
Issue 316: False ROM signature (0x4e56) - trying to UseNvidiaRom=Yes (MSI GTX680m 4GB)

Reported by tria gian, Jan 19, 2013

Hi all.

I own an MSI GT60 Laptop w/ [Optimus Nvidia GTX 680m 4GB GDDR5].

I have installed 10.8.2 and boot w/ Chameleon r2165.

A) When I try to UseNvidiaROM=Yes and VBIOS=Yes I get:
"False ROM signature (0x4e56) - Unable to patch..."

B) GraphicsEnabler correctly identifies the device:
"MSI GTX 680M -xxxxxxxxxxMB - [10de:11a0]-[1462:10bc]"

but VRAM size, as shown above, is not correctly identified. It 
should be 4096MB.


Comment 1 by Evan Lojewski, Feb 1, 2013

Please verify this issue with latest chameleon code.
Status: AwaitingInformation

Comment 2 by Tim P, Jun 12, 2013

   I have Dell M6700 with Quadro K3000m and have the same problems.

A) Try opening the ROM file with a hex editor, like hexfiend, and 
see if the first two bytes of the file are 0x55 and 0xAA.   I found 
the ROM dumps I made from my K3000m had a lot of stuff before and 
after what Chameleon considers the ROM. Even so, my machine always 
crashes in Chameleon if I give use UseNvidiaROM=Yes.

B) I can confirm that the VRAM size detection also doesn't work with 
a Kepler based Quadro K3000m.


PS.  This is with Chameleon r2238 (trunk)

Created: 11 years 5 months ago by tria gian

Updated: 11 years 1 month ago

Status: AwaitingInformation

Followed by: 2 persons
