
Issue 313: Adding ATI Radeon HD 4870 IDs to chameleon

Reported by makom leroy, Jan 8, 2013


I´v Downloaded the stable Version of chameleon 2069 and try to boot 
with the option GraphicsEnabler=Yes, but unfortunaly I stock on a 
Black scrabbled screen.

The stable Version 684 works fine with GE=Yes.
I also take a look at the ati.c, to see if my Card IDs are added to 
the file. I think they are. My Card Sapphire Radeon HD4870 1GB dual 
Vendor ID=1002
Device ID=9440

Thanks for the Help

Comment 1 by makom leroy, Jan 8, 2013

Subsystem ID 0851 
Subsystem Vendor ID 174B

Comment 2 by Cosmosis Jones, Jan 11, 2013

i'll check ati.c but you might just need to set the AtiConfig

Comment 3 by Cosmosis Jones, Jan 11, 2013

{ 0x9440,       0x0851174B, CHIP_FAMILY_RV770,          "ATI 
Radeon HD 4870",                   kMotmot         },

boot w/ 684 and in ioreg see what ATY,xxx

(like ATY,Vervet@0)

then set that value (Vervet in my case) in AtiConfig
Status: AwaitingInformation

Comment 4 by makom leroy, Jan 12, 2013

here the result

Comment 5 by Cosmosis Jones, Jan 12, 2013

well it is defaulted to motmot.. so i dont' know.
I guess you're best bet would be to dump the ioreg from 684, boot 
the new one, and then ssh into your box and dump the ioreg..

otherwise possibly diffing 684 to current rev on ati.c might help..

Comment 6 by makom leroy, Jan 12, 2013

thanks for the fast reply
 I will give a try

Comment 7 by makom leroy, Jan 12, 2013

here is the diffing result

Comment 8 by makom leroy, Jan 12, 2013

diff in the right oder

Comment 9 by Cosmosis Jones, Jan 14, 2013

umm it'd probably be a lot easier if you just go an ioreg from both 

Also what about a bdmesg from both.
can you boot into -s ?

if you can boot -s then dump ioreg from 694 in -s and trunk.
that'd be much more helpful

Comment 10 by Evan Lojewski, Feb 1, 2013

Please confirm that this bug is still an issue, there was an issue 
with the boot screen that has been fixed.

Comment 11 by makom leroy, Feb 4, 2013

sorry for the late reply I wasn´t able to dump the ioreg had no time
I will check it asap

Comment 12 by makom leroy, Feb 5, 2013

I don´t know what I have done but it worked now
Compile the source like always

make clean

without edit the ati.c file 

GE=yes and Chameleon r2069 boot´s

don´t get it???

Comment 13 by Mel Mozinski, Oct 26, 2014

I guess this can be closed

Created: 11 years 6 months ago by makom leroy

Updated: 9 years 9 months ago

Status: AwaitingInformation

Followed by: 3 persons
