Chameleon Applications

Chameleon Applications Svn Source Tree


1This folder is a project that I have been working on for myself to help learn shell scripting and to understand the original Chameleon package installer scripts which I found quite difficult at first to follow. But after breaking each script down and looking at each stage I have managed to gain an understanding on the whole process.
3As a result, I have started from scratch using Apple's PackageMaker, which again is a something new for me, with the aim of building a Chameleon installer using most of the original Chameleon script, albeit chopped in to separate scripts with comments, notes and debug echo's to aid my own style.
5The package builds from PackageMaker and it's been tested but only lightly and needs thorough testing as some stage. Therefore, I don't recommend this is used on a public scale in it's present state.
7There are numerous tweaks, additions and changes still needed that I know of and I will look addressing them in time.
9Credits go to the creators of the original Chameleon installer scripts.

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