Chameleon Applications

Chameleon Applications Svn Source Tree


1This folder is a project that I have been working on for myself to help learn shell scripting and to understand the original Chameleon package installer scripts which I found quite difficult at first to follow. But after breaking each script down and looking at each stage I have managed to gain an understanding on the whole process.
3As a result, I have started from scratch using Apple's PackageMaker, which again is a something new for me, with the aim of building a Chameleon installer using most of the original Chameleon script, albeit chopped in to separate scripts with comments, notes and debug echo's to aid my own style.
5The package builds from PackageMaker and it's been tested with various setups at my end which proved successful.
7Testing History:
8I released build version numbers 2.1 in to the wild for further testing as I couldn't possibly try out every possible disk setup. For ref, it was posted in iFabio's topic at InsanelyMac
11This however, ended in one user reporting the loss of data from using it, at which point I pulled that and made changes to quote all strings for the disk names to help cope with spaces. This became v2.1.1 which I then released.
13I then went on to make further changes in response to feedback which resulted in adding the option for the user to choose hiding the stage 2 boot file in the Finder and added code for an existing /Extra folder to be copied to /ExtraBackup before removing it. This became v2.1.2 and again was released.
15Unfortunately, another user reported data loss at which point I remove all download links and have not released any further builds.
17As a result, I consider there to be a bug which I think must lie with the rm commands in the script which is causing this problem, though I haven't been able to reproduce it myself. Therefore, I don't recommend this is ever released again until that bug is fixed!!!
19Credits go to the creators of the original Chameleon installer scripts.

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