
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


Source at commit 335 created 13 years 9 months ago.
By azimutz, Ok, this were the fun stops :) - two keys to do the same thing, two keys to remember... thought it was a good idea to merge the best of the two, the educational side of arch=i386 + the practical one of -x32. And while i'm at it, why not make it even more practical!? Typing just 32 to get i386 arch. - -legacy kernel flag was not being passed on 10.6.x; the reason why is on the kernel code, Legacy mode is only available when i386 arch is specified (makes sense). So, while testing Meklort's kernel patcher, i felt the need to add the key. -legacy flag, sets i386 arch on the booter side & Legacy mode on the kernel side. - and how do we override the last two if they are flagged on Boot.plist? Typing just 64 to get x86_64 arch. - changed the code so x86_64 arch becomes default, seems more natural. And also added these flags to BootHelp.txt
1Credit goes to:
6 Crazor
7 Dense
8 fassl
9 iNDi
10 JrCs
11 Kabyl
12 kaitek
13 mackerintel
14 mercurysquad
15 munky
16 rekursor
17 Turbo
18 zef
20Thanks to:
22 asereBLN
23 bumby
24 cosmo1t
25 dfe
26 Galaxy
27 kalyway
28 Krazubu
29 MasterChief
30 netkas
31 sckevyn
32 smith@@
33 THeKiNG
34 XyZ

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Revision: 335