
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


Source at commit 406 created 13 years 10 months ago.
By azimutz, Consolidating this position: while testing the new theme and boot-log function, i realized that when it comes to verbose boot, using the -v flag on Boot.plist (or typed at boot prompt) and using the Menu (Boot Verbose), doesn't produce the exact same output; using the Menu displays all the messages, while typing -v causes some of the first messages to disappear. So, moving this to an early stage isn't anymore a question of what is printed to screen or not! Tests also showed another diff: when using -v flag typed, the Boot Banner is cleared and messages start to print right away, while using Boot Verbose on the Menu, keeps the Banner, prints the first 2 or 3 messages right below it and the rest are only printed, when this code runs and does it's thing. Moving the code to this position fixes this glitch.
1/* File added by David F. Elliott <> on 2007/06/27 */
2#include "multiboot.h"
5The following DWORD tells the loader what features we require of it.
6bit 0 set: Align modules on 4KB. We have no modules, we may not need this.
7bit 1 set: Provide info about memory. We probably don't need this either
8bit 2 : We might want this. If so we need to tell the loader to stick
9 us in text mode. We currently assume that the loader will put
10 us in text mode if we lack this because that is what GRUB does.
11bit 16 set: This is not ELF, use the multiboot_header fields.
12 We definitely need this flag.
14/* #define MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS 0x00010003 */
19#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
20/* Put any desired prototypes or other C stuff here. */

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Revision: 406