReturnError or kIOReturnNoMemory.
339 */
340 virtual IOReturn newUserClient(task_t task, void *securityID, UInt32 type, IOUserClient **handler);
341 virtual IOReturn newUserClient(task_t task, void *securityID, UInt32 type, OSDictionary *properties, IOUserClient **handler);
343 /*!
344 * @function createUserClient
345 * @abstract Creates a new IOAudioControlUserClient instance.
346 * @discussion This function is called by newUserClient() to create a new IOAudioControlUserClient instance. This function may be overridden by subclasses that need to add functionality
347 * to the IOAudioControlUserClient. In that case, they must subclass IOAudioControlUserClient
348 * and return a new, initialized instance of that subclass.
349 * A derived class that requires overriding of createUserClient should override the version with the properties
350 * parameter for Intel targets, and without the properties parameter for PPC targets. The #if __i386__ directive
351 * can be used to select between the two behaviors.
352 * @param task The task requesting the new user client.
353 * @param securityID Optional security paramater passed in by the client - ignored.
354 * @param type Optional user client type passed in by the client.
355 * @param newUserClient The IOAudioControlUserClient * must be stored in this param on a successful
356 * completion.
357 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.
358 */
359 virtual IOReturn createUserClient(task_t task, void *securityID, UInt32 type, IOAudioControlUserClient **newUserClient);
361 /*!
362 * @function clientClosed
363 * @abstract Called automatically by the IOAudioControlUserClient when a user client closes its
364 * connection to the control.
365 * @param client The user client object that has disconnected.
366 */
367 virtual void clientClosed(IOAudioControlUserClient *client);
369 /*!
370 * @function setProperties
371 * @abstract Changes a property of this IOService.
372 * @discussion This is called when the user client changes a property of this
373 * IOAudioControl. In this case it is used to change the value. This function
374 * looks for that property and then calls setValue() through the IOCommandGate and
375 * setValueAction().
376 * @param properties An OSDictionary containing the properties to change.
377 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.
378 */
379 virtual IOReturn setProperties(OSObject *properties);
381 virtual void setValueChangeHandler(IntValueChangeHandler intValueChangeHandler, OSObject *target);
382 virtual void setValueChangeHandler(DataValueChangeHandler dataValueChangeHandler, OSObject *target);
383 virtual void setValueChangeHandler(ObjectValueChangeHandler objectValueChangeHandler, OSObject *target);
385 virtual void setValueChangeTarget(OSObject *target);
387 /*!
388 * @function flushValue
389 * @abstract Forces the control to be flushed out to the hardware.
390 * @discussion This function calls performValueChange() directly with the current value of the IOAudioControl.
391 * @result Returns the result of performValueChange() - kIOReturnSuccess on success.
392 */
393 virtual IOReturn flushValue();
395 /*!
396 * @function setValueAction
397 * @abstract IOCommandGate Action which calls setValue() while holding the IOCommandGate.
398 * @discussion This is needed to allow setValue() to be called on the IOWorkLoop.
399 * @param owner The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioControl in this case).
400 * @param arg1 The new value for the IOAudioControl.
401 * @result Returns the result of setValue() - kIOReturnSuccess on success.
402 */
403 static IOReturn setValueAction(OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);
405static IOReturn _setValueAction(OSObject *target, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);// <rdar://7529580>
407 /*!
408 * @function setValue
409 * @abstract Sets the value for this control.
410 * @discussion When the control's value is changed, a call is made to performValueChange(). If that call
411 * succeeds, the value is set and sendValueChangeNotification() is called to send a notification to the
412 * user clients. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop.
413 * @param newValue The new value for this control.
414 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess if the value is successfully set.
415 */
416 virtual IOReturn setValue(OSObject *newValue);
418 virtual IOReturn setValue(SInt32 intValue);
420 /*!
421 * @function hardwareValueChanged
422 * @abstract Updates the value for this control and sends out the value changed notification.
423 * @discussion This is designed to be called by the driver when it detects that the hardware's value has
424 * changed without driver intervention (e.g. when an external event causes the change). The difference between
425 * hardwareValueChanged() and setValue() is that hardwareValueChanged() doesn't call performValueChange() which
426 * sends a message back to the driver to cause it to change the hardware with the new value. This function must
427 * be called on the IOWorkLoop.
428 * @param newValue The new value for this control.
429 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess if the value is successfully updated.
430 */
431 virtual IOReturn hardwareValueChanged(OSObject *newValue);
433 /*!
434 * @function getValue
435 * @abstract Returns the current value of the control.
436 */
437 virtual OSObject *getValue();
438 virtual SInt32 getIntValue();
439 virtual const void *getDataBytes();
440 virtual UInt32 getDataLength();
442 /*!
443 * @function getControlID
444 * @abstract Returns the control ID for the control.
445 */
446 virtual UInt32 getControlID();
448 /*!
449 * @function getChannelID
450 * @abstract Returns the channel ID for the control.
451 */
452 virtual UInt32 getChannelID();
454 virtual UInt32 getType();
455 virtual UInt32 getSubType();
456 virtual UInt32 getUsage();
458 virtual void setCoreAudioPropertyID(UInt32 propertyID);
460void setWorkLoop(IOWorkLoop *wl);
463 /*!
464 * @function sendValueChangeNotification
465 * @abstract Called when the value has changed for the control.
466 * @discussion This function sends out the value change notification to the user clients.
467 */
468 virtual void sendValueChangeNotification();
470 /*!
471 * @function setChannelName
472 * @abstract Called at init time to set the channel name for this IOAudioControl.
473 */
474 virtual void setChannelName(const char *channelName);
476 /*!
477 * @function setChannelID
478 * @abstract Called at init time to set the channel ID for this IOAudioControl.
479 */
480 virtual void setChannelID(UInt32 newChannelID);
481 virtual void setChannelNumber(SInt32 channelNumber);
483 /*!
484 * @function setSubType
485 * @abstract Called at init time to set the control subType.
486 */
487 virtual void setType(UInt32 type);
489 /*!
490 * @function setType
491 * @abstract Called at init time to set the control type.
492 */
493 virtual void setSubType(UInt32 subType);
495 /*!
496 * @function setUsage
497 * @abstract Called at init time to set the control usage.
498 */
499 virtual void setUsage(UInt32 usage);
501 /*!
502 * @function setControlID
503 * @abstract Sets the controlID for this control.
504 * @discussion The control ID is an optional attribute that can be used to track IOAudioControls. A typical
505 * use is for the IOAudioDevice to assign a unique controlID to each control that it creates and then
506 * do a switch statement on the id of the control when it gets an audioControlValueChanged() notification.
507 * Typically the control ID is set when the object is created and doesn't need to be called again.
508 * @param cntrlID The control ID for the control.
509 */
510 virtual void setControlID(UInt32 cntrlID);
512 /*!
513 * @function validateValue
514 * @abstract Called by setValue() to verify that the value is valid.
515 * @param newValue The new value to be verified.
516 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess if the value is valid.
517 */
518 virtual IOReturn validateValue(OSObject *newValue);
520 /*!
521 * @function updateValue
522 * @abstract Called by setValue() in order to update the value and the registry.
523 * @discussion It also calls
524 * sendValueChangedNotification() to send notifications to the user clients.
525 * @param newValue The new value to b updated.
526 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess if the value is successfully updated.
527 */
528 virtual IOReturn updateValue(OSObject *newValue);
530 virtual IOReturn _setValue(OSObject *newValue);
532 /*!
533 * @function performValueChange
534 * @abstract Called by setValue() to make the call to the valueChangeHandler
535 * to update the hardware.
536 * @result Returns the result of the handler call (or kIOReturnError on an error).
537 */
538 virtual IOReturn performValueChange(OSObject *newValue);
540 /*!
541 * @function addUserClientAction
542 * @abstract IOCommandGate Action which calls addUserClient() while holding the IOCommandGate.
543 * @discussion This is needed to allow addUserClient() to be called on the IOWorkLoop.
544 * @param owner The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioControl in this case).
545 * @param arg1 The IOAudioControlUserClient to be added.
546 * @result Returns the result of addUserClient() - kIOReturnSuccess on success.
547 */
548 static IOReturn addUserClientAction(OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);
550static IOReturn _addUserClientAction(OSObject *target, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);// <rdar://7529580>
552 /*!
553 * @function removeUserClientAction
554 * @abstract IOCommandGate Action which calls removeUserClient() while holding the IOCommandGate.
555 * @discussion This is needed to allow removeUserClient() to be called on the IOWorkLoop.
556 * @param owner The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioControl in this case).
557 * @param arg1 The IOAudioControlUserClient to be removed.
558 * @result Returns the result of removeUserClient() - kIOReturnSuccess on success.
559 */
560 static IOReturn removeUserClientAction(OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);
562static IOReturn _removeUserClientAction(OSObject *target, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);// <rdar://7529580>
564 /*!
565 * @function detachUserClientsAction
566 */
567 static IOReturn detachUserClientsAction(OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);
569 /*!
570 * @function addUserClient
571 * @abstract Called on the IOWorkLoop to add a new IOAudioControlUserClient.
572 * @discussion There is no need to call this directly. It is called on the workLoop
573 * by newUserClient() through addUserClientAction().
574 * @param newUserClient The IOAudioControlUserClientto be added.
575 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.
576 */
577 virtual IOReturn addUserClient(IOAudioControlUserClient *newUserClient);
579 /*!
580 * @function removeUserClient
581 * @abstract Called on the IOWorkLoop to remove an IOAudioControlUserClient.
582 * @discussion This is called on the IOWorkLoop by clientClosed() through
583 * removeUserClientAction() when the user client is going away. It should
584 * not be called directly.
585 * @param userClient The IOAudioControlUserClient to be removed.
586 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.
587 */
588 virtual IOReturn removeUserClient(IOAudioControlUserClient *userClient);
590 virtual IOReturn detachUserClients();

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