Chameleon Applications

Issue 13: blacklist and SMBIOSdefaults corrected

Reported by Azimutz, Feb 14, 2010

Hi guys. Managed to fix two issues:
- blacklist was using "OptionYesNo". This is a kernel 
flag, changed it to "OptionUnix....blacklist=0".
- SMBIOSdefaults was defaulting to "Yes" instead of 

I'm using rev 110 from the trunk and it's looking very good, at 
least i'm able to build my boot.plist. The rest seems working fine 
as far as i tested. Will post if i find anything else :)
Attached file with corrections.

Comment 1 by DieBuche, Feb 14, 2010

fixed in next rev; ty

Comment 2 by DieBuche, Feb 14, 2010

Status: Fixed

Comment 3 by Azimutz, Feb 14, 2010

Thanks DieBuche.
Also check "debug", needs to be changed to 

Comment 4 by Azimutz, Feb 14, 2010

Just this one more..
UseAtiROM & UseNvidiaROM need editing.. check attachement.

Sorry to post on the closed issue but, you were fast on feedback and 
i was still checking all options :) closed for me.

Created: 14 years 5 months ago by Azimutz

Updated: 14 years 5 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 1 person
