
Chameleon Svn Source Tree


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Source at commit 856 created 12 years 11 months ago.
By macman, Additional clean up
tree branches 12 years 11 months 856 macman: Additional clean up
tree tags 14 years 3 months 1 zef: Created base layout and initial import to trunk using r687.
tree trunk 12 years 11 months 837 azimutz: r834 should read: Update SVN ignore properties: - ignore "build" folders (added to trunk folder). - ignore XCode specific user files, *.mode1v3, *.pbxuser, project.xcworkspace & xcuserdata (added to Chameleon.xcodeproj). and r835: - how did this /trunk/i386/obj landed on my working folder?? removing ignore for this (from i386 folder).

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