Chameleon Applications

Issue 1: Italian Translation

Reported by scrax scrax, Jan 22, 2010

I've made a first translation of the Chameleon.xib in Italian.
I don't know how to make a build with English and Italian so here 
you are the file translated, if it could be used that would be useful

Comment 1 by scrax scrax, Jan 22, 2010

I've managed how to put it in the xcode project and I've corrected 
some parts, resolved all the warnings about checkboxes scaling.
I've now a full working Italian-English version of the actual v2
Attached here the new file

Comment 2 by scrax scrax, Jan 23, 2010

Here there is the files I've modded after the recent change at the 

Comment 3 by scrax scrax, Jan 31, 2010

i've made another translation of the current version from DieBluche.
I've changed the info.plist to use only the Chameleon.icons
and addet the Italian localizations string.
Also made th Italian.lproj folder and the resultinf xcode project 
file. All attached here.All made after commit 86 by DieBuche

There is a problem the menu on the sidebar is not translated but i 
can find my translation in the xib.

Comment 4 by DieBuche, Jan 31, 2010

ty, Added to branch. Please have a look at Localizable.strings in 
the it_IT folder

Comment 5 by DieBuche, Jan 31, 2010

Labels: Type:Improvement Type:Defect

Comment 6 by scrax scrax, Feb 1, 2010

I've translated also Localizable.strings and so now the Italian 
localization is complete i think, for now.

Comment 7 by scrax scrax, Feb 1, 2010

I've tried to compile it but i can't get the localizations to work 
aither the italian or the German one. 
I realized that the xib wasn't translated and so i did it, but it 
already not work in italian. I've addet the localization in xcode to 
chameleon.xib and Localizable.strings but still nothing.
It's all done after the 96 commit.

Note: info.plist still use "Chameleon.tiff" instead of 
"Chameleon.icns" for the "Preference Pane icon 
file" key

I attach here my it_IT.lproj folder.

Comment 8 by scrax scrax, Feb 2, 2010

Localization working good in RC3, issue closed?

Comment 9 by Rekursor, Feb 3, 2010

Scrax go to the Italian.lproj folder and edit the Chameleon.strings 
italian file as in RC4.
Then run from the root dir: ./xibupdateall
This is the way I recommend to edit the xib (only the strings file)
When new features appear I take care of generate an updated 
Chameleon.strings file.
One side note is: please never edit the xib directly, the process is 
as follow:
we update the strings in Chameleon.strings for any language and then 
we run xibupdateall to copy the english xib and reinject all strings 
files for each language.
Status: Accepted

Comment 10 by scrax scrax, Feb 3, 2010

Ok, this is a more secure localizzation method. I need to correct 
some value because they are clipping out the box in RC3.

Comment 11 by scrax scrax, Feb 4, 2010

I've made the corrections to the chameleon.strings now it's good.

Comment 12 by DieBuche, Feb 4, 2010

Updated trunk with latest strings. thx scrax.

Comment 13 by DieBuche, Feb 14, 2010

Closing for now
Status: Fixed

Created: 14 years 5 months ago by scrax scrax

Updated: 14 years 5 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 2 persons
